Suicidal Feelings
If you are struggling regarding suicidal feelings, it can be a difficult and frightening time. MIND is a Mental Health charity that offers support, information and advice, here are some links to their website that might be helpful to you. You are not alone, you are a member of our community and we appreciate you. If you…
Coping with stress, low mood and isolation – a support thread
What is this thread about? We realise these
are particularly difficult times for all who visit Scope’s online
community. The impact of covid-19 has
been far reaching, not least emotionally, as we all cope and ‘muddle through’ each
day the best we can. As a means of
support, the Community Team have compiled a list of…
hi, i suffer from chronic insomnia Please could someone share their experiences regarding insomnia and what medication they are taking for it Thank you, kind regards
Sitting in on a phone as an advocate for 17 year old son during PIP assessment
Has anyone else had a PIP assessment for their teen child ? I’m absolutely astonished with their lack of empathy for a 17 year old . I understand the process but she was grilling him to the point it reduced him to shock. I had to tell her stop and remind he was a 17 year doing an adult assessment. I said he had already…
Mental health
One mental health worker I visited told me I have EUPD . I was also given medication to help anxiety too .
Feeling really overwhelmed
have appointment for specialised unit for my main MH issue, don’t think I can deal with it all .
Fear of the unknown
Hello everyone. Quite a long post so apologies in advance. Am currently working but suffer with several MH issues since 2017. Been off work several times due to this. Been working from home since start lockdown. MH took a nosedive and now I don't socialise or go out without a family member. Just returned to work after…
I suffer with agoraphobia. I’ve not left the house since Christmas Day which is the longest it’s been so far. I avoid everything like the plague just have telephone appointments etc & I’m getting scared that this is going to turn into a lifelong thing 😢 I just want to be normal again. Has anyone got any advice on how to…
Struggling with mental health
Just feeling like I don’t want to be here anymore, I feel so anxious, lonely and depressed I’m living independently for the first time I don’t work and I have no social life Very close to my mother but not able to spend as much time with her, now we’re living apart, I sometimes go to her house just to get out but I’m still…
Slight anxiety directly after sending an email
I just sent an email this morning and I immediately got an intrusive thought that I had written something obscene, so I had to go to my Sent Mail and check it was OK. This must be some new variation of my OCD trying to creep into my life and disturb me.
Thinking of you poppy hope your OK and miss summerlove still think of vikki and know nightcity OK
Where the damn can I get help
hi This is more a rant I can’t seem to get any support, I was under the cmht team 2022-2023, they made my mh worse so put a complaint in and asked to be transferred to another cmht, each time I speak to my gp he refers me back to the cmht who decline the referral, I’ve been to A&E who tell me I’m under the cmht team even…
Can you go into inpatient rehabilitation as an informal patient/from the community?
I've had mental health issues that have been long-lasting since I was 9-years-old. I'm now 25-years. I also have autism. I was diagnosed with ASD when I was 18-years-old. I was under CAMHS for since I was 9, but no one ever picked up on the autism. I've never been sectioned or been in hospital as an informal patient. I've…
Telephone appointment with psychiatrist
I have now been given the date for the upcoming appointment with this psychiatrist.And to give you an idea of how negative I am and how my brain works.Ive searched the life out of this man to discover that he is not a consultant and only took the position in November 2024.Whilst I appreciate the skill it takes to become a…
my experience of OCD treatment
I just need to tell my experience to write it down to see what I can do to get better. I now know the NHS mental health team can't help or aren't bothered but maybe a private company can. What have other people done to make their OCD better. I'm sure nobody is interested as this is long and I wouldn't blame you it's just…
Please could someone share their experience with zopiclone if found it helpful thank you
Shine On! Celebrating Our Incredible Strengths
Hey everyone, I'm back after being away for a bit, and I'm looking forward to catching up on all the amazing stories and experiences shared here. I wanted to shift the focus a bit and celebrate the incredible strengths and abilities within this community. So, I'm curious: What are some of the things you're most proud of?…
Being Your Authentic You
What I think is difficult for many people regardless of disability or not, is to be their authentic selves. I think many of us aren't able to be our authentic selves because of fear and our negativity towards ourselves. We don't treat ourselves with respect and therefore we drag ourselves down and our negative choices…
Personal independence payment
Hi i thought I would come on and say after a long miserable and mentally and physically draining 2 years I have been awarded not only awarded but advanced for both. Please bare in mind although sometimes we feel like giving up and saving the hassle as dwp are extremely difficult it has been showed they are wrong . They…
Never leaves you
Tried to be grounded kept myself invisible to people outside world and really worked on controlling emotions I get rages I understand now from feeling overwhelmed but the rages are intense yesterday I lost it couldn't control myself the panels of my next door neighbours fence has come down so leave my garden vunerable to…
Feeling very low 😕
Ive been suffering with depression anxiety for years since my last spinal ops 4 of then and all these lung diseases and all these other illnesses I've felt so low feel like I'm drowning had a breakdown last year started on pain meds that causing me paranoia and god know what then straight into menopause it's absolutely…
Dns new 5/18 intreasting