Pension credit
I've been told if ur disabled you can apply for pension credit but I'm 38 isn't this benefit for just pensioners or is it true we can apply
Energy Bills
Hi please delete if not allowed. My partner is on Universal Credits. She gets
Energy Bills
Hi please delete if not allowed. My partner is on Universal Credits.
Energy Bills
Hi please delete if not allowed. My partner is on
Energy Bills
Hi please delete if not allowed. My pae
Energy Bills
Hi please delete if not
Fuel Poverty
If anyone is having problems with an Energy Supplier, you might get some ideas from https://aftercancers.com/bg/ in which I describe how I have my day in front of MPs, telling them about my problems with British Gas. I am now in a diaglogue with one of the people I met, who is being incredibly supportivre"
Switching Suppliers - Government Support?
Hi everyone after been messed around constantly with British Gas we have decided to change to Octopus Energy which takes affect tomorrow(9th) but I wanted to ask will we still get the £66-67 monthly government payment? I had the last payment from British Gas on the 17th of November so no idea how it will work this time as…
No Second COL Payment - ESA
Hi all, I'm still on legacy income-based ESA but haven't received the second COL payment. Had another look on the .Gov site this weekend and it states that 'most people' in that category should have received it by Nov 23rd. Just wondered if anyone else on legacy ESA was still wating for it? I did receive the first one and…
Late CoL payment - when?
Hello. Does anyone have any experience of how long it took to get CoL payment (£150 for PIP) after submitting form on gov. website due to not receiving it, even though eligible? I know it's a waiting game, but thought I'd ask. Ta.
Pensioner Winter fuel payment
Not had any letter re Pensioner Winter fuel payment new to this my first time. Also nothing on the Warm Discount I get of £140. In receipt of state pension and both Pip now, was previously on Income related ESA, legacy type, previously, SDA.
Whats your view on Smart Meters?
I am having a smart meter fitted next month after a year of debating it as I heard alot of horror stories with them. My energy bill went from £53 to £132 a month this month and I only live in a single 1 bedroom flat but granted I do have my computer on all day as I do everything on it. I want to see what i'm spending and…
PIP payments
I had lung cancer , classed as dissabled due to the cancer . Had half of my lung removed , this makes me more vulnerable to flu, pneumonia, chest infections etc . I work and live only on my wages . No help financially ,I don't get extra help with heating costs , so am not using the heating . However someone classed as…
What happens if I don't pay gas and electric bills?
It's my biggest expense and at the stage I can't afford food. What would happen if I didn't pay it? Will they cut it off? Will they cut both off or just one?
Energy payments prepayment meter
Hi has anyone recieved there top up energy of 66 pounds?.im with ovo/boost and nothing yet.feeling anxious as getting really low on my electric now .cant contact them theve shut there webchat down due too being so busy !
Need advice please
OK so recently I've been made to stop working (hopefully temporarily but won't know until the hospital do their tests and whatnot) anyway.. currently only getting £343 a month in ssp. My partner that I live with is working full time and earns a decent wage (for maybe one person) so we applied to UC and PIP. We had our…
Forum member anyone help pls..
Sir i don’t have 1 leg..i was accident 7 year ago..but now i don’t have any work..my family are very poor..now my family suction very bed..can you any help pls?? I am from Bangladesh.
Where do I stand. Homelessness, eviction, and C O L benefits
Right government are giving people on various benefits C O L but how does that affect people whom have been made homeless or evicted from a property
Hi. Teddy, How are you today. The vet has removed 2 lumps from Sooty’s mouth and send things away to be check out s Sooty Iseating and coming to me etc I just hope it is not bad news please keep your fingers crossed for me back to the vet next week. She is about 9 years. old take care. Teddy
Cheap or free ways to stay occupied
I, and I am sure there are others, are looking for suggestions for hobbies or just activities to do to stay occupied that either don't cost money or cost very little... I have asked this question before but I thought it would be a good topic for this new section of the forum. Any ideas are welcome whether they are new…