Talking therapy
So Tommorrow I am having talking therapy on the phone.Many years ago I had a psychotherapist and Pychiatristrist at the same time for well over 15 years.But this was is in person and I was much younger then with different issues and had something called transference which I know will not happen this time.Has anyone had…
Hi everyone I suffer with chronic pain due to some deterioration of joints in my neck and lower spine. Ive been having hand and head tremors and also sleepless nights due to pain. I’ve had various scans to rule out brain problems and yesterday my doctor decided that the tremors are because of my pain levels. I have become…
Has there been any report back ? Could we pls ask what talks scope has had with labour Also on news about fraud checks all good but if done by AI look what happened at post office says they can enter your home get phone laptop has this been passed as on news im so tired
My neighbour embarrassed me
Hi to all,I hope this does not appear silly to write,but my neighbour today really upset me and embarrassed me in front of a fellow neighbour.As I was passing to get to my home I stated on how nice his new shed was,he replied well if your ever have a quarrel you can always live in it,then replied oh yes but your single so…
Hi I'm Joan suffered mental health for many many years hello everyone
Hi I'm Joan suffered mental health for many many years hello everyone
Moving house - is it normal to feel like this?
I'm sorry in advance about the self-pitying tone of this post. I'm the luckiest person in the world but I feel like that world is caving in around me. After a lifetime of renting (including the lowest point of being made homeless with a young baby for some months) a very kind relative left me a legacy in his will, enough…
Hospital admission
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm currently in hospital due to a mental health crisis. I've been in hospital for two weeks. I'm due to be discharged on Monday and be transferred to a recovery house which is not a hospital or a care home, more like a respite unit. I Currently get PIP and UC LCWRA. Can anyone…
Lost job
Hi all, I was made redundant on Tuesday, the company say it's due to restructuring, our some other lie. I'm 56, so not going to be easy finding another job in my profession. Don't know what I'm going to do, what is my next step, I'm so stressed
Recently Diagnosed with Bipolar
Hi, I recently found out that I'm Bipolar and have had mixed feelings about it. I'm relieved I have a diagnosis but at the same time, can't help but feel that my life is kind of over. I'm going uni in September and now it just all feels so much more stressful with the diagnosis and having to worry about my episodes. I'm…
Mental health
New to group so hello everyone I have dissocial personality disorder as well as some mobility issues
Care assessment
HI any advice. I have had a care assessment buy still waiting for the outcome. I have revealed a letter saying maximum I will pay is 119.95 maximum. I haven't received a completed assessment yet. So is this what I pay or the most I would pay
Equality act
I have a question about equality act and whether this matter could be classed as discrimination. I was due to start a 12 week programme with local community mental health team. I was due to have a meeting in December that I had to postpone due to physical health issues. I have today received a letter to say that I’ve been…
Wish me luck
Ttomorrow I have my first cbt session. Not sure what to expect and then I have my pip assessment absolutely losing my mind over this as it's my 2nd application. Wish me luck. I know I will be so drained after both of them I can feel it already but trying to stay positive
formal complaint about social worker
I placed a formal complaint about my social worker with the help of an advocate (I couldn't have managed without her) and 7 months later I have received the outcome that an invoice is to be written off BUT that there isn't anyone else to take her place as a SW and do I want to reinstate my care plan? I can take the matter…
How to prove mental health affects your life when first claiming PIP
Hi I am asking the question as I am assisting someone in my community I want to help this person the best way I can as a physical disability is different When filling in the form I know how to describe the affects of this person's mental health but need the best way of describing how it affects this person going out…
Qualities in people
In the world we live in today it seems there is not much time for compassion or empathy.However it is seen on the texts of this scope forum quite frequently which is incredible,lovely and for me personally invaluable.I can be a total pain in the ass and get totally overly anxious,depressed and almost to the point where I…
I'm awaiting an adhd test and was wondering if they gave me medication would i miss my inner dialogue? What does it feel like to not focus on 100 things at one time to constantly have conversations with myself and people who are not there live out scenarios of things that may happen not to burst out singing make funny…
Hi,and I hope this does not sound like a stupid anxiety probelm,but its a issue for me and it is something that probably most people take for granted as its a something we all do in our daily lives. I have massive anxiety over using my washing machine,I fear it will blow up,flood the kicthen,catch fire,or just clonk…
Stopping all meds
hi every one I know no body can give me medication advice as such but some support will be great . As you all know I suffer with schizophrenia. I’m on a lot of medication which has caused me to suffer with horrendous panic attacks , my sight has deteriorated , I have a glazed stare that’s how my eyes look like I’m looking…
My care coordinator and email
Hi everyone who has read my threads recently is aware I'm having issues with my current care coordinator and cmht. I have always communicated via private email set up by themselves to communicate via my support and the team. My care coordinator recently changed and despite making requests under the mental health act…