awarded sdp, and am getting an arrears payment of over £16,000. What would happen if I claimed UC?

pabab22 Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
hi I was awarded SDP and I'm getting an arrears payment of over 16000, I am on income-related ESA, I am looking to move home and understand that if I get my own place and living alone I would need to claim UC for HB, will this be classed as savings by universal credit or will it be disregarded, from what I have read arrears payments of over 16000 would be disregarded till the end of my ESA claim but what would happen if I claimed UC? any answers would be great thank you!   


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    I think the applicable disregard is 12 months from the date you received the payment.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    If you're currently claiming housing benefit, you only need to claim UC if you move to a different Local Authority. If you stay within the same Local Authority you can continue with housing benefit.
  • pabab22
    pabab22 Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    thank for the reply @calcotti @poppy123456 i am not currently on housing benefit, so would that mean i have to make a claim for UC thank you for reply! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Yes a claim for UC would be needed if you need to claim for help with the rent.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Are you on just means-tested ESA or is there a contribution based element? Asking because, if there were, you could retain that and claim HB without claiming UC albeit with a drop in income.
      Unless the OP is moving into Supported/sheltered or temporary housing, surely you can't make a new claim for HB?
  • pabab22
    pabab22 Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    hi @Username_removed thanks for your reply im not sure, I'm in the support group does contribution mean you pay ni contributions? not sure if I have any contribution-based element? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Are you on just means-tested ESA or is there a contribution based element? Asking because, if there were, you could retain that and claim HB without claiming UC albeit with a drop in income.
      Unless the OP is moving into Supported/sheltered or temporary housing, surely you can't make a new claim for HB?
    DOH. Sunday morning. 

    Haha no worries. I thought i was going completely crazy ;)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited October 2021
    pabab22 said:
    hi @Username_removed thanks for your reply im not sure, I'm in the support group does contribution mean you pay ni contributions? not sure if I have any contribution-based element? 

    It makes no difference because as advised, you can't make a new claim for housing benefit unless you're going to be living in either Supported/sheltered or temporary housing. Please ignore Mike's comment, as indicated here, he wasn't thinking correctly...
    Are you on just means-tested ESA or is there a contribution based element? Asking because, if there were, you could retain that and claim HB without claiming UC albeit with a drop in income.
      Unless the OP is moving into Supported/sheltered or temporary housing, surely you can't make a new claim for HB?
    DOH. Sunday morning.