Need a counsellor
O need a counsellor as I'm falling apart and having ptsd
PTSD-related anxiety
I just bailed from a social event by citing PTSD related anxiety. It would have been so much simpler to have invented a bad back. I have always been an anxious individual but in 1992 we were on holiday and my fiance was shot and died while I attempted CPR. At first I pretended to suffer from anorexia which enabled me to…
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS); being a representative
Does anyone have any knowledge of this please? We have a rental property & a lovely 87 year old tenant. She was recently hospitalised & my daughter & son-in-law, who live the nearest, have visited her twice as her son lives in Australia. Understandably the nurses would not tell them much as they're not relatives, but my…
Hi hope everyone doing good today just wondering if anyone can help if possible please I have a number of mental health problems all diagnosed by my gp after of a number of different events in my life .anyway I am struggling to get help I have been under my locol primary mental health services from 2012. but you can only…
Does anybody have bpd I’ve been talking to others and I believe I may suffer how can I get reaccessed as I’m at the moment have anxiety disorder and recurring depression
Munchauser by proxy
My son has Aspergers severe depression anxiety and OCD.My husband (not sons dad) told me a few years ago that I had Munchenhauser by proxy. I forgave him for that but now he’s suggesting that something sinister in my sons past is causing his current depression and anxiety. My mind is in overdrive that my son may have been…
Need it all to stop
I’m so tired, physically and mentally. The last 4 years I’ve been going
at 100 miles an hour, until early this year when I went from 100 straight to 0. Now I can’t imagine the life I was living
before. I don’t know how I did it. Adrenalin and sheer willpower I suppose. Now
there is nothing left. Trying meds…
Is this you? Many have unfortunate childhoods.
About half the world's population are not wanted children (U.N.) Others are unwise arrivals to parents who cannot parent. There is at least one uncontroversial sensible site (Crappy childhood fairy) which may be useful for the majority. The woman had alcoholics as parents, and has quietly pointed out that there are flaws…
Mental health teams
Hi does anyone else struggle with mental health teams I'm with Marina House and iv been with them for 3yrs and only seen a psycho art therapist and no psychologist as as art therapist has not put me a referral through back in March I have chased to no avail and my psychology consultant who I see every 3 months hears what I…
Said 'No input from mental health team' on my pip decision and mandatory reconsideration.
Morning. As I have 'no imput from a mental health team',this went against me at my assessment for pip and at mandatory reconsideration stage,so have to appeal. I've had numerous therapy in the past,one to one,CBT,seen psychologists and psychiatrists,done the homework,kept diaries,written down my thoughts,challenged…
I’m struggling today. I’ve had a traumatic meeting with my psychotherapist ( only recently started these sessions) I’m feeling extremely sad and alone, and not sure how to process my thoughts right now. Does talking to a therapist get any easier?
Secondary Mental Health Care?
Can someone explain what secondary mental health care is please? I'm asking because I've been struggling a lot recently with my mental health and I got in touch with an help place who thinks I need to be referred for secondary mental health care after I explained that I'd already tried different meds, therapy and…
Lost ?
Having been taught to 'deal with it', 'suck it up' etc, even now I still find it hard to say i'm struggling - but I really genuinely am. It's just one of those days, nights, weeks that I can't find any way up or even want to. I'm on a lot of veterans groups but there is so much going on between them, I just don't trust…
Boardline personality disorder
Most of the days are really bad and don't what to do anything and I get stress so easy and when I get to stressed I have nose bleeds and I don't really talk to anyone o how I feel any more.
Bipolar and relationships
My significant other has a mild form of Bipolar, he has been honest with me since the beginning of our relationship about this, and over the last two years has had two episodes - once he was very down and wouldn't communicate with me barely at all for a period for two weeks, and the second time more recently went into a…
Help with BDD and Agoraphobia
Hi, Apologies in advance for such a long post. I was going to make it short but then once I started typing, it just contnued. I have tried and failed several times to get a referral to my local mental health centre for analysis. I feel weird asking for a diagnosis of particular problems like I'm seeking it, but I'm…
Feeling ill today have a cold virus...
Feeling worse and more sad with this virus. How is everyone else feeling? I have emotionally unstable personality disorder and this or any other illness i catch makes things ten times worse
Lack of knowlege
Hi i was discussing with friend over phone about bipolar. Her understanding was very ignorant as she said that was just a poshed up name for depression, which I know isn't true. This then bought to light I know they are both different but do not how. I would appreciate if someone could explain so when my friend uses her…
confused ??
Hi It is me again, hopeful you will not find my posts boring? I thought things were getting back to normal? How wrong was I .... Last night he told me he doesn't want a relationship as its distracting him from his life long writing.He plans on moving out and living and working with like-minded people. He believes he is…
National Audit Office to investigate DWP suicide monitoring of social security claimants
POLITICS AND INSIGHTS blogNational Audit Office to investigate DWP suicide monitoring of social security claimants