Income related ESA and elderly mum moving in

mokki Community member Posts: 10 Listener

Hello everyone,
sorry if this topic is already covered but I struggle with anything online and newly introduced to SM.

I receive income related ESA and PIP, my partner receives carers. We have been renting my elderly mums 3 bed house (we have a 22 year old daughter with us in full time education) we have been renting for 12 years while my elderly mum privately rented a bungalow, she receives PIP and has state pension and money from my late dads pension. She recently had a heart attack, has a pacemaker and now has to move from her private rented bungalow due to the landlord selling up, she’s moving back into our home (she owns it) but we have completely separated the downstairs to upstairs with our own locked front door due to historic domestic abuse to me from my brother, who may visit her. We tried to get housing but was told it would take roughly 5 years even though we were a priority. So this was the only option. However I’m concerned my ESA may be affected, we did get housing/council tax benefit which I assume my mum will have to pay CT and we will lose HB which is fine. But I was concerned about my ESA. If this is effected I’m going to have to move out to our car somewhere as there’s no way me, my husband and daughter will survive on just my PIP and carers.

Thank you everyone

Hope I didn’t muddle too much, kind of scary posting for first time.


  • mokki
    mokki Community member Posts: 10 Listener

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,312 Championing

    Your ESA will not be affected by her moving in because she's not part of your household for benefits purposes.

    Yes, you will lose your HB due to her moving back into her home which she owns. You will need to report the changes to your local Authority when she moves back in.

  • mokki
    mokki Community member Posts: 10 Listener

    thank you poppy,

    I did half heartedly mention to my support worker my worries and she did say that I could still pay my mum rent if mum was being awkward about us staying but I couldn’t afford to out of my pip and ESA so not sure what will happen if she does want rent.

    Also does it make a difference that my ESA is income related, I thought this would mean everyone’s income in the household or am I just rambling and not understanding.
    my mum most certainly won’t be helping us financially as she can’t afford it herself.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,312 Championing

    You're welcome. No, the ESA entitlement is just based on yourself and your partner. It's nothing to do with other household members.

  • mokki
    mokki Community member Posts: 10 Listener

    thank you so much poppy

    You have made me feel more positive

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,895 Online Community Team

    Hi @mokki, I just want to say that it's okay to ask questions even if someone has asked about it before. That's because every persons situation is unique and the benefits system isn't exactly simple!

    I'm glad you feel more positive from this, I'm glad our community could help. Please do let us know if you have any other questions, check out our other categories incase there's another topic you need support with.

  • mokki
    mokki Community member Posts: 10 Listener

    thank you very much