Hi, my name is Beat! New to ESA
New to ESA claims etc. what is the process ATM, I applied online, had a call and an email sent to me from jobcentre plus to arrange a claimant interview. What happens after? Still officially employed but not receiving income, Statuary Sick pay has timed out. and expired.
ESA timeline
Hi, I have been on new style esa since May. I sent my work capability form back and they received it on the 23rd August. I have been awarded my nhs ill health pension, which is low, so I will still be entitled to esa. I sent the letter from the NHS pensions doctor with the work capacity forms, as he has said I will be…
Esa and holiday pay
I was on the sick from work since Nov 22, which I received work sick pay then ssp. I have returned to work for 10 hours per week and put a claim in for esa, which I receive. I am due a work capability assessment this week.When I was on the sick I still accrued holidays and on return I had 110 hours to take, now working 10…
Esa, IB, since 93 with no break
Hi I'm Teresa I have a telephone interview for ESA, always been face to face .
Natural migration ESA support group to UC
Hi, my husband is in the support group and I want to go and find a job as we've just been told the landlord is selling up and all the rents around here are much more expensive than what we are paying now. I understand that this will trigger a migration to UC. Is it better to go onto UC first before starting to look for…
How to come off esa
Hello Scope forum, I have been offered a 3 day a week job starting next week and am in the esa support group. How do I let the dwp know?Should I wait a week or so until I'm into my job - just in case I dont cope with the job and have to go back on benefits? What do people think, thank you, Tim
Hi I’m hoping someone can put me on the right track or help answer this iv been claiming ESA since I was 16 due to health reasons never had any problems with anything like this up until now I met my partner back in 2012 and when I moved in and rang the ESA up to tell them about it they said it would be changed to income…
I've recently been hit with rent arrears bill, although my ESA wasn't stopped. Is this right?
Hi, I am in receipt of esa support group & pip - in nov 2019 my HB was stopped as my pip stopped for an assessment, because of covid,I didn't get an appointment until May 2020 & pip was reinstated , I have recently been hit with a rent arrears bill of almost £10,000 although my esa was not stopped..is this right?
HI everyone i was looking for advise please im on esa and in the support group im on pip on the standard rate for daily living and standard rate for mobility i live on my own in a house with a mortgage 3 years ago my partner left me she was getting carers allowance for me so that ended after she left my mum has tryed her…
Compliance letter
I’ve got a letter from DWP which has my wrong address on it and area and their office that is listed on. It is different to the one they’ve got on the DWP website of listed postal return offices for the job centres. The one for my area is not the one that’s on the letter The phone number I’m trying to call is always…
Esa back pay
Hello, My partner was awarded ESA at the assessment rate that goes back to 19th April. He has been receiving the assessment rate but now we have finally had the confirmation (23rd August) that he will start getting the higher support group rate (after having an assessment back in July). He will start getting the higher…
Support group missed payments
Hi there, My partner is in the esa support group and has been for about 10 years. He also claims P.I.P. The P.I.P sent a review letter, we got an extension on the return date. This is the only thing that has changed / happened. After going overdrawn we noticed ESA had failed to make payments after the ORIGINAL P.I.P review…
Hi, my name is LoisLane! I have been transferred from Old Style ESA to the New Style ESA
I have been in receipt of old style ESA both contribution and income related since October 2015. I am in the support group. In March 2021 I had my income related ESA suspended due to monies from my late mother's estate that put me over £16,000. My capital drop to below £16,000 in March and I was reawarded income related…
Removal of WRAG component / ESA Reg 29
Hello Scope, Can anyone explain what is misleading about the above reference to the 2016 Welfare Reform and Work Act and the changes introduced in 2017 for all new ESA claims Thank you
Why am I being re-assessed now if a tribunal said do not?
I received the letter and ESA50 form this month. I have to return it by the 9th August. I was originally re-assessed back in 2016. This resulted in a disallowance. I EVENTUALLY took it to a tribunal in November 2018 and the decision was overturned. I was placed in the support group. On the letter I received from / after…
ESA Review.
Hi all ! Has reviews for (ESA) started up again ?. Just asking so i can start to get mentally prepared for the dreaded letter.
ESA first payment
Hello. How long does it take to get your first ESA payment. I applied a few weeks ago and had an interview with a job coach today but she couldn't say how long it will take. Thanks.
LCWRA. Backdated twice. Can I go further?
Hi there, after your help with previous discussions. All has gone in my favour. Also after been awarded LCWRA eventually and it been backdated to Oct 22. I was told I could of originally appealed the decision of the LCW award in Jan 22. But, as it was over 13 months was out of time. It turns out I appealed and the original…
When get paid ESA since bank hoilday Monday
Hi I like know when my esa gets paid since bank holiday Monday I’m confused since I get paid on Tuesday but last time was bank holiday I got paid on Friday so will get paid this Friday or be on a normal Tuesday thanks
Esa Review Telephone Call Out Of Blue
Hi i am in a esa support group been in it a few years before lockdown. Just had a telephone call from dwp out of the blue about my esa. I started to panic ive thought ive had no letters or nothing he said nothing to worry about its about your esa .He asked me a few questions on the phone for less than 10 mins and said ok…