Can I attend a training course whilst claiming ESA?
Hi, I am receiving income related ESA support group and PIP and I was just wondering if I attended a training course if it would affect my ESA entitlement. A Training course opportunity paid for by the government for unemployed people has come up and I would be interested in applying for it as I think it would give me…
I've been offered 10 hours a week employment. What'll happen to partner's ESA? Will we move to UC?
Hello, please could someone help me, I have tried citizens advice online chat and she couldn't help me. My partner claims PIP and income.related ESA support group, we have 5 children, one of which gets middle rate care DLA, and we get child tax credits, housing benefit etc. I have been offered 10 hours at the job I left…
I'm receiving ESA and would like to take a lump sum of my benefits. Would this affect my payment?
Hi am receiving esa and I would like to take a lump some of my pension would this affect my payment thank you
Careers allowance rejected because they thought I was getting CB ESA
Hi I applied for careers allowance but got rejected they said I was getting esa contribution based but I called esa they confirmed I'm getting income based esa This is what I currently get
ESA Not Paid
ESA was due today, was not paid, was not paid on friday..... i guess they messed up again??
No change to my ESA
Hello so after yet another phone call to esa and universal credit esa have told me that i wont be receiving any pay rise from them so i guess that if UC carry out the work capability assessment then esa stays the same on a previous post a lady told me that i would go in the support group on esa. But apparently not. Also i…
ESA and moving to a new area.
I'm on ESA including Enhanced disability premium and SDP.I want to move area, to be closer to family, but have been told that i would have to go onto UC, via the natural migration route? What would this mean to my income, if i claim housing benefit? ORIf i didn't claim housing benefit, would i still need to come off ESA…
Hi, my name is barbara77a! Will we get any money backdated to when he started his claim?
Hi me and my partner are on esa it’s a joint claim he put in for carers for me About 11 weeks ago . We have received a letter from esa saying the £67 he will get will be basically taken from our esa what Iam asking is will we get any money backdated to when he started his claim ?
Means testing of contributory ESA
Just received a letter from DWP saying i will get a call on Tuesday regarding my ESA and to have all details of savings, pensions etc. I am also in receipt of Pip. As far as i was aware contributory ESA and PIP were not mean tested. I do not have any pensions although partner does.
Hi, I'm Grayhammer! My ESA hasn't been paid - who can I contact for help?
My sea hasn't bin payed , I'm disabled and house bound, its Bank Holiday. Monday and as such unable to ring them and tell them, how can I contact them to report the none payment, I'm sitting here with nothing. And my elexy is about to run out so need to contact them right away to sort this , but can't find a way!
Esa not been paid
Hi I'm on esa support group my payment was due today I've not been paid I have a mental health condition I'm really worried, due to bank holiday I can't contact them till tomorrow
Hi all I hope your all well? I thought this may be of interest. https://osborneslaw.com/blog/2m-without-benefit-increase-challenge-government/
Do you think they might increase the lower savings limit?
Like we can technically have £6K before it starts affecting our benefits and £5500 before we have to start declaring it. Although in reality this means we need to keep it below £5K so that when we get our DWP payment it doesn't go over the limit. This is such a low amount, especially if you're saving up for something like…
I've been told I'm being placed in ESA Support Group. I'm confused about how long my award is for
Hi, I’ve today received my letter from DWP stating that I’m being placed into the ESA Support Group. I had a paper assessment. There is something in there that I don’t quite understand! DWP rang me last week to say I was being placed into the support group for a year, my letter today shows the breakdown of the…
sdp dwp asking for bank statements!
hi, my sdp claim to date has taken 8 months I supplied a tenancy agreement, which at the time they said was all they needed, now they are asking for bank statements for payment to my landlady which is fine as I can provide them, i just wondered is it usual for it to take this long and ask for the bank statements, also cab…
my esa phone health assessment
my phone assessment is tomorrow very nervous the reason i have been on contribution esa is that i had surgery last april for a fractured shoulder including bone graft an pins it has left me with very limited range of movement a lot of pain i an in the process of being finished work due being unable to fulfil my role wonder…
ESA CB I filled out medical assessment papers for Feb and still haven't had a WCA. Is this normal?
I’ve been on contribution based esa since Jan 2021 my claim was backdated until Oct 2020 . I filled out the medical assessment papers for Feb and still haven’t had a WCA . Is this normal ?
How long will my appeal take and how do I claim ESA while waiting?
Hi, Ive just had my ESA stopped after 5 years, following my assessnent by phone in Dec '20. I have no income now, they dont give any warning! Because they decided I should have the disability element 4 years ago (not backdated to the start, should it have been?) I assumed as nothing else had changed despite my overall…
Eek. Compliance Interview
Freaking me out. It'll be on Sept. 1. It doesn't say why they're interviewing me. Do I just wait, take the call, and answer their questions? Do I need someone with me? This is pretty common, right?