Battle for CHC - Continuing Health Care

Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 381 Empowering

I just wanted to share this dreadfully sad article with you all. It shouldn't have to be a post code lottery.


  • NDmummy
    NDmummy Online Community Member Posts: 37 Contributor

    link didn't work so re added

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 381 Empowering

    Thanks. I'm having terrible trouble with this site using my tablet.

  • MCMikey
    MCMikey Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    Original link worked fine (by copy and paste). Seems to show the difference between celebrity MND and your average person (in what sounds like one of the worst area of the UK to get CHC).

    Yes, very sad and scary.

    Towards the end of the article, it says something along the lines of the lady went into a cheaper option Care Home. This is true, for complex needs a Care Home can be quite as lot cheaper than full 24 hour attendance by carers at home. However, if you own your own home the equity (money) in your house is used pay for your care in a care home (the sale of the house to provide the money may come later), however it is my understanding that if you stay and are cared for at home they can't touch your house (they can of course take your savings up to the set limits).

    I'm saying the above because the new government have said they want more people to be cared for at home, however the system is geared to pushing people into care homes because it's cheaper (for the system, often not the person).

    Correct me if I'm wrong on any of the above.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 381 Empowering

    What HMG say and the reality on the ground, these two are forever strangers. I can see nothing wrong with your assessment.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 84 Contributor

    Utterly heartbreaking. I keep thinking nothing else would shock me. Then it does. 😪

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 381 Empowering

    Well, Neil Kinnock did warn us not to get old!

  • Amalegra
    Amalegra Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor

    This made really tough reading. The utter disgrace of this brave lady being left in such circumstances while successive governments and, it has to be said, the NHS and local councils, have and do waste OUR money on so many far less important things.