Balancing insecurity and popularity with standing by your beliefs
I've been doing some thinking for the last few weeks It’s sometimes hard having to deal with insecurities; it’s also hard standing by what you believe is right even when those principles are unpopular What about dealing with both at once???? I witness lots of people just spout a selection of popularly held views and become…
Has anyone been diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder?
has anyone been diagnosed with this
Am I a lost cause?? (Toxic positivity)
I have been making loads of progress in lots of areas recently and feeling a lot more positive recently about what I could be doing in the future I still want to do more though and my next step I decided was to try to build on my social circle as (apart from online friends) this is just made from family at the moment. This…
Friend stuck in doors
As you may know because of the hate crimes and ASB my friend is facing he's now a shut-in. Any tips on how he can conquer isolation and stay fit and healthy? You may think given he's had experience of isolation during the pandemic it should be easy, right? However, he tells me to be stuck in (albeit for his safety) whilst…
i dont know anymore
my whole life ive dealt with this, constant pain, and i was always so confused "Why is everything so much harder for me than anyone else??" and i ended up severely depressed when i was 10 and it never really stopped. im 17 now, finally accepted that im disabled and im working through it and im getting fitted for a…
Post-traumatic stress disorder
PTSD and bad arthritis completely down my right side fiber Moja I am in a wheelchair I cannot walk in pain 24/7 but you actually don't live with it it's harder some days than others my PTSD is getting worse so going to psychologist and psychiatrist I have appointment with both so hopefully I can get this back under control…
WCA and Mental Health, Quick Q!
Hi Scopers! I'll make it short, basically I've been asked by DWP to take a WCA (Work Capability Assessment) as my Doctor wrote me a fit note from now till July (due to mental health issues I've had in the past year the type of work I can do is limited e.g- I can make stuff for my small business and work as a nanny or…
Church and Mental Health
In 2014 to 2016 I made some bad decisions because of my mental health and as a result I was effectively kicked out of the church (I was a minister at the time). Now some 8 years later and after a lot of intense therapy I have been diagnosed with Bipolar 2 Disorder and Complex PTSD, both of which would have contributed to…
nhs negligence
I had acdf surgery in October 2023 but have got damage to my vocal chord nerve ever since I not been able to speak since then(just whispered) and I haven't been able to work since the surgery .Would it be worth to look at nhs negligence and if so how would I do this?
wheelchair confidence
im so scared to be seen in a wheelchair, i couldnt even get myself into college on crutches because i was scared of the questions, how am i supposed to get over the fear of being seen in a wheelchair? i obviously need to tryu and get myself out the house but i dont really want to be seen. i always tried to be the quiet and…
Problem with length of counselling appts for people who use AAC (communication aid)
I'm not going to name and shame, but just want to flag up an issue that is currently affecting my adult son who has CP and uses AAC (no speech). He has some mental health issues which we have struggled to find the right support for (another story for another time) and over the last few months he has been accessing some…
HELP! Need support in accessing mental health support for people with disabilities.
I have a student that needs to access mental health support regarding struggling with being disabled. I've contacted a number of mental health support agencies who say they aren't the agencies for her due to her being non verbal voca user. Can anyone help signpost me to appropriate mental health support agencies please.
Please could you help please could someone who uses these tablets write to me if find it helpful thank you
Never give up
Hi im mandy I'm housebound and use a wheelchair chair I am in pain everyday and every night it never leaves me it's all cause I was in a very violent relationship from the age of 13 wen I was 22.that is wen he put me in a wheelchair that day was the day my life ended I have no family as I wasn't wanted I was dumped around…
Please can someone share their experience about antidepressants im not able to take drugs from SSRI group because of side effects please can someone share their experience if find helpful using wellbutrin or mianseryna , or different thank you
Mental health
Nee to this site i suffer bad with mental health feel really down just want to try sleep all the time any ideas would be great dont go out a lot though x
A&E letter
Hi everyone last week I had to attend A&E again as I wasn’t coping, not eating getting no sleep feel unsafe in my home after speaking to the psychiatric liaison dr he discharged me and told me he would email my local council i received the discharge letter today and he has put that my current presentation is not indicative…
Feeling anxious/anemia/iron tablets :( need advice :( scared
I have been taking ferrous sulphate for my periods 200mg per day. I stopped taking it for a month/2 and had 2 periods, and started to feel very tired/weak and noticed I was struggling with my workouts again. I had a blood test, and the doctor said my results came back ' normal ' They won't divulge me yet in numbers, but…
Got a support worker
Hi every one I have a support worker now as well as a nurse a social worker and a ot . Since moving and getting a new team they seem to have done more for me than my old team . Today my support worker took me and my dog to the park and then we went for lunch . Next week she’s taking me to tescos . It’s things like that I…
Every day looks the same
God I've written so much but somehow it all was deleted and now I feel sad. I was saying... Every day looks the same, I feel no motivation at all. Nothing can get me enthusiastic. I don't want to wake up because every day is just the same, I can't seem to find something that can make me FEEL anything at all. I just feel…