Failing probation in a job

shazza47 Community member Posts: 5 Contributor


I am a bit upset at the moment, I suffer from severer osteoarthritis and was working from home as a customer service adviser, when I started this job the training was not that good and I have never worked with a energy supplier before, I had regular call scores but even though, I had a 100% calls and performance was on target, but with the conflicting information from my manager that I had not done certain things on a call, it got confusing, I disagreed with I’m as I always had high compliance call scores, I’m suffering with so much pain at the moment, I can hardly walk, and just keep questioning myself all the while. Sorry but I’m sick of trying, I work from home because it’s difficult for me to travel.


  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 1,791 Pioneering

    Hi @shazza47 I am sorry you failed your probation in a job. Have they extended the probation period or do you no longer have a job at all?

    When you were offered the job were you give a full written job description, and details of your job role in writing?

    Had you been reviewed at all during your probation period to discuss any issues on your side and theirs?

    When they said you had failed the probation period was it discussed with your manager, HR and yourself?

    Did you know this would happen or did you think you were doing ok?

    Sorry to ask so many questions. Take care.

  • shazza47
    shazza47 Community member Posts: 5 Contributor

    this is the opinion of my manager who has gave me constant conflicting feedback about my calls and performance, my probation was extended, but I was told that he wanted a 100% and performance which I achieved both over this last week or so but apparently, over the last 2 weeks he said I haven’t said certain stuff which I know I have, but my calls are 100% score, I’m just very confused, The job description was not that descriptive, I only found out I would be working for an energy company when I started training

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 1,791 Pioneering
    edited September 24

    Hi @shazza47 Would you be able to talk to HR and ask for there help. Explaining you are not sure what is expected of you. This must be very difficult for you and will not be helping your health. Is there a Union where you work?

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 89 Empowering

    Sorry to hear this has happened to you but employers are really weird these days. There are many companies that only hire people for probationary periods meaning that they can pay you less whilst they train and trial you and then after the probation period they come up with some nonsensical reason not to take you on permanently.

    I hope they can at least write you a good reference and although the ending was somewhat crazy and unexpected you can use your recent work experience to your advantage when looking for another job.

    Whatever you do, don't blame yourself. As I said, this may be the energy company's modus operandi and it is nothing personal.

  • shazza47
    shazza47 Community member Posts: 5 Contributor

    Thank you all for your comments, I did feel upset yesterday about this, but I glad I’m not there anymore it was not a good company, and I have to focus on my health, I am waiting to have a hip replacement, I’m suffering enough I don’t need to feel stressed about a job that no good, I have applied for jobs that are more in line with the career I had before I started this job so hopefully, I might hear something back off these jobs.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 1,791 Pioneering

    Hi @shazza47 Good luck with the jobs you have applied for. Have you been given any idea when you might get a hip replacement? Take care.

  • shazza47
    shazza47 Community member Posts: 5 Contributor

    no I’m on the waiting list for my hip replacement, only been waiting about 3 or 4 months now, but I’m in a lot of pain and this is also affecting my mobility, I’m really not looking forward to the operation, but if it takes the pain away and I can walk a lot better then I need to go through with it.

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 89 Empowering

    Hi Shazza

    Glad to hear you have gotten over that ridiculous job situation. Remember if there was something you did wrong they would have said it and wouldn't have had to resort to being vague and ambiguous. Nobody obviously complained because you provided first class customer services support.

    You were simply too good for them.

    I hope your next employer recognises how awesome you are.

  • shazza47
    shazza47 Community member Posts: 5 Contributor

    Awww thank you for your lovely reply, I just keep questioning myself and thinking it must be me, but on the other hand they are not a good company, they have awful review and a high staff turnover.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,411 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @shazza47. Sorry you had such a bad experience with this company. It sounds like they weren't a good place to work for, especially when you had such high scores and they still found something to criticise you on. Call centres do tend to have a high turnover and it's easy to see why just from your experience. Don't question yourself at all, put it behind you and remind yourself that you did a great job despite what they said 😊

    I hope you get a hip replacement soon, it's horrible having to live with such chronic pain. Good luck with your next job!

  • jae377
    jae377 Community member Posts: 33 Contributor

    Should something similar occur again there are two things you can do.

    1. Request HR to play back calls where you are certain you did cover all points. If by some chance you did miss something when played back:
    2. Request "reasonable adjustment" to the 100% requirement as constant chronic pain is a recognised disability and known to affect performance and ability to concentrate.