RSA Motability scheme
5 years ago I got a seven year ban from the scheme due to an accident injuring a woman who was badly injured receiving multi broken bones, BUT I WAS NOT INT THE VEHICLE WHEN THE INCIDENT OCCURRED the driver who was allowed to drive while I’m unwell to get some GPS prescribed medication for me he was RSA approved my so…
CP and Travel Insurance
Hi I have CP and am looking for travel insurance for a holiday later this year. I've looked at a couple of travel insurance companies including Virgin and went through their health information criteria for the quote which ended up say I don't need to declare a health condition. My question: is CP classed as a health…
Hi,I'm Glennc! Does below knee amputation qualify you for a blue badge?
Please could someone advise me if below knee amputation qualifies you for a blue badge?
Renew driving licence 70
Hi will be 70 in May😊. I have had an eating disorder for over 56yrs. Some bad yes some better of course suffering the consequence now. My Dr says I am ok to drive but my ED is one of the medical conditions on DVLA list. I read it as if the Doc says your are ok to drive you don't need to report. It is not very clear. Any…
MOTABILITY - New Vehicle Payment increasing to £750
https://news.motability.co.uk/scheme-news/new-vehicle-payment-introduced/ Didn't see this reported anywhere so thought I'd post it. Sorry if it's a duplicate. The £250 "New Vehicle Payment" for cars and WAVs is increasing to £750. Everyone gets this, if you've already had the "old" £250 New Vehicle Payment you'll be…
Learning to drive Northamptonshire
Hi I’m wondering if anyone knows anywhere - driving instructor or school that teaches people with CP to learn to drive…
Hi, I need a low rise wheelchair to ride a passenger in a minivan!
I'm trying to find what I KNOW exists (because I've seen it) I need a manual wheelchair that rides low enough to roll up ramps into a minivan WITH THE PASSENGER IN THE CHAIR! My seat level in the van is 12 inches from the floor to the seat bottom and all of the wheelchairs I've found are 19 inches (which makes the…
Hi, my name is Paidin! Has any one got any idea how you renew a driving licence ?
I have been try to renew my driving licence for 8 months I have tried Webchat , it just cuts off !! I have tried telephoing and cant through . I cant work without Licence so i am now on universal credit. Has any one got any idea how you renew a driving licence ?
Do I qualify for a Blue Badge?
Hi, I have standard rate mobility and standard rate daily living PIP. I scored 10 points in the moving around section. Does this automatically qualify me for a Blue Badge or do I need an assessment/additional evidence etc? I was awarded my PIP in 2020 and wasn’t aware until now that I may have been eligible for this and…
Hi, my name is Pt123! Not happy with my new car. Anybody else finding this?
Hi I am a mobility user and not happy my new car which was due for Delivery Aug 2022 is still on order with no date. Yet if I go in to Vauxhall and order the same Mokka it is a 2 to 3 month period for delivery . This seems very unfair, taking advantage of disabled people. Anybody else finding this??
I was fined. Have I any grounds to appeal?
I was left with a fined.. seems my wheel was touching yellow Line of disabled parking bay box... Have I any grounds to appeal.. Parked with BBadge outside hospitalFined by Parkingeye
Challenging Opportunities for Disabled People
I want to tell you about the Jubilee Sailing Trust and, in particular, about their wonderful sailing ship SV TENACIOUS which I saw tied up at one of the Canary Islands recently. I hope to be able to bring up all the information I want to bring to your attention below. Here goes: SV TENACIOUS is currently the only sea-going…
Motorbility deposit
Hi I am writing to see if anyone knows of any grants/help towards motorbility car deposit? I looked at nil deposit ones and they are just too small so therefore did not suit my needs. I have chosen one but the deposit is £1000 I ordered because I knew I could cover it (due March) over christmas I have had a bereavement…
Travel in plane with special needs child
Hi can anyone help me to guide how i can take my child to abroad he have special needs and he uses wheelchair he cant walk he is totally dependent on adult
Car Insurance Discrimination - Unable to Cancel Renewal Online
Hi all, Just wanted your opinions on this topic really. I'm unable to use telephones due to my conditions but not sure if this should be classed as discrimination, or whether it is just part of 'business' that I should accept? It's very easy and accessible to buy car insurance online. But when it comes to the renewal there…
Early good condition payment
Hello my partner has just got his new motability vehicle, today we recieved a cheque for £250 as a new user payment, we did not know anything about this payment but thought we may have been due the £350 early good condition one. , my question is, will my partner be entitled to the early good condition bonus as the car has…
Hi, my name is myrnap! Taxi trouble
hi you are right not to depend on Compcab since Addison Lee bought Compcab we don't any service 2 hours i waited and they never sent me a taxi. we all have talk to City Hall now send them an email about our problem with this service other wise we are going to be stuck in our home
Just had my PIP second claim return with zero points. I am feeling very disheartened
Hello everyone
Hi, my name is andersongb! Just about to change our car and we don't know how to change the tax over
Hi all hope someone can help us. We are just about to change our car and we don't know how to change the tax over to disabled on the new car.
Hi, my name is Bruce! This is about taxis for heavy electric wheelchairs.
My elderly sister is severely disabled with MS and we are about to move her from her own flat in East London to a residential care home in Whitstable, Kent. She uses an electric wheelchair which is too heavy for a standard accessible London taxi. Does anyone know of any good, reliable companies who could provide transport…