CAMHS assessment

LJT14723 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
edited September 10 in Families and carers

Good morning, My daughter had a CAMHS assessment and we are waiting to hear their decision but during the assessment they asked about family history and I told them I'm diagnosed with anxiety, depression, OCD and complex PTSD. She then wanted to know what medication I was on for my mental health as it can be helpful for their assessment. Does anyone know how my medication could help them with ny daughter assessment? She was referred for anxiety, low mood and she is also autistic and waiting for a special school place.


  • Jodie_Scope
    Jodie_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 60 Family Services

    Hi @LJT14723

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    This is one of the questions often asked at a CAMHS assessment because knowing about a parent’s medication history can provide insights into potential hereditary factors.

    Also understanding any family history of mental health conditions or medication helps the team tailor their approach when supporting your child.

    These are some websites you may find helpful:

    Guide to CAMHS | Mental Health Services | YoungMinds

    Parents' Guide to CAMHS | Guide for Parents | YoungMinds

    I hope this reassures you.

    Take care

    Jodie 😊

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,086 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @LJT14723, welcome to the community. I'm not too sure why they would ask this. It might be to have an understanding of what works for you as some conditions can run in families, but if you don't feel comfortable disclosing it then hopefully they will understand that. Sometimes they want to get a big picture of what life is like at home to help them know how they can support your daughter.

    Could you perhaps ask them why they want to know? Maybe they can explain it to you.

  • LJT14723
    LJT14723 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

    Thank tou for tour replies. I had told them all of our family history which was why I then found it odd they wanted to know what medication I was on.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,137 Championing

    I wonder if there is an element of inheritance in which anxiety/depression medications work best for people? It's well known that the same medication can affect different people in different ways, so it could be true that a mother & daughter are more likely to be affected in similar ways by the same medication? I don't know if there's any truth in that, just thinking out loud.

  • LJT14723
    LJT14723 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

    That is a good thought. I'm not overly worried I was just curious thinking about the meeting afterwards, things come back to you.