What financial help can I get?
Hello my name is Libby !
PIP payment reduced....
Hey....... I have recently had a change of circumstance review on my PIP application as my health has deteriorated. I haven't received my decision letter yet, although it is past the 2 weeks they state I will receive it in, and my usual payment that has been received before the review is now considerably less than normal.…
Benefits advice struggling to make ends meet
Hi everyone Due to coat of living I’m struggling and I have to use my benefits to pay rent and buy food I currently get esa contribution based (non income related) and I also get pip (both components). I’m in the esa support group. I’m too I’ll to work and I do not study either can I claim universal credit I do not work…
DWP mess me around
Hi i rang dwp today to see got my bank statements since took them in Thursday they still have not got them they said send message to benfits people before they send to them dwp . They said ring me 3 working days my partner have tell me to remember what said because of my disability. Said benfits people ring me 3 working…
renovation and improvements to home
My son is 46yrs and has lived at home since he left sen residential education. Has has learning disabilities dyspraxia and related challenging behaviour. Daniel my son breaks everything and also floods the bathroom many times. Can I get any help with the cost of new bathroom and kitchen ceiling. He gets minmmum PIP and…
PIP Claim and moving out
Hello, I may have to move out of my family home and move closer to where my university is due to rising transport costs, I am currently claiming pip which is on the higher elements due to me needing support and prompting from family, if I live alone for university will this trigger a reassessment with the DWP? And will my…
Iidb assessment any experience to share?
Hi everyone, Happy New Year! I have an upcoming video/ telephone iidb assessment soon and it would really easy my anxiety if anyone could share their experiences of what happens or is asked during these. Please can anyone help? Luke
Hi, I currently recieve adult disability payment ( scottish pip) I have also just started receiving Lcwra. My son also receives child disability payment (scottish dla) We recieve the disabled child element for my son and also my partner gets the carers element for myself I'm currently set at self employed but atm putting…
Housing Benefit and disability premium
Hello, I've been unable to work and in receipt of contribution-based ESA (support group), housing benefit and PIP for several years now. I have only just found out about disability premiums. My PIP awards changed from standard to enhanced for both components back in April 2022. I moved a year ago and now live alone. Does…
Attendance allowance
Hi all can someone advise me if I can get attendance allowance with my industrial injuries benefit I am below pension age
PIP Address changed without me telling the DWP
I'm currently up for benefit review and have been waiting to receive my PIP review form. I currently live between two addresses (uni accom and home) as I'm a university student and my PIP has always been set up to go to my home. I waited for my review letter to come to my home address for 2 weeks and it didn't show up so I…
Benefits and SMI?
Hello all Nice to find this forum. I'm here to ask a few questions regarding the Government SMI scheme.
Lump sums
I am disabled and claim UC my partner gets pension plus has a joint claim with me she is due £ an amount of cash will this affect benefits
Pip Mr call
I called up the Pip line to request a mandatory reconsideration. The lady said I do not give any information to her and a decision maker will call me at some stage. She used the phrase '' You seem to have a lot of information to give''' before I even started listing. She give the impression she just wanted rid of me. I…
Debate about working, benefits and costs.
I am interested in opening a friendly debate about work and benefits and how people feel about being allowed to work part-time around disabilities without fear of losing benefits or being sanctioned. I was sacked from my last full-time job due to my MH and to be honest if I was well enough to go back to work it would scare…
managed migration tax credit
Sumra said: am another managed migration person whose UC has not covered Tax credits so there is big reduction in payment. JC say its a mistake but havent corrected it .They advise making Uc claim for the disabled adult and ask for ESA so he/she can attend College as usual. Tax credit eligibility would end this summer…
Stopping housing benefit
Hi my daughter is due to start a new better paid job in the next few weeks….. (we get esa and some hb but she pays the shortfall in rent and c/tax) she’ll earn too much for any hb and c/tax benefit, can I just stop my claim for those!? Rather than sending in payslips etc ? No point going through all that palarva for a £0…
Pension drawdown affecting universal credit
I didn’t realise receiving a monthly pension payment would be held back in its entirety by universal credit, but they’re deducting £75 per month and I only get £60 per month. Any ideas?
LCWRA ad Carers Allowance
I have a niece who is unemployed receiving Universal Credit. She cares almost full time for a friend who receives Universal Credit and a LCWRA payment of £319 after three months. Although she care for him almost full time I understand she is not entitled to Carers Allowance and is expected to get a full time job which…
Tax credit to UC Nightmare !
Help I’ve received the dreaded letter saying I have to move to UC in may from Tax credits I’ve done a calculation and I’m not entitled to UC so I will lose £320 a month , is the right ???? I’m single claim pip ,I’m my sons only care giver apparently I will lose care allowance as well so now £650 a month worst off please…