Health problems
Hi everyone I hope everyone is ok I just wish that I can go out with pain for 1 day
What's your #1 biggest challenge related to pain management ?
This question is for to create better solutions for pain management. Please contribute
Why you should keep a medical log-- with free printable and spreadsheet!
There have been many times in the past when keeping track of all my contact with my different doctors for my different mental and physical disabilities would have saved my ass, so I put together a printable tracking log and a spreadsheet you can customize to your particular needs and medical conditions. I live in the US,…
Not offered my knee replacement
Morning all This morning I’m feeling very low because I was refused my chance of a knee replacement because my BMI was not at the right level for my height, I’m in a lot of pain with both knees , Hip’s hurt plus back all the time ! Pain killers don’t work and doctors seem to not know what to give me next 😔 told I need to…
Hello everyone I just joined I have crps but have been in remission for many years but all my symptoms have returned I seeing a specialist soon
Hi, my name is Mitou! Peripheral Neuropathy
I had chemo in 2015 ( R-CHOP) for high-grade Lymphoma and developed PN in my feet. I still have this debilitating pain. Some days are not too bad when I am up and about. I can walk but unless I wear my very special trainers( Joya) that are very supportive and 'bouncy', I get sore and get very hot on the soles of my feet.…
Are there any new treatments available in the uk as I don’t know what been happening I am in serious pain right now
Potential pain relief for Fibromyalgia sufferers
I just stumbled on a miraculous discovery. Today, I plugged in a remedy diffuser to desperately try and help my cat who is losing weight too quickly in the hope that it may be due to stress, only to discover that my fybro pains have eased significantly! I don’t know if it would help anyone else but going from feeling like…
Hi, my name is staypositive! Spinal Stenosis
Hi, after 5 montbs of agony, i eventuly got an MRI scanwhich confirmed i had spinal stenosis. The worst bit about my experience was being told it was muscular and not having any pain relief as i have trouble with my stomache and could not take anti inflammatorys. I took soluable paracetomal which helped pretty much…
Spinal Cord stimulation Success - Pain reduced by 65 to 85%
I am a 4-time cancer patient and have gone through chemo 3-times, radiation 2- times, and multiple surgeries. My last chemo was horrendous. I lost over 100 pounds, and my hair has not grown back in fully at 4-years past chemo. I entered this most recent chemo with mild diabetic neuropathy and left with very painful…
Spinal cord stimulator and pain making me unable to go out
Hi I had a spinalcordstimulator fitted in June 22. At first it worked for about two weeks then the pain relief suddenly stopped I have bee programed twice with no effect . Now my pain is 50 % more that before the implant . I am unable to go out because of the pain . Has anyone had the same experience as me .
Back pain
I care for a woman called tanya she has various disabilities personality disorder that makes her very verbally aggressive. they havent been able to pinpoint what is actually wrong with her back after a scan and various tests. but her vertebrae crack when she attempts to move or stand up. She hasn't got any confidence in…
Hello everyone I would like to thank all for welcoming me and I would like to ask you all for your crps journey
Pain radio frequency denervation
Hi can any body on here please tell me if there had the procedure of radio frequency denervation in lower back following a lumbar medical branch block test
Fibro' and the eyes ...
1.30am ... I'm sat here in just my boxers, because right now I can't bear any clothing touching me, my whole body feeling like a boiled kettle is being poured over me I can live with that, it's almost second nature - what I can't bear, and curious to know if any other sufferers ever experience it ... 'eye pain'. Like…
Hello has anyone tried nortripline for nerve pain wanted to know if its effective and if its a good painkiller, thanks
My Teenager is Suffering - Can anyone help?
My 14 year old daughter has mild right sided hemiplegia but for the past six months has been suffering chronic pain in the joint of her right ankle and we cannot get control of this. Its affecting everything her school attendance, concentration, mental health. We have support from physio's but we have done everything we…
Hi, I'm lellyann! Have chronic pain and pain clinic input not helped.
I am trying to sort out my pain and failure with the pain clinic. Is it just me?
Welcome to our new group on dealing with chronic pain
Chronic pain is generally defined as pain that lasts for more than a couple of months. It can be highly disruptive to your life and happiness, and can be caused by a variety of reasons. For whatever reason you suffer from chronic pain, this discussion group is a place to share your experiences and tips, and to ask advice…
GP not happy about my meds
Hiya, So I’m on Oxycodone and BunsTrans patch, im in severe pain constantly and currently waiting for a procedure. My GP surgery doesn’t want to issue any more, the pharmacist said she doesn’t believe it’s helping and that she’s recommending that GP’s don’t prescribe anymore. I’m sorry but I don’t think a pharmacist is at…