DVLA Medical Revoked License

calflye Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

Hi, not sure if this is the right category to put this so my apologies if not.

I recently got my provisional license revoked due to instability in my mental health condition so I'm without a provisional for 3 months. Doesn't bother me too much, ideally want it back though.

I'm just a bit confused and need a bit of help with it. The last form says something for my GP or other doctor to fill out. Do I give this to them when the 3 months is over? And also, how would I go about getting my license back once the 3 months is up?

Thank you, sorry if this is a silly question



  • carbow32
    carbow32 Online Community Member Posts: 219 Empowering

    I have got Bipolar and I know they will take your licence away until you have been 3 months without a manic episode.

  • calflye
    calflye Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    Thank you @carbow32 Do you know like how I would go about getting it back after 3 months? Do I ring, write to them?

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing
    edited January 30

    You have to reapply for the licence again.

    If there's an end date on the letter then you can reapply 8 weeks before that date.

    To reapply, post the medical form, plus a D1 licence application form, to the DVLA.

    Reapply for a driving licence following a medical condition: How to reapply - GOV.UK

  • calflye
    calflye Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    @OverlyAnxious Ohhh thank you! Will my provisional still show that I've had it for 2 years or will it be a new one? Only asking because of insurance purposes as it was issued 2 years ago to me

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 284 Empowering

    I had mine revoked years ago because of MH issues as well .
    from what I remember your GP has to fill in a form and send it off then DVLA medical team looks at it, I’m pretty sure that’s what my letter said . Mine is still revoked because of all my meds and how they affect my concentration and memory .

  • calflye
    calflye Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    @letitbe Oh right thank you. Is the form they have to fill out the one on the letter I received that my license is revoked or a different letter? Sorry that yours is still revoked and you've been having issues with meds

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing

    You're welcome. The licence will be new and have a new issue date on the front. However the date on the back for when you were first allowed to drive each class of vehicle should still be the same so you can still say you've held the provisional for 2 years for insurance purposes.

    (Some insurers may word the question differently so it's always worth double checking the exact wording to make sure.)

  • calflye
    calflye Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    @OverlyAnxious Ah thank you so much for your help!

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor

    I had a similar experience too. After I got my license back- community psychiatrist mentioned I was stable , I was then on a staggered review period . I think initially it was every year for 2 years ( or something like that ) , then 3 years following which I was given a license with no more reviews. It’s now been 15 years of self-management with no medical interventions

  • Littlefatfriend
    Littlefatfriend Online Community Member Posts: 103 Empowering

    Have you asked either www.mind.org.uk



    They have some info about it.

    The DVLA appear to say that if the condition which led to your licence being revoked has improved, you could reapply 8 weeks before the end of the revocation:


  • calflye
    calflye Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    @Littlefatfriend Ah I didn't realise they would have information on it! I'll have a look on it.

    @noonebelieves Is a staggered review period where you get like reviewed on your condition every so often by DVLA?

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 284 Empowering

    Glad you managed to get yours back . It’s been about 7 years since they revoked mine.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 284 Empowering

    I think my form was attached to the letter they saint saying I had to send license in asap . TBH it’s been so many years they might have changed it

  • calflye
    calflye Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    @letitbe Ah right thank you so much for your help :)

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor

    yes , exactly. As it’s been a while now I don’t remember the exact intervals between the reviews … but it used to be quite frequent then spaced apart . I remember being worried during each review whether it maybe revoked again… glad I’m over that period as being able to drive gives me the independence with my health issues

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 284 Empowering

    I should try and get mine back too. Did u have to wait until you were off / reduced your MH medication ?

  • Louloubell1980
    Louloubell1980 Scope Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    I had my license revoked 3 times due to my epilepsy and had to reaply when i was seizure free one year. Ive not driven for 20 years as my seizure continues andmy brain surgery affects my vision and memory and i have mental health issues too. My sister had hers revoked for 6 months due to mental health but got it back 6 months later. Shes been driving 12 years with no issues. I understand how stressful it is. Sensing thoughts and best wishes

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    It is difficult, as of course it limits independence and ability to travel, but with certain conditions there can be safety concerns. I have actually had mine reviewed because of my ADHD! Though I haven't actually driven in years despite renewing my provisional each time. I can see people have already linked some good information about this, thank you!

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor

    @letitbe yes , correct I waited a year I think , I was on medication but stable . psychiatrist wrote in the letter that I shouldn’t be driving after my night medications . Apart from the frequent reviews it did not cause much of an issue as I normally take those medications just before hitting my head on the pillow . I’m still on it and stable