Work allowance on Univetsal Credit
do you have to go through the Work Capability Assessment before you get the Work Allowance on Universal Credits.
Hi, my name is michtray70! awarded uc carnt work can I get an advanced payment while waiting?
Iv just been awarded uc carnt work can I get an advanced payment while waiting
Hi, my name is Nic2024! can someone please explain how the LWRCA works please?
Hi can someone please explain how the LWRCA works please So I joined UC on the 26th Feb and posted my fit notes every month. I only had my assesment 2 weeks ago and have been told I have been accepted Am I owed any money or not it's so confusing how to work it out thanks
When will Lcwra payments be paid?
Hello I'm new here .I'm a mother of 2 children single . I get universal credit and enhanced rate care component of pip for daily living. I was off sick from work from from 24th Oct 2023 they sent a form out to a wrong address because me and my children were homeless in hotels . I received sick pay from work until April…
work assesment
hi evertone, we werej ust migrated onto uc from income support im on pip high rate for care and mobility,i got a uc50 form a couple of days after our first commitment call,ive sent it off,my doctor is on maternity leave so if they write to her they will get a locom who doesnt even know me,so i worried about that, I can…
Moving to uc two jobs? From esa
hi I’ve got job offer of another job atm I’m working 12.5 hrs this one is 10 hr as far as I’m aware I’m in supporting accommodation- and have all the premiums sever and enhanced- I’m on pip - I get 11.44 an hour 2.5 hrs but paid on 16 of every month so give or take 22 pay days Tuesday and thu off and mon - to Friday with…
Concerns about migrating to UC
This discussion was created from comments split from: UC managed migration guide.
My sister had a UC review a month ago and the lady who did her review told her that everything was fine except she should have reported on her journal that her capital had gone above £3000 which was the amount she had declared she had a year ago after she declared she had gone over £6,000 and had money deducted at the time…
Hi, my name is mazza223! could I get some Help on when my lcwra payment will be?
hi could I get some Help on when my lcwra payment will be? I handed in my first fit note August 16th 2024 it’s been accepted for that date, my assessment periods are 28/08/2024 - 27-09-2024 28/09/2024 - 27-10-2024 28-10-2024 - 28/11/2024 28/11/2024 - 28-12-2024 My payment date is 3rd of every month so as it’s been 14 weeks…
hi, I’m new to all this and would like some advice. Submitted my first sick note to UC from the hospital from 27th September - 27th October. (My condition actually began on the 4th September and I did have a sick note from the GP but did not submit this as I was in hospital) Submitted my next sick note from 27th October -…
Couples AET Threshold & LCWRA
Hello; this is my first post and there’s quite a lot of info so please bear with me! I have LCWRA and also in receipt of PIP daily living and in the ESA Support Group. My partner works 17hrs per week + any O/T if offered at £13 per hour (paid every 4 weeks) and he is also self employed @ 4 - 10hrs per week. He also cares…
Recently won my tribunal case against UC
Hi, as we are all struggling financially especially as people with disability or chronic conditions or disease etc. I used to work in this country for 22 years and I have never claim any benefits or new about it as I was healthy that time. After my work accident my career to became a paramedic was out of window. As I did…
Hi Today I received a letter in my journal saying that u had been awarded LCWRA. My first sick note was handed in on the 7th of August and assessment was in October. I have been off sick since July with sick notes to cover that whole period. Would I be due any backpay of LCWRA? It says it can be backdated to when your sent…
Hi, I'm Dfas! Husband is a carer but does not claim carers allowance, how does this affect UC?
I need some advise regarding applying for UC So I am migrating to UC soon I work 37.5 hours fulltime - My husband does not work but has put on the form that he is a carer for his mother which he is but he does not claim carers allowance. We just live off my salary, child tax credit and child benefit. How will this affect…
Migrated from ESA to UC - worse off
Hi, I have been moved over from ESA to UC and I am definitely worse off. I used to claim both aspects of ESA and have been migrated over to UC claiming I’d have transitional protection, however seem to be worse off after being told it wouldn’t change. First of all, my UC entitlement works out at £1145.82, however I am…
Universal credit help
So bit of a tricky one… my grandfather & grandmother passed away leaving their house to my father. However, he hadn’t realised that this would impact his universal credit. The plan was always that the deeds would go straight to my sister and not be in his name anyway, but the wills did not reflect this. The property is…
LCWRA success
I had good news today my wife was awarded LCWRA on paper decision but in the letter it said in the letter that they have been advised to do a review in the future can somebody tell me how long will it be before my wife will have a review?
Hi, my name is fred28! When will I receive my LCWRA payments?
I’ve spent 7 months at hmp Oakwood I was on Lwrca support group I’ve just got an uc advanced payment can u help me with my Lwrca so I can start getting payed that.i was told it was a lifetime award.im also on pip high rate with mobility wat should I do to get my Lwrca an payments? Or will it be reinstated automatically…
DWP reviews and 'no duty of care'
I am going through a nightmare review of our UC benefits where they are questioning how Direct Payments are spent...anyway researching how disabled people are treated by the DWP ..it turns out the DWP has no duty of care towards the disabled or vulnerable...who knew...I just assumed it....this explains everything about how…
hi, Today I received back pay of £1294 due to I assume going from ESA to LCWRA. Obviously it’s a nice lump sum which will enable us to put additional money on gas/ electric. Enjoy a few luxury items At Christmas and pay off the small amounts debt we have. however, I don’t want to touch this money until I know I can, I…