IBS & Diverticulitis - What’s the best prebiotic for gut health.
Hi All What’s the best prebiotic for gut health.
Had a GP appointment this morning due to stiffness and pain and not being able to grip very well with my right hand after dropping the kettle at weekend due to the pain when I picked it up. Have to have bloods done to see if its rheumatoid arthritis or not? Just another ailment to add to my ever growing list 🤣
I wish I had things to talk about!
Access to public services breaching the Public Sector Equalities Duty
I'm autistic with ADHD and dysgraphia. I have great difficulty talking on telephones, as I can be non-verbal from anxiety and frustration. This is challenging when dealing with private sector businesses, but I have come to expect that. Even those with websites, will only deal with certain things by telephone. While, I will…
Unwanted calls
Strange keep getting unwanted calls from numbers . Made a report to mobile company but still getting them . Ie 02039308167 08006800285 Any suggestions please
Access to DWP bank accounts
Hello everyone, I write with much disdaine with the new Labour government proposals which affects the elderly and disabled. My main issue is the DWP having universal access to bank accounts which I believe is breaking the Data Protection Act and the GDPR on Integrity and Confidentiality laws? Views please?
Lost confidence
In recent years I've lost confidence and keep feeling the need to feel safe. Most people would see that they need to change because of financial issues etc. I'm Just so afraid to do that. I've been bullied in the past so it just stops me from moving forward.
What the point
When asleep dream of a fairytale but reality wake up , I spinal cord injured C6/7 complete I try to be a less burden but currently a lot going on I have to migrate over to uni I hate and don't cope with change and Wednesday 15th January 2025 attend a&e always feel invisible people knocking or asking you to move or you have…
Hi, my name is Debstops13! I have just asked my gp for a supporting letter about my conditions
hi I have just asked my gp for a supporting letter about my conditions and how they effect me when I collected this I paid £20 for it on getting home and opened it it was a copy of my medical report and he had wrote one line on it as this is not what I asked for and it’s free to get a copy of medical record I challenged my…
Story of a disabled Ex/Town Councillor
Hello everyone , I thought I would find it might help me to write down what has happened to me in the last few months, I am still quiet shook up and upset as I really enjoyed my job as a town councillor , especially being a disabled Jewish woman , I really thought I would be able to give a lot of my knowledge with…
Hi, my name is dawnyb19! my dentist has shut and I’m stuck can’t eat please helpme
hi I’m on income related esa had extensive cancer treatment the treatment has left me with 4 teeth feel like world fell apart my dentist has shut and I’m stuck can’t eat please helpme
Full fibre Broadband
Has anyone had full fibre installed and is it much better?.I ordered it in December but unfortunately my postal service is awful and The smart Hub still hasn't been delivered.It says 'despite 48hr traced' that it is going through Royal Mail system( Another long story!).My son who is a teenager said our tv is slow because…
Live in flat what time can I run a bath on a sunday
Hi, random i know, I live in a first floor flat. I'm in social housing however my neighbour downstairs owns the property. She has her moments of moaning about everyday noise, or granddaughters visiting. I feel like she believes as she owns it she can do what she likes but I have to be quiet when she says. I appreciate we…
Hi, my name is nisha25! STRUGGLING to be rehoused as I am sleeping in my living room.
HELLO EVERYONE, I am a Blood cancer patient and Physically disabled bedridden. STRUGGLING to be rehoused as I am sleeping in my livingroom with no access to a bathroom for the past 8 years now. tried everything Mp, council, shelter was my case worker still no help. I want my basic human rights of access. Shower, privacy,…
Hi, my name is zkiyachambers! Where can I find respite places for disabled people?
Does anyone know of any respite places for disabled people? Since the closure of Jubilee Lodge in 2024, my mum is looking for a place to take a break.
Hi to all. Still having Problems with my Spc Catheter
I am Still having Problems with my Spc Catheter still getting Bleeding Servre Pain very uncomfortable i have messaged hospital last night to say what's happenening. I am not happy with the above np one is taking me seriously I don't have a hospital appointment till the 22nd of January. I had to buy another bed because my…
Accessible taxi for large power chair in south London
Hi - would anyone have advice for a fully accessible taxi service that covers South London? My friend's chair is too big for a black cab. It's also too big for some bus spaces so it's easiest if he can get around by cab when he can't get a train to where he needs to go. Thank you!
Hi, my name is DuckyYellow24! Assistive stretches for my son, anyone had a similar experience?
Is it time to get a wheelchair?
I have been getting by using a stick for the last few years, but gradually able to do less and less. The number of places I can go is getting narrower and narrower. I've borrowed wheelchairs and mobility scooters a few times and they've allowed me to participate in so many more things that I've missed, but I'm obviously…
Worried - long term sick
Hi everyone, I am on long term sick, this time last year I was very ill, very I’ll and in hospital for some time, I can not but the reason why sorry My question is, what do I need to do to stay off work, do I have to see my doctor regularly for the following reason, I get with work income protection insurance, so I get…