Hi to all

amazingblazing628 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Connected

I need to find a Dentist on the nhs

I emailed one at Wales bar but no-one is taking nhs patients I have broken teeth not been to the Dentist since before the pandemic and when I didn't go because of illness I was struck of the one where I live so what do I do how do I find one that will accept me.

Please help



  • wendy1
    wendy1 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering

    Hi there,

    If you don't mind, can I ask where you live.

    Can you not contact your local Health board and ask them if they know off a NHS dentist that's taking new patients.

    Hope you find one soon.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,897 Championing
    edited February 2

    Unfortunately a shortage of NHS dentists is an issue across GB.

    I can only suggest you keep asking them periodically to see if you can get lucky, see if they are taking names for a waiting list (I once got offered an appointment after over a year on a list) or try a local Facebook group, in my area people often post when one has (short lived) availability.

  • Littlefatfriend
    Littlefatfriend Online Community Member Posts: 103 Empowering

    Have you tried calling 111?

    I'm told they should be able to guide you to an emergency dentist. That's how it's done in the deprived North, it's years since NHS dentists have been available here.

    Good luck

  • kitsmum
    kitsmum Online Community Member Posts: 71 Empowering

    I was going to suggest 111. There should be emergency dental provision provided. Hope you find some soon. On top of that keep chasing an NHS dentist.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,897 Championing
    edited February 2

    Emergency NHS dental appointments are usually restricted to infections, unbearable pain etc.

    I had a broken tooth, deemed cosmetic so no access to emergency dentist. I had to be patient and keep trying for a routine NHS dentist appointment. I was in the right place right time via Facebook to book one. Had gotten on some lists in the meantime (the call back I previously mentioned).

  • NDmummy
    NDmummy Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor

    Reminded me I need to book a follow up appointment. I managed to get daughter an appointment last year, as we were leaving I asked for myself. I was told because I hadn't been in 2 years I was crossed off NHS list and that they are not taking on new NHS patients. I just said fine can you give me name of owner/manager to send papers to. Blank face from receptionist at which point I showed her the crown they replaced 2 years ago which is wrong colour, wrong size and shape and the gap next to it because it had forced the crown there out due to being wrong. I told her the dentist who fitted it just laughed and ignored my protests that it didn't fit and was painful. Miraculously an appointment was found, as yet the problem has not been addressed, still hopeful though. Hope you find some help. Is there a Dental hospital you could contact?