Disdability rights and campaigning
Further to the last post on this and that many should have had letters now stating a change to the Social Care Act. I have written this to add to the E!mail your MP found and sent to me by Scope for a meeting 6th March 2024. After many years the Social Care Act has again highlighted the need to review claims for access to…
Share your thoughts on accessibility!
Hi everyone, hope this finds you well! AccessAble is currently looking for disabled people to complete their new survey, called Accessibility and You. Taking part is an opportunity to share your views and experiences of accessibility, to help shape the future of the organisation's work. The survey contains multiple-choice…
PHSO A better system discussion.
After many years campaigning I have been contacted by the PHSO to discuss my case, the case history, what has gone wrong, and how to put things right. This is a long time comming and is not only to discuss my case but others have also been invited to a ZOOM debate to discuss the system, as it would seem my case is not a…
Will the government support the British Worker.
Having watched the news in Wales lately about the Pandemic, I stated that it is all right to having the big titles and being paid the big bucks, but sooner or later you're going to have to do something for your "keep" At the end of the month (FEB) the Welsh government will be at a hotel near me and like London be in an…
Body muscle/strength/stamina build up
Hi All, I'm registered disabled with 4 lower lumbar compression fractures, misaligned hip and overpronated glat feet issues. I'm in receipt of U.C and PIP for a good number of years. I also recently had a CMHT Assessment stating Chronic Depression + Anxiety Symptoms. Now mentally I've almost nearly given up on myself but…
Equality Act (Provision of Goods and Services) and potential legal action
I'm autistic/ ADHD and as such struggle with executive function. This includes keeping on top of my personal emails (I get a lot of junk too), and my junk mail automatically deletes after 7 days to manage this. Even with this, I find it overwhelming and often miss things. A while back I bought a £25 giftcard for Boots and…
Stuck in hospital
Hello everyone! I have been stuck in hospital for most of the last 3 weeks. I have had two failed discharges and was only out for a total of 5 days. They are calling it functional nausea and vomiting. They've withdrawn my IV fluids but I'm going to push for some to be restarted after I nearly collapsed when I went down to…
I want to move in!!
Hi all, I don't know if anyone can answer my questions but here's the situation. It's a little long-winded but bear with me. I got offered a council flat in the beginning of November of last year for a property with assessed medical needs. They were aware I had a mobility scooter all through my application process. I was…
Parents have to sell home to pay care home fees. Could being autistic mean I won't have to move out?
I am autistic and my parents are having to sell the family home in order to fund their care home costs, does being disabled (autistic) possibly mean I could not be made to leave the family home?
Work capability
Well good news guys I'm now owed just under 300 for not being fit to work is this one off payment or will just under 300 continue each month on top of our UC
Need Advice on a Medical Issue Please
Hello, I am wondering if someone could give me an advice on my current situation. I am autistic so I apologise for the long post but it's the only way I can make sure I cover everything related to my experience. I thank you in advance for reading it and for any recommendations. Like mentioned above, I am on the spectrum…
Any Data Protection Savants Around?
Hi there, I'm not sure if this is the place or even appropriate but I thought I'd ask. My son has recently started to receive PIP payments and recently had an issue with his bank (unrelated to PIP) which lead to him making contact with them via letter. Anyway, they responded to the issue at hand (poorly, but that's a whole…
Employer denying disability (5+ years after making reasonable adjustments for me) Why?
Hi everyone, I am new here and really upset that many many years after I declared my disability at work and reasonable adjustments were made for me my work have denied all knowledge of my disability. I'm at my wits end trying to prove that they knew because they have no paperwork (neither do I as I spoke my manager at the…
Pip nominated driver
Hi, I'm new here. I have a back injury which keeps me bed bound. I get enhanced pip and now I need to get a mobility car. Due to my injury and physical health, I will not be driving the car. My brother would be the primary nominated driver. Toyota refused to progress the application any further untill I produce my driving…
1st Job centre experience for 4 years
Hi all. I went to the job centre on Monday with my mental health worker and a letter from my mental health team explaining that the best I could do currently was to volunteer a few hours a week due to impending intense recovery treatment twice a week . It was a work focused interview. I relapsed in the Autumn after an…
DWP caught threatening inpatients.
The DWP have been trying to get inpatients to attend interviews at their office on threat that their benefits would be stopped. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/10/seriously-ill-mental-health-inpatients-told-to-attend-jobcentre-or-risk-losing-benefits
Curious on the cost of living payment as I applied for pip in November? I'm on uc
I got the first 2 cost of living payments. But I seem to be in the very small group who have not yet got the 3rd and final 299 payment. I only thought of this today that is it possible I won't get it because I applied for pip in November. Although I've not even got pip yet and I'm pretty confident I may not after what I've…
Flat building access
Hello - I am looking for some advice/help to point me in the right direction please. I am a quadriplegic who uses a manual wheelchair and am living in a 2 bedroom flat and privately rent it but I have issues with access. There is a main front door that is too heavy for me to open, both from inside and outside the building…
Service Provider Discrimination
Hi This is my first post I have a mild physical disability and my daughter (aged 21) is disabled and bed bound. We recently had an awful experience with Currys PC World and sent in a complaint letter detailing discrimination. We had a response of "we can offer you £50 as a Good Will Gesture". I found this GWG comment very…
Hope everyone is well I am new to the community but I am happy to be here. I am the petition maker for the recent events in Warwickshire I have joined to try to get some more signatures on my petition to take this to parliament we are nearly at 24k signatures. We protested today at the offices and will continue to do so…