Telephone appointment with psychiatrist

Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

I have now been given the date for the upcoming appointment with this psychiatrist.And to give you an idea of how negative I am and how my brain works.Ive searched the life out of this man to discover that he is not a consultant and only took the position in November 2024.Whilst I appreciate the skill it takes to become a psychiatrist.I am not sure if he will be suited to me either as over 20 years ago I went through all this and was told I needed to see the consultant ( which Thank God I did) and ended up seeing him for many years.So I'm feeling very pessimistic.I know I shouldn't but I know that I'm going to sabotage the conversation if there is any sign of incompetence.I can just imagine him saying "I've got a brief of what's been happening for you,perhaps you'd like to tell me a bit about that?".That will be the end of the conversation right there ( playground psychology)



  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    By the way,I don't expect a reply to.this.I am just venting my feelings and it helps to see my thoughts in text.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,680 Championing

    Hi @Jane315STARX I agree it does help. I would just like to wish you the best of luck and really hope it goes well for you.

    You might be surprised and it will be better than you think.

    Take care.

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    Thankyou BlueBell.I received a text to say it will be a phone consultation on February 11th.So I will see.Im actually sitting here making myself 😃 laugh.Wondering whether it would be too rude to just come right out with it and say "are you a consultant?".But how narcissistic do I sound?.Almost as if nobody less qualified will do.I hope you are ok,always so thoughtful and helpful in your answers X

  • older01
    older01 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor


    I have had first hand experience of the 5 minute conversation with what turned out to be a locum psychiatrist. He gave me a terrible diagnosis based on the lockdown telephone conversation. I remember that I was extremely stressed and also anxious that I should tell him everything that I was feeling during that conversation. I was appalled at his cursory diagnosis that had far reaching connotations for me. He gave me a label. I wasn’t a label! That’s the polite way of saying diagnosis. The man had never met me, and he had failed to grasp my desperate need for help whilst my late husband was terminally ill. I had to research my rights. You have the right to challenge any diagnosis if it doesn’t feel right. You also have the right to a second or even third opinion.

    My thought is that you list only a cursory history if you are under the mental health team. He should be aware of any medical background. Don’t ask him if he’s qualified, but do ask if he is a member of your local health care team. Tell him that you would prefer to speak to someone that you are familiar with, or perhaps meet him with someone who can support you. That way you aren’t getting off on the wrong footing, but do stand your ground if something doesn’t feel right.

    Best wishes ❤️

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    I Am so sorry you went through all of this.I do have a bit of information on him and know that he is part of the local 'team' however all this information I've located online and I cannot seem to access his qualifications etc.I know my rights as to far as in 'Patients Rights etc' as my previous Psychiatrist many years ago Schooled me in this when another Psychiatrist went against his opinion when I had post natal depression and tried to diagnose me with a totally different diagnosis.This was many many years ago.My history must be on the system as the talking therapist knew that I had been sectioned in my twenties ( and I didn't mention any of this as we only spoke once )

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    You must all be thinking...OMG who is this crazy woman we have here on Scope.I am quite sane...(well some of the time!) Had a very complicated life as most of us have.Different issues have happened which affected my health.I got over them,then got physically ill,and then of late stress has brought me to.a mixture of problems.

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    @older01 you have obviously been through a great deal too.Did you get a 2nd or 3rd opinion?.I hope you managed to get the support you need

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,680 Championing
    edited January 31

    Hi @Jane315STARX Thank you, I am not too bad.

    I actually think they should tell you at a first appointment what their rank is. If they are not a Consultant what or who they are.

    I am terrible for making a judgement on a medical person in a very short time. You just know if you are going to be able to trust them to help you or not.

    I usually write down a list of question I want to ask before any appointment in case I forget any.

    It is stressful enough talking to a new doctor and it is important that you feel comfortable talking to them.

    I think you should do what is best for you at your appointment give the doctor/consultant a chance but question anything you are not happy with or need more details of what they mean.

    I just really hope they are able to help you.

    Take care.

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    It's one thing talking to a talking therapist on.the phone.But I do think it's very odd having a 'consultation with a psychiatrist over the phone'.But I suppose they can can judge and they would know best in this particular situation.I can't help wonder if it's just come to this because of the lack of slots that the NHS has to actually see patients.So it concerns me as to what type of care I 'could' get.But again this is my mind just over analysing everything

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    Please don't reply.enjoy your evening x

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,680 Championing
    edited January 31


  • older01
    older01 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor

    Hi @Jane315STARX

    I don’t mind listening. I am actually just sat on my bed relaxing, so I don’t mind at all. Do you agree with whatever diagnosis you may or may not have had today? Has your situation changed? Unfortunately, it’s sadly a sign of the times that you have to have a telephone consultation with the psychiatrist now. If you ask to speak to them face to face and you don’t mind waiting, please let them know this before you go into much detail with them over the phone.

    Telephone consultations do not show us as we are. It’s merely an NHS tick box process. Sadly the human touch has long since gone. Unless it’s medication related, or you wish to discuss your diagnosis, you are better talking to your CPN. At least you can see them, and they know you. The diagnosis that the strange locum gave me has been erased. There’s no trace of it in my medical records now thankfully. But if I were to ever have a mental health issue again - it wouldn’t surprise me if it popped up again. There’s been an extensive investigation in my area after record keeping was shown to be woefully inadequate. Sadly I can’t even prove who the locum was due to this issue.

    If you’re not sure if he’s qualified, note his name and email the GMC. They hold all records of accredited health care professionals.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Empowering

    @Jane315STARX Hi Jane, all I would say is if it were me, I would personally be ringing to double check what their job is ie that they are definitely a psychiatrist and not something like a pyschological associate (some newer jobs have been created in recent years). The reason I say that is for instance, I had CBT which was extremely harmful to me cos of my CPTSD. I have also had harm caused by the physician associates (not mental health). I am not trying to make a sweeping generalisation that none of them are good but because of the severity to my mental health, I have now learned I have to protect myself from harm, especially mental health, and for me that means someone needs to truly understand and are not going to give me harmful advice, just a year or 2 training doesn't cut it. I also had counselling from a very well qualified pyscho-analytical counsellor but didn't know until it was almost too late, how that type of counselling could harm me and I then had 2 months of flashbacks/hearing things which was terrible and traumatising in itself. My lesson from that is I have to be very careful and not just allow someone 'in' who might not have the experience and knowledge to understand what I need. Our mind can be so very fragile. I wish you good luck too and send my very warmest wishes to you.

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    Yes good advice thank you.This is exactly what I am thinking (more or less) and I'm not willing to take that chance

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    I have looked up on the register of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and there is a name that is his and only one that matches.But it doesn't say whether he is a consultant or not.It does say he registered in 2017.So I'm guessing he could be around 47? If you allow for how long it actually takes to qualify etc.But there is not a great deal online about him and certainly no mention of 'consultant' like there is as others in my particular area

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    @older01 I haven't actually spoken to the psychiatrist yet and it's not pencilled in till 11th if Feb.My own opinion/diagnosis is that I have Ptsd because I have had a number of traumatic events of different periods of my life.I coped before by having an eating disorder for over 30 years.I was then in a coercively controlled relationship ( the list goes on).I now have a child with special needs and I myself have some medical illnesses.Since September when this U.c migration happened it was the straw that broke the camels back ( think that's the term).I almost lost the sense of reality and it's taken me back years and I actually felt suicidal.I cannot afford to feel like that when I am totally responsible for my son and he has absolutely nobody but me.So it led me to seek help.But I'm incredibly dubious and untrusting after previous experiences

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Empowering

    @Jane315STARX I must admit it would not bother me quite as much if they were not a consultant as long as they had definitely qualified (c 6yrs I'm sure) as a pyschiatrist and that they're not 'just' a speciality doctor or psychiatrist associate doctor. For anyone to mess about with my head again (knowing myself what I've gone through) they'd have better been committed to the 6yr training or I just wouldn't go there. I don't know for sure why someone who's trained/dedicated for 6 yrs would not have applied for Consultant roles that's the only caveat for me I'd say. I would not be afraid to ask what area they'd specialised in. Mi current 'counsellor' (I'm actually on waiting list but for IAPT Talking therapy) he assessed me on phone and I asked him if he was a psychotherapist and he said no he's a psychology associate. I'm still on waiting list after c 3 months, maybe he doesn't want to counsel me bless him I don't know. BTW, id googled job desc/spec for that job a while ago and basically wasn't that impressed as I'm not 100% sure but minimal in the way of any regulation. Apologies if I'm wrong anyone who's receiving help off them like i said earlier, not trying to make a sweeping generalisation just trying to stay safe😊

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    Everyone is different and as long as you are happy then that is all that matters

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Empowering

    @Jane315STARX very true.👍 . Apologies BTW is was psychological wellbeing practitioner I meant for counselling not associate

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    Ok,it appears this Dr registered with the GMC in 2000 meaning he has had a long career.So I don't understand why he is not a consultant.It doesn't matter really if he has experience for this number of years as I feel much better knowing that he would've had hands on experience over many years rather than text book learning