What do families want from Scope?

Lola_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 46 Family Services
edited October 11 in Families and carers

We would like to know what families need from Scope so we can plan to meet those needs. Please select from the list of suggestions below and/or add you your own suggestion at the bottom.

What do families want from Scope? 36 votes

Finding support following diagnosis
Mum2MaxcarthaKali85Lesley718fozziebear1971Dhuuh28222Scopetolivevi568 8 votes
Managing my wellbeing
dannistarMBBellBrianMcFaddenFan82MandyD1967joubin135keats88autumn1234reachstateHeath4099 9 votes
Managing challenging behaviour
Violajillmills76 2 votes
How to support my child
dimackCromLittleLivvieRachel8traceylauralee1988Laurenj49Sailendra 7 votes
Managing change following diagnosis
Jasonwhatulike 1 vote
Encouraging independence
durhamjaide2001orangeapple57Queen_KwonkydazeRazr 5 votes
Other (please state below)
onebigvoiceANj53j77vikki66Barbs188 4 votes


  • Pinks1972
    Pinks1972 Community member Posts: 1 Listener

    Hello everyone hope Ur all keeping well 😊, but I have moved into a bungalow due to ill health but I can't afford carpet for my living room and hallway, I have lost feelings to both of my legs and feet from the knees down and trying to keep my feet warm is hard and now we going into winter really worries me so how can I get help with this please. Many thanks

  • Lola_Scope
    Lola_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 46 Family Services

    Hi @Pinks1972,

    Thank you for getting in touch. This is not my area of expertise but you can check what support is available on the government’s Help for Households website.

    Our website has information about help with gas and electricity bills

    You can also contact our Disability Energy Support Team on 0808 801 0828 for help managing your energy costs.  

    I hope you will be able to stay warm this winter.

  • Rachel8
    Rachel8 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    How to support my child

    would like to meet other children: families.

  • Lola_Scope
    Lola_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 46 Family Services

    Hi @Rachel8,

    Thank you for responding to our poll. Your response will form part of the feedback that informs future plans. Also, by posting here and you have already taken and important step towards networking with other parents.

    Feel free to provide some additional information on the main families page. You could perhaps ask the community for recommendations for disability specific groups. There is a lot of knowledge to draw on. You can also Google your “Local Offer”. This should have information about what opportunities are available to you locally. Some areas are better than others but every area should have something to offer and it’s a good place to start as there are often links to other resources. 😊

  • orangeapple57
    orangeapple57 Scope Member Posts: 33 Connected
    Encouraging independence

    Unfortunately only one of these options is viable for someone with Eds whilst we suffer many years without a diagnosis. Diagnosis only brings with it vindication as one can only manage deteriorating. In my case I have been denied the only form of treatment as in this County no physiotherapy is available for anyone with a chronic health condition which is counter productive to the condition which deteriorates over time and which can only be reduced or slowed through physiotherapy and management. My daily struggles there for a mount to fighting constantly for independence support and what is awarded by the Equality Act of 2010 however because there are no known establishments as watchdogs for this law, I find myself being a full-time solicitor every single day fighting for equipment grants justice. Therefore my main source of angst is in The pursuit of justice.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Community member Posts: 773 Empowering
    Other (please state below)


    Sorry to hear this. There are so many different illnesses and disabilities where sufferers have to exhaust themselves fighting for what is supposedly their rights. It’s awful.

    I’m sorry to hear that you have to fight for justice, but I admire your tenacity in doing so. So many people give up.

    Stay strong

  • travisparker
    travisparker Community member Posts: 1 Listener

    Families need comprehensive support following diagnosis, including resources for managing well-being and behavior. Encouraging independence is also crucial, as it fosters confidence and self-sufficiency in children.

  • Lola_Scope
    Lola_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 46 Family Services

    Welcome to the community @travisparker and thank you so much for your response it’s much appreciated 🙂

  • Lola_Scope
    Lola_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 46 Family Services

    Thank you so much to everyone who has responded to our poll so far. We’d be very interested to know any more information you’d like to share. For example, what specific support do feel is needed following diagnosis. Do parents want help supporting their child developmentally, educationally, social or in another area. Would parents also potentially benefit from specific help supporting an LGBTQ+ disabled child?

  • reachstate
    reachstate Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Managing my wellbeing

    As we collaborate to advance in our respective fields, I also share a personal challenge. The burden of family debt taken on health grounds has become increasingly overwhelming on me as a young undergrad and constraining my academics, with interest  accruing daily.

    Thank you for considering how you can support me during this time through shared resources and networking. I look forward to our continued partnership in building a brighter future, both personally and professionally.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,384 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @reachstate. Thanks for your answer. Do you have children yourself or are you referring to debt within your family?

  • reachstate
    reachstate Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Managing my wellbeing

    @Rachel_Scope Thank you for your response and concern. I'd like to clarify that the debt I mentioned is related to financial responsibilities I undertook while caring for my sick parent. As a student from a modest background, I faced unexpected expenses that necessitated borrowing temporarily. This debt burden is borne out of familial obligations and the absence of financial support or subsidies.

    It'It'It'It's a challenging situation, I appreciate your understanding.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,384 Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks for clarifying @reachstate. That must have been very difficult for you and it's admirable that you looked after your sick parent.

    This particular poll is aimed at those with disabled children, however, your experience has been noted and I will pass it on to the rest of the organisation as something that we could possibly help people with in the future.

  • reachstate
    reachstate Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Managing my wellbeing

    @Rachel_Scope iI willI be glad if this leads to helping someone with similar challenge in the future. I empathize with parents caring and loving their children however nature has brought them forth. HaveHave a beautiful evening.

  • cartha
    cartha Community member Posts: 1,391 Empowering
    edited October 5
    Finding support following diagnosis

    Access to legal advice would be very helpful. I've been in a situation where I needed legal advice, just a lawyer to talk with for an hour or so, but there's been no help where I live. I even offered money at one point but none would help me, and they would not give a reason. I live in the Welsh outback where services in general are not very good, and have been getting worse over the past few years.

  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,366 Empowering

    Note from the online community team.

    Just a reminder that this poll is for families with disabled children. We have begun a new discussion that discusses more broadly what our members would like from Scope, which you can find here.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Community member Posts: 773 Empowering
    Other (please state below)

    My child (ASD/ADHD/LD) has experienced a lot of challenges around dysregulation since hitting puberty. He’s not been able to attend school for over a year, and barely leaves the house. His dad was literally at deaths door, but had surgeries (including organ transplant after rejection). I’m worn out, as I split with my son’s dad (during the difficult years when you have to struggle to be see specialists in order to be diagnosed), but still try to care for him as he has nobody else (he also has ASD as well as physical disabilities since early childhood. He lives nearby, on his own). That’s just the tip of the iceberg we’re contending with. My own health doesn’t get a chance to enter the picture ever (I’m not moaning, as that’s how it often is for parents/carers).

    I guess I’d appreciate meeting parents, struggling or not.

  • ANj53j77
    ANj53j77 Scope Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Other (please state below)

    Adult support

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,356 Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks to everyone who's left some feedback, apologies if the team haven't been able to reply to everyone, but you've not been forgotten about. ❤️

    I can definitely empathise to some degree @vikki66 life is tough enough for young autistic kids, even without so many other factors life is throwing at them. Have you looked into any local support groups to meet other parents in the same position?

  • katrinyjess11
    katrinyjess11 Community member Posts: 3 Listener

    Ohh nice!

This discussion has been closed.