I was booked for a telephone appointment with PIPs now i just received a message saying "A health professional is looking at my PIP claim, not sure if its because I sent in additional info after they received my PIP form. Can anymore give me advice about this.
My son had a lifetime award of DLA taken away.
My son was given a lifetime award of DLA at 16 bc it was clear then he wd have difficulty getting or maintaining a job. He is 32 now and bc we are lucky enough to be able to afford it, he now lives independently in a flat. His DLA was taken away and when I said to someone at the benefits office that he had a lifetime…
PIP Tribunal won
95 weeks have passed since start till win, waiting for the back pay now week 98. Do i get the £150 pip award when the gov give it out.
changed to telephone tribunral
Hi we have finally changed my pip tribunal to telephone instead of paper, its causing me loads of stress but I know its for the best . What will happen now please? A special thanks to poppy for her advice
Hi, my name is Gordnig! Has anyone had a lettter come out after get a text?
I had my assement 2.5 weeks ago had a text message yesterday that still not made a decision.When I called update meds told letter coming out. Ment to be at least 8 weeks. Has anyone had a lettter come out after get a text. I am quite stressed about this as had pip before for same reasons, now have depression, sleep…
Inform uc?
Did I have to inform uc about the change of pip?
PIP Advice
I just wanted to share this with everyone. So a friend of mine had his award review and he was previously only on enhanced for daily living despite should of been on Enhanced for both parts , and he got his decision today and has been awarded enhanced for both. so anyone that feels like they should be on enhanced for both…
New pip claim. I'm worried the assessor was being nice to try and trick me
Hi all...First ever post so not sure how it works ,had my phone assessment on Friday 17th June and I know it can take weeks still for a decision,was quite pleased with the assessment at the time but now I keep thinking was she being nice to try and trick me??
Pip Award
Do you always get a text saying you’re awarded pip? I called them and my letter is on the way and a decision was made on 10/06/24. Never thought to ask on phone if I was awarded anything.
Hi, my name is shane1970! asssor making up lie’s
I’m having trouble with an asssor making up lie’s Saying my son is 3 I’m write with my right hand I’m left handed saying I’m on medication I haven’t been on for 2 years the list goes on not reading my new assessment forms at all and I have proof not reading my medical evidence from my doctors I’ve had 2 amputations on my…
Questions about PIP appeal
Hi, my name is justin. what’s the chance I get pip and what rate?
i have a hiatus hernia since 2021 it’s been at same size 5 cm I only sent my pip form off today what’s the chance I get pip and what rate it’s hard to sleep and don’t go out much as it’s like a mid heart attack comes and goes
PIP timeframe
Hi I applied for PIP due to have been in constant pain since 2014 and recently diagnosed with Fibromalgia, which put a lot of things that have happened in my life into perspective. I applied on 18th April, but sent my "more about your health" online on 30th April. I had a text from IAS stating they are responsible for my…
DLA for daughter sent letter to confirm if we plan to keep doing the paper work phone calls etc
we have been sent a letter to confirm if my wife will keep doing all the paper work and stuff for dla and eventually pip, has anyone any advice as to what to write as my daughter wouldn’t be able to do this she wouldn’t talk to anyone and wouldn’t be able to fill in any forms Thajknyou
PIP claim form - deadline extension refused
My mum phone the number on the form for me as I wanted to extend the deadline from 20 June to give me more time. I’ve had a difficult time go long over things and getting my answers typed out. It’s almost done, I think I will be finished tonight and have my answers printed off. The woman on the phone refused to give…
Hi, I received a letter from DWP saying my PIP is up for renewal and I have until the 16th July to complete the forms and send them back. I know the boxes aren’t that big so, can I just type it up on a computer and attach it with my written forms? as writing would be a struggle for me. Also, I don’t really want to write on…
I won my PIP tribunal, what happens now?
I was successful in my tribunal on 14.06.24 - this is backdated until the start of my claim in March 23. When can I expect a payment? Also, will cost of living payments for this period be included in this? Thanks in advance.
PIP to voucher proposal
Evening All Lee: Fareham, Hampshire. Hearing more and more recently about such proposals and I am utterly disgusted. Is there anywhere we are able to sign a petition in order to sumbit to DWP?
How long till a decision?
Hi, I have had my assessment by phone on 22 May, it's been 3 weeks and 4 days since my assessment and I am just wondering what is the wait time for the decision? I got my assessor report and I got 14 points on Daily Living and Mobility, and yes, I know the case manager can go against the report, but it's this waiting…
Awarded PIP
Awarded PIP. Applied online on March 7th, evaluation May 16th, today morning award message. Total 14 weeks. We will not call to find out what the award is, I can't take the stress of the phone anymore. I called 3 times for a copy of the report and it didn't arrive yet. Probably by Friday the last payment will be in the…