Pip review
I had my phone call review on the 19th December and got my last payment on the 30th. Today I got the text ‘we’ve made our decision and you’ll receive a letter in 2 weeks’ I’ve had nothing but sleepless nights and anxiety since the 19th and I’ve tried to ring today to get them to tell me the outcome but they won’t. when I…
How Many PIP Review Forms Are There In Existence Today? Too Much Confusion!
There are stories doing the rounds that PIP review form AR2 has been ditched by DWP, and that all up for PIP review will now receive a 25 page AR1 review form to complete. This despite many having received an ongoing award and might now be past pension age. Like me! I understood that in my case, I would be subject to a…
Called by DWP before my appeal date
Hi everyone. I’ve been reading through this site for the last few months but haven’t posted yet. I thought it might be good to share my experience of my pip appeal journey. So, I had DLA originally and now on PIP for a couple of years or so - whenever it all changed over. Probably 12 years total award. I have always had…
How long did it take for you to receive PIP MR decision?
Those who applied for PIP and had to go through a MR, how long did it take for your decision?
support to mix with others.
Hi to all,just a query.I won my pip tribunal on mobility,the tribunal agreed I have mental health problems taking journeys,and summed up that I need social help to mix with others, There is a local support group that can help me do this,but can only give me 4 sessions in taking me to a interest i enjoy and stay with me…
Random extra PIP payment
Hello I was awarded enhanced PIP for both rates in October. My usual payment went in my account yesterday morning, and today I've had an extra payment of £276, it just says 'DWP PIP' next to it. Am I correct in thinking there should be no extra payments received? Thank you
Historic Money owed.
Hi everyone. In 2007 I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. I claimed esa and dla. In 2010 I got a letter from dwp stating I was owed £6000 for something called a disability premium because I claimed the higher rate of esa and dla. I was unwell that when the letter came, the paranoid part of my illness led me to…
Hi, my name is suemo! I need a copy of my PIP letter.
I already have pip but I need my scores to renew my blue badge...is there anywhere I can get them from
Hi, my name is anita000! Pip have sent a payment enquiry form, does this mean I've been accepted?
I finished my pip assessment they told me to send them my id and I did that was approximately 7 weeks ago now they’ve just sent me a payment enquiry form but I haven’t recieved a decision letter yet does anyone know if this means I’ve been accepted or is this just another step. P.s I haven’t recieved my id back either
my pip runs out in July I sent the forms back in November how long are they taking on decisions
Hi, my name is Daniel Brown! When the DLA changed to PIP, my claim stopped.
When the DLA changed to PIP, my claim stopped. After many years it restarted. Will I be able to be backdated all the years that I missed out on.
Pip tribunal
Hi everyone, I have my pip tribunal on Monday after being scored 0 on assessment and MR, I have lots of evidence from different teams and GP but I'm absolutely terrified. I just feel like after 20 years of not being listened to or taken seriously this could either be retribution or the straw that breaks the camels back.…
PIP MR sent back to capita advice please
Hi I’m looking some advice please. I applied for pip back in July. I have severe anxiety, depression and a slow growing brain meningioma between two blood vessels in My brain which make it inoperable. I completed my capita phone assessment but then unexpectedly received a second phone call clarifying some information I had…
Back payments and savings
Hi, my pip claim was reviewed and increased in 2024 resulting in a back payment. After a reconsideration, it was increased again a few weeks ago resulting in a second payment. Together the two add to more than 5000. Am I correct that this needs to be spent within one year to abide by Universal Credit rules? And if it is…
New pip law 2016
has anyone had a letter recently, to be told you maybe effected by the new law change, now they don’t think you are affected. So I’ve asked for a reconsideration.
PIP letters
good morning all, My name is Em and I have a question that may seem self explanatory but I get terrible anxiety when it comes to it and I super fixate on finding an answer until I do; so here’s my question why exactly does it take the DWP up to 2 weeks to send a letter regarding a decision? What functional processes do…
Pip new law
Hi I'm wondering if someone could help me I've recieved standard rate daily care for 6years now for depression and anxiety. I never got any points for following a journey or face to face but I always need help off family I did state all this but never got any points but never took it any further as I was scared they would…
Pip payment
Just a quick one... does pip show up within uc or is it just a payment into your account? I haven't been awarded anything just wondering what they do. Hope you have all managed to stay warm in the cold UK weather we're having.
Dla to pip
Hi, I've been on esa cb and dla long term now due to severe ill health. I have yet to be transferred over to pip and I am absolutely dreading it. With the incoming tighter restrictions from labour which I'm assuming will make it more difficult to claim pip, will this make it harder for indefinite dla to pip people to…
PIP stopped after review
Pip stopped after review Hello I wonder if anybody had a similar situation, I had my pip review on 19/12/2024 and received the text on 07/01 to say the review was complete. I rang the pip helpline for the decision on 08/01 and an advisor said it had been stopped. I received a letter from DWP this morning requesting further…