
clairek5 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
Hi hope everyone doing good today just wondering if anyone can help if possible please I have a number of mental health problems all diagnosed by my gp after of a number of different events in my life .anyway I am struggling to get help I have been under my locol primary mental health services from 2012. but you can only stay so long and then get discharged by to the gp .I am on there waiting list again after being discharged back to my gp 2 weeks ago my gp reafred my to secondy health care services as he believes I need to see a psychiatrist everything I go to the secondary health care services I see someone from the assessment services who our not psychiatrist my gp has just referred my back asking for me to be seen by a psychiatrist but he as done this at least 4 times and j have got nowhere.  My gp says he can not offer feather help until I have been seen by a psychiatrist he wont even change my tablets I am on the top dose of 3 different tablets at the moment but tried many more . I have tried a and e a few times but they just sent my home even after self harming.  I have little family support they do try but have to much going on themselves to deal with me when my PTSD is bad and its casuses family arguments as my family just ddon' understand but do try.  My anxiety got that bad last year the doctor thought i had a heart problem and sent me to and e for tests but the doctors there ran every test under the sun after my gp sent me there straight away after seeing the way I looked but they just said it was mental health issues they really where helpful and understanding and wrote to my gp who refred my back to the secondary services but outcome as above .I have just charity's scope and mind our fantastic but I just don't know how to do to get any help any advice much appreciated I bit other background information I have cerbal Palsy and other disability I have carers in daily but its agenty so its often different people and have a voluntary job 2 days a week but I am suicidal most days and don't know what to do please note I use charity's when I go bad just don't know what to do and what more to say to my gp I have tried cbt and constulling with little to no outcome as I have to trust people before telling them stuff but I do try my gp know everything they say you have to be involved and do homework for cbt but on days when I can't eat or shower most days how am I ment to fill paperwork I don't sleep at night due to bad PTSD and have sleeping tablets from the gp any advice would be great please note I know mental health works do what they can its just the system today with long waiting lists etc but any advice on how to get help etc is much appreciated have a good afternoon 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @clairek5. You sound like you're really struggling at the moment and you seem to have hit a bit of a brick wall. Did they give you any idea how long you'll be on the waiting list?

    You mention the fact you use Mind. They have some brilliant resources on their website for dealing with suicidal feelings, but if you are struggling with those sorts of emotions it really is important you talk to someone qualified to help you. Have you ever tried Samaritans? You can call them on 116 123 or email them on There's also Shout, a crisis text service that you can get in touch with by texting SHOUT to 85258.
  • clairek5
    clairek5 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thanks for that information and taking the time to reply much appreciated I phoned today and they said at least 6 months as the backlog and damed is so big .I will be fine and will use your information above thanks very much just don't know what to ask for next time I see the gp thanks very much for your help and support 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @clairek5, I’m not really sure what you could say, but perhaps @MickConnon might be able to make some suggestions?