How to move forward when very afraid!
Hello. I have ME and lost my job in 2019 due to my health deteriorating. In a nutshell, after several weeks off sick, the company (it is a small family run business) maintained that they couldn't make reasonable adjustments for me, so I felt I had no other option but to leave as I was getting more and more unwell. The…
Hi, my name is kb0919! I've not received my full ESA payment
Hi, Please can someone help. I've not received my full ess payment today and received a letter listin my payments and when they change if deductions. I'm currently deducted 29.71 a week for a budgeting loan. Yet my money has dropped dramatically lower and I've had no change in circumstance and its very confusing. I had a…
awarded sdp, and am getting an arrears payment of over £16,000. What would happen if I claimed UC?
hi I was awarded SDP and I'm getting an arrears payment of over 16000, I am on income-related ESA, I am looking to move home and understand that if I get my own place and living alone I would need to claim UC for HB, will this be classed as savings by universal credit or will it be disregarded, from what I have read…
ESA Reassesment? How far is the backlog?
Hi My mother was awarded support group via a tribunal appeal over 2 years ago. She was meant to be reassessed after 2 years but nothing as of yet. Does anyone know how far the backlog is for reassessments? Thanks.
Backdated esa
I hope someone can give me some advice. About 4 months ago I received a letter asking me to have a telephone interview and a gentleman told me I was in a list of people who were owed backdated esa and he was sending me a form to fill in . Since 2013 the date of my original claim I have only been getting cont, based esa…
My esa payment not in my acount
i just noticed my esa payments not in my acount i know this should be easily fixed with a phone call tomorrow but has anyone else had an issue with their payment im a bit worried
ESA - how do I claim for my daughter? Which one should I claim for?
Hello My daughter is 18 and has severe learning difficulties and CP. She is in receipt of PIP and I have been advised by a friend that she can also claim for ESA. I have looked at this on the gov web site but I cannot for the life of me work out which one to claim for. The sticking point is where it says you must have paid…
Can uncrystallised pension lump sum affect ESA?
Hi I receive ESA Contribution based, and was lead to believe that if I take a Uncrystallised lump sum payment that as it is not means tested it will not affect it. I have received a call today from DWP questioning the payment, I explained that as a non means tested benefit that my (UFPLS ) would not affect it, I was told…
I've just been paid £29.90 ESA and don't know why
I have just been paid £29.90 e.s.a don't know why
I was contacted by DWP about underpayment of ESA. Has anyone received payments for this?
Hi I was contacted by the Dwp over an underpayment of esa I’ve always been in the support group they ask me a few questions about my illness back in 2013 so when was the underpayments rectified an has anyon received payments off the dwp my anxiety is through the roof
ESA Support Group
Hi everyone, Last year in August I claimed ESA and had an assessment but unfortunately got a letter saying they didn't have enough information and that I'd have to do the assessment again. The ESA kept going for 365 days but I got NI CREDITS ONLY as I didn't have enough credits due to something that happened last year. In…
Evidence to back up ESA Claim
Hi everyone hope your all ok, My mum has osteoarthritis of her knees and she has applied for ESA and PIP but she has been awarded '0' points on both so I'm in the process of waiting for appeals. I want to send off evidence to show how this is effecting her daily life and her struggles as I do feel she more than qualifies…
Forced to work
Therese coffey is going to make people work in the esa support group including myself I'm not happy I won't cope with a normal job can't even cope with myself this inhume
I claim new style ESA, ESA Support Group, and UC. Will I lose my benefits now I'm married?
I am 53 next month and have Crohn's Disease and Psoriatic Arthritis. I struggle everyday with double incontinence and pain in my joints. I had to give up my job teaching 3 years ago due to toilet issues and for the first time claim benefits. I get new ESA plus I am in the support group. UC tops this up as I had moved in…
Hi, my name is Zykah! My ESA wasn't paid into my account and I'm not sure why
My WAS was not paid into account and I don't know why.
How long to hear back after phone assessment about getting LCWRA element?
Hi all I'm hoping someone can offer help because I've reached the point where I've lost hope with DWP! My partner and I submitted LCWRA questionnaire 10th March. Our claim for WAS ended 22nd November 2019 and we had to apply for US which was not a continuing claim. Firstly the claim was not paid anything until 30th Dec....…
Hi, my name is shivers! Can I stay on ESA indefinitely?
Hi hello everyone. Can I stay on esa indefinitely.
Long term sick and ns-esa
Hi Could anyone help me with the below? I'm currently on long-term sick from work and receiving UC LCWRA. My SSP ends next week and I have applied for NS-ESA. Will my ESA be paid from DWP directly or from my employer like SSP? Once I receive ESA will I need to continue sending sick notes to work? I have asked my employer…
Back payments
Industrial injurys disablement benefit rang me said they have informed esa of decision so it dounds like it could of gone in my favour i will get letter in a week or so im on income related esa will back pay be taken off me due to me bekng in income related esa anyone know ?
I've had 2 phone appointments booked for ESA, but nobody has bothered to ring. What should I do?
Hi I'm debsterc I have had two phone appointments booked but with esa nobody has bothered to ring I don't know what to do its causing my anxiety to go through the roof