my husband is my carer but a pensioner
Hello. First time posting. Not sure if anyone can give any advice. I am a pensioner (just) with a full PIP . My husband started to receive his state pension a year ago. we are both not receiving a full state pension. My husband was working part time but gave this job up in April to care for me. He now works 4-5 days a…
Hi, my name is Daniel I'm facing some challenges with my daughter's behaviour. Any advice?
I am a single Father of a 10 year old girl and my life is a complete and utterly misery. It breaks my heart to feel like this as my daughter was also my best friend and I will do anything for her but it seems I am constantly at war with her at the moment amd our bond is fading day by day. Everyday is a battle and I am both…
Hi, my name is stressedmum38_! My son stays up all night and won't leave the house
Hello my son is 18 and will stay up all night sleep all day and will not leave the house, has stopped coming downstairs and is always moody!! I’m sick of it waiting his asd diagnosis but I feel like I have a stranger in my home!!!
Need help cleaning house
both my parents sufffer from chronic fatigue, have had a stroke in the last 2 years and are physically unable to clean up after themselves, and I've been their primary carer for 5 or 6 years and I'm getting too mentally and physically exhausted, I'm looking for someone who offers a discounted rate for disabled clients to…
Advice in regards to past social care failure
Good morning Hope everyone is well I'm doing a post for a family member When she was 8 she was on child protection During that time she confided in a social worker that she was being sexually abused Being so young she assumed social services would do what they could to help her But as time went on and she was taken off…
Hello everyone , my daughter is due her GCSE results tomorrow. She has done nothing but cry all day , her anxiety’s off the scale . She also has moderate learning difficulties , social phobia and physical disability’s . She’s really struggled with the whole school setting and had poor attendance of 53% before and after…
College and GCSE results
Our son got very low GCSE grades. He has just been to enrol at college. He rang me and he was angry and swearing. He has to do the level 1 course and he was expecting to do level 2. His behaviour since school broke up at the end of June has been nothing but trouble. He barely eats a meal at home, won't go to sleep until…
My 15 year old who has CP doesn't eat much
My son has started skipping his lunches at school. He says theres nothing he likes and refuses to take packed lunches as he doesn't like cold sandwiches. The school doesn't allow students to go out for lunch. Would be grateful if anyone has any ideas.
After ideas on where I can take my son to help support his emotional well being and social skills
Hi I am after some ideas where I can take my son , who is 9, to help support his emotional well being and social communication skills. It would need to be somewhere that I could stay with him in the first instance. We live in the Wrexham area but we are happy to travel. Thank you in advance 💚
Tell GOSH Institute of Child Health and Cambridge Uni how SEND support varies across England
Complete the surveys The Health Outcomes for young People throughout Education (HOPE) team at the UCL Great Ormond Street Hospital Institute of Child Health and University of Cambridge have published national surveys to understand more about how Special Educational Needs or Disability support varies across England. Take…
£10,000 OVERPAYMENT???????
Hello friends I am in shock so this is going to be short. (I have Aspergers so don't count on it...)My daughter was in a residential home and the company were her appointee etc. I was finally applied for carers allowance in 2018 as she stayed "home" 2/3 days a week sometimes more and had done for years! She moved back home…
Hi, my name is LB60! My granddaughter has children with ADHD/autism. We need some help for her
Just found out about this community. I have grandchildren on the spectrum also with ADHD. 3 great grandchildren 2 of whom we have been waiting for referrals to paediatrician for years. Eldest now 9 clearly on the spectrum but undiagnosed and masks it greatly at school. However my granddaughter has to put up with the…
Council house and autistic child
Hello I am really worried and I really need advice. My son is autism. He is 6 year old . I was living 3 bedroom house in private sector but I gone homeless because my landlord want to sell property so council moved me 3 bedroom maisonette. Before moving my son was calm and happy boy but after his behaviour suddenly changed…
I feel like a useless part of my family
Hi, i have never done anything like this before and I feel strange writing this out for people to see. I have anxiety disorder (mostly health anxiety and social) panic disorder, ADHD and have struggled with depression on and off. I'm medicated for anxiety, depression and panic attacks but it only stops me having really bad…
Need Recommendations
Hi, Can anyone please recommend a good care agency in Oxford? I've come across https://www.oxfordaunts.co.uk/ and they seem quite reliable but need some recommendations. Thanks.
Help I have a 9 year old girl with autism and I can’t get her to leave the house . It is the summer holidays I am also a single mum . I have tried loads she just won’t leave her room just want to be on her own. Very worried mum 😢 and feel like a prisoner in my own house
Help for my son who has severe complex needs due to meningitis
My son is now 6 moved to house for his severe disability needs epilepsy hypertonia global development delay registered blind but at 4 stone still no help to get up and down stairs and no hoist down stairs Walsall council services are shocking need legal advice anyone give advice please
Newly Diagnosed ONH
Hi, my 8 month old daughter has recently been diagnosed with bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia. I’m so overwhelmed with everything. I wondered if anyone else has children with the same diagnosis or visually impaired that could offer any advice? Thanks 😊
How has the cost of living crisis impacted you and your family?
Want to help shape Scope's work? We're looking to gather some information from parents and carers of disabled children and young people about how they've been impacted by the cost of living crisis. Please complete this form to tell us about your experiences. Answers given may be quoted by Scope to help us show how the cost…
Hi, my name is Ls_mum! I'm carer and appointee for my 22 year old daughter
Hi,I’m Carer and appointee for my 22 yr old daughter who has learning disabilities. She just finished college and attends day services arranged by social services. She gets PIP and UC, we filled out a UC50 form in Jan ‘22 and finally have an assessment for early September. I’m looking for help and guidance for this. It’ll…