Hi, my name is SallyAnne12345! My issue concerns a Lady with Disabilities who lives alone and has...
Hello My issue concerns a Lady with Disabilities who lives alone and has been working part-time for several years topping up her salary with UC disability element. She has been working from home for past 3 years with equipment. She has however been signed off as unfit for past few months. It looks like She will not be…
Occupational Therapy report
Hi everyone - first time I am on here so hello to you all! Has anyone got experience they could share of how long it takes to get an occupational therapy report? My daughter is in year 2 at university. She had a first-time seizure in the summer and informed the university 2 months ago. Uni was very supportive and said…
DVLA Reapply Medical
Hi, I posted a bit ago that my provisional was revoked under medical condition for 3 months. I'm confused on how to reapply when the time comes. Like what am I meant to do? Do I just apply with a D1 form all over again and go through the whole medical application again? That took a whole year to get sorted out just for it…
I know I'm awkward but......
This is going to sound crazy and ungrateful. I know it is. But I don't mean to be either I don't see a lot of my son , he lives way down country. He's coming up next weekend and he's had a lovely idea. He's going to take me and a couple of friends out for Sunday dinner. As I say , a lovely idea. But ( wish I knew how to…
Can anyone help? Care costs
Can anyone help? I live in Canada and have POA for my sister in Glasgow who his 82 with Alzheimers, lives alone. I pay £400 weekly for care for my sister, 4 hours a day for five days a week. The govt. sends someone to check on her at night, 5 mins, not much use. In Canada, when we pay for care we can deduct part of the…
Hi, my name is batgirl! I am trying t9 find anywhere that my disabled mum can have a soak in a bath.
I am trying t9 find anywhere that my disabled mum can have a soak in a bath she has a shower at home but would love a bath with a hoist to get her in and out of can anyone recommend ?
I am disappointed my landscape gardener has cheated me just because i am disable
This discussion was created from comments split from: How is your day going? .
Hi to all
I need to find a Dentist on the nhs I emailed one at Wales bar but no-one is taking nhs patients I have broken teeth not been to the Dentist since before the pandemic and when I didn't go because of illness I was struck of the one where I live so what do I do how do I find one that will accept me. Please help…
Heated throw
I received my heated throw today what a lovely surprise been feeling a bit down lately this put a smile on my face thank-you so much
DVLA Medical Revoked License
Hi, not sure if this is the right category to put this so my apologies if not. I recently got my provisional license revoked due to instability in my mental health condition so I'm without a provisional for 3 months. Doesn't bother me too much, ideally want it back though. I'm just a bit confused and need a bit of help…
Fence ownership
Hi there. Looking for some advice or people who have had a similar scenario. The storm last week caused two fences to blow down/cause significant damage. Looking out my back door there is a fence to our left with slats facing towards us. Spoke with left hand side neighbour and agreed to replace that fence but on the right…
Inheritance in scotland
Hi I hope someone can give advice here. My gran has left a will in which my uncles have been left a set amount of cash. We think he won't be happy with this amount and try to contest it. I know he can make a legal rights claim and would likely be entitled to 1/3 (as there is 3 children) of half of her moveable estate (…
Hi, my name is Kedi! Looking for support for fuel voucher as I'm not on pension credit...
Hello community x
Account has dissapeared 😔
Hello 👋 I was a member of the Scope community, however,when I try to log in my email and password isn't recognised. My username is Gaynor7
Need new double mattress for my bed
hi there I’m looking to get a new double mattress for my bed
smartphones with integrated keyboards
Hi all, I have spastic diaplegia with limited feeling in my fingers so struggle with touchscreens I currently have a blackberry Key 2 with an android operating system with an integrated keyboard which works well with the SD . Unfortunately it seems that apps e.g. android auto are no longer being supported. Does anyone know…
Hi to all
I have been back in hospital i had to wait 8.5 hours in A& E on Monday Night after Emailing them about my bladder passing pure red blood continuesly into my Night bag for 4 days day & Night really scary They said in A&E in have an infection Where my Spc is situated yuck I had liquid antibiotics pain relife when I needed…
Front door Access
I have had my Q300mini for over a year now and it’s great ! But I have only managed to get out of my flat with a huge amount of effort by my wife and two ramps - as the threshold on the new build ground floor flat, is too high (builder said even high for bipeds) I had a quote but it was £2,200 and even then what they…
Battle for CHC - Continuing Health Care
I just wanted to share this dreadfully sad article with you all. It shouldn't have to be a post code lottery. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/jan/28/terminal-illness-care-england-motor-neurone-disease
Bringin̈g back an old TV Programme
I was showing my son an old hysterical episode of 'Beadles About' where this man was set up and a duplicate white van just like his was sent rolling into a lake with all his worldly goods.His high pitch screams still have me belly laughing after all these years.Does anyone else remember it? And which programme is no longer…