Hi, my name is Lindy71!Dealing with progressive myopia
Hi, New here- Im dealing with progressive myopia. Its gotten to the point where I had to leave my job.? Anyone else here experiencing this?
What's the waiting list to see audiologist, and can I choose different colours for my hearing aid?
Today I got the results for my scan as I have pulsatile tinnitus and moderate hearing loss, it came back all clear! Which is great! However, I have damage in my inner ear and need hearing aids, so I've been discharged from ENT and sent for a referral to the audiologist My questions are, how long will this take to get an…
Rehab for dysphagia
Hi i am looking for advice re any treatment program for dysphagia i need some rehab for my daughter. Who are the experts in this for children ? This dysphagia caused by stretching shock to cranial nerves follow operation. We have a SALT but only seeing monthly. Thanks for any advice
Moved: Fibromyalgia and Pulsatile Tinnitus
This discussion has been moved.
Fibromyalgia and Pulsatile Tinnitus
Good evening everyone! Yesterday I had my MRI Scan for pulsatile tinnitus and will get my results with the ENT specialist on the 1st April. I am not sure what to expect because I have moderate hearing loss and when I google pulsatile tinnitus it comes up with tumours, artery problems and pressure in the brain etc! Its all…
Hi, my name is marybottomley! I don't feel like I fit in the hearing or deaf world.
Hi, I'm Nicola the Speech and language advisor, you can ask me questions today
Hello everyone, my name is Nicola. I am a children’s speech and language therapist, and deal with a range of issues from simple lisps to complex needs. I am head of The Owl Centre, which provides multidisciplinary therapy services for children across 19 counties in England and South Wales. If you need information and…
Going blind
Hi, I hope this is in the right place - please feel free to move if not! I have been told in the last week that I will need to have my eyes removed (enucleated) because of a health issue. I have had limited, but reasonably good, vision for my whole life so it's not entirely new to me but it will obviously be very…
Prescription Clear Wraparound Glasses/Safety Glasses
Hi all, Bit of a weird one this but my vision issues seem to be getting worse, especially with regard to screen use. I had an eye test back in August 2019 that said my vision was fine surprisingly, but that I had an astigmatism that would be causing the fuzziness and eye strain on just one eye. It is always one eye that…
I've been deaf in both ears since I was 8!
Topic. Circa August 1984 or thereabouts, I had a bad bout of Chicken Pox and have been deaf ever since! At one bit I had 2 hearing aids and hated it because I was bullied at school, called stuff I doubt the Mods would thank me for repeating. The Hospital has been trying to get me back to 2 hearing aids for years, and I've…
Screen Magnifier for Visually Impaired?
I know there is various software out there to help with magnification when using a laptop/computer. My mum is really struggling with her laptop right now and I wondered if there were any products available that go over the laptop screen to enlarge it, or have I just dreamed this? If so are there any recommendations?
Hearing aid users - help with helmets
Hi all, I'm a Hard of Hearing individual with a BAHA. Even by usual standards mine sits kind of high up so I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a rather specific query: What kind of bicycle helmet do/can you wear with BAHAs? If not a BAHA then a regular hearing aid and if not a bicycle helmet then any kind. I would…
A history of braille, and how relevant is it in 2021?
World Braille Day World Braille Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues impacting those who are blind or visually impaired within society. The invention of braille has transformed accessibility for those with visual impairments and promotes equal opportunities. It is hoped that by highlighting the methods…
Hi, my name is Sukichip1!
Sensory impairment Hearing. Wearing two aids and being told I’m going to referred to fitness to work, as masks are impacting my ability to hear,I can read peoples lips, and suffering more with ffp3 masks as people’s voices more muffled. When I asked if I could be excused from assisting in RA Sedation I was faced with…
Anyone had both cataracts replaced at the same time?
I believe the norm is to replace one, then wait till everything settles down and then have the other done. My surgeon says it’s to risky due to my heart problems. Has anyone any experience?
Lamella Macula hole
I've recently been diagnosed with a Lamella Macula hole (right eye) I think , It doesn't seem to effect me at the moment and progression is usually slow. The Optician said I might benefit from taking Macula Shield supplement , anybody have any thoughts on that. Her findings have bee forwarded to Morefields Eye Hospital for…
Visually impaid/blind
Hello all, I'm new here and just wondered if there is anyone who is visually impaired or blind
Recommendations to help with sight loss
Hi all To the visually impaired out there can anyone recommend an aid or something I can use to magnify my lap top screen I have made the screen resolution as big as I can with still being able to see a full screen . I was wondering if there was a type of screen magnifier that goes over the screen to help I have a…
Braille week 2020: Does braille still have relevance in today's tech society?
This past week (5-11 October 2020) has been National Braille Week 2020. Organised by Sight Scotland, the event aims to highlight the importance of braille for blind and visually impaired people. What is braille and why is it used? Sight Scotland explain that Braille is: The benefits of using Braille are: * Having equal…
Online Speech Therapy
Hi everyone, I started online speech therapy platform, not only due to the current COVID situation, but also this is a new way to get access to therapist. We have kids as young as 3 years old making progress via Teletherapy (online speech and language therapy), with the little ones around the age of 3 is also about parents…