Letter V text
Hi all, I received a letter today from Belfast today with one paragraph on it that says “Dear Mrs H*******, we now have the information we need to decide if we can award you personal independent payment (pip) there is no need to contact us. We will write to you when we have made a decision on your pip claim. yours…
Ross Kemp Quiz Show 'Bridge of Lies' looking for contestants
Hi there, You were very kind to help with spreading the word on my last casting call for 'PopMaster' so thought I'd get in touch again as we are actively casting for the newest series of BBC One’s Bridge of Lies with Ross Kemp. We are looking for fun teams of four to apply, and you can do so here:…
Strength Training in individuals with CP - Volunteers needed!
Hi there! :) I am a PhD student currently running a strength training/passive stretching program at Brunel University London in individuals with Cerebral Palsy. The aim of this study is to increase muscle fibre length, and see if this leads to improvements in walking and balance. It involves 10 weeks of strength…
Do you have an unruly dog in need of canine school?
Five Mile Films are looking for dogs and their
owners for the next series of Channel 4’s show The Dog Academy. Read on for more details! Five Mile Films are looking to hear from people who might be
struggling with their dog’s behaviour and need help to overcome their dog’s
issues. From small quirks to life impacting…
People having a Go At Me
Hi to all, These past few weeks the Lady in the bungalow below us said to me that if my cats go in her garden 1 more time she is going to let her lurcher dog Kill them. Cats R supposed to Roam free and go where they want to. I have reported her to the council and the Mp for this area last year she reported us for putting…
Research study on experiences with using Vans to work- minimum £150 voucher
This research study invites anyone who has a mobility impairment to share their experiences of using a van for work purposes. The research session will last 90 minutes and will also involve asking for feedback on some vehicle concepts.The study is being run by a major automotive company.If you are interested in taking part…
Cerebral Palsy and transitioning from child to adult care - Survey participants needed for MSc study
Hi! I'm Charlotte, an MSc Occupational Therapy student currently completing my dissertation on the transition from child to adult care for people with CP. I'm looking for participants aged 18-30 with Cerebral Palsy in the UK to answer an anonymous 15-minute survey about their experiences with OT and transitioning from…
Research Opportunity for Fathers!
I am a Trainee Clinical Psychologist - I am interested in 'fathers experiences of caring for their child (<18yrs) with a learning disability'. - Are you a father of a child with a learning disability? - Is your child under the age of 18 years? - Do you want to contribute to research that will make a difference? If yes,…
Free MPS and Mental Health Awareness Project
Hello, we would like to make you aware of our free and ready-to-deliver MPS and Mental Health Awareness Project aimed at encouraging and supporting discussion around Mental Health, Inclusion and Disability. Through the format of a poem, we highlight our son's journey with a rare condition and the challenges he endures.…
Impact of Covid on young people 14 - 25 with a disability
Hi there! My name is Jacqueline Paterson and I am undertaking a research project with the University of Kent for my PhD about the impact of Covid and the lockdowns on young people with a disability or special educational need. I am keen to engage with young people with SEND between the ages of 14 and 25 to tell me about…
My dad's being abused financially
Hi my name manjinder my dad has been abused by my brother he lives with him my mom passed away last year and his trying to control my dad it's not fair he needs help social services involved my dad has just come out of hospital after having two blood transfusions staying in hospital over 10 weeks my brother is taking his…
Research on experience of PT/casual/temporary work - share your views & get £35 voucher
Do you work part-time but want to be full-time? Do you hours or pay vary week-to-week? Are you on a temporary/casual contract? Do you feel you had limited choice when looking for a job? If you answer 'yes' to any of these - we want to hear from you The
Work Foundation at Lancaster University has partnered with UNISON, the…
Notice for all members
Dear members of Scope's online community, We've been made aware that of late a small group of members have been misusing the private message function of the community. In some cases inappropriate messages have been shared and in others false and misleading statements have been made about other members. Sadly it would seem…
People with dysarthria/unclear speech needed for study about voice input communication aids
INVITE - INcorporating VoIce acTivated communication aids into Everyday communication (vimeo.com) Click on this link for video! Hello, My name is Kate Fryer and I’m from the University of
Sheffield. I am part of a team, doing research into voice input
communication aids. Developments in speech recognition technology have…
Would you like a quick escape button?
Some websites have a quick escape button which lets users in unsafe situations quickly leave the website. We are thinking about adding a quick escape button and have started an anonymous poll to get feedback from our members. Please vote and if you would like to tell us more about why you voted the way you did, you can…
Research Study To Explore Dating Experiences of Young Women with a Visible Mobility Impairment
This research study invites women aged 20-35 years old who have a visible mobility impairment to discuss their experiences of dating. The study will involve a one to one interview with the lead researcher (Antonia). You are invited to take part if you meet the following criteria: • You have a physical impairment that…
Ken Bruce's PopMaster comes to TV and is looking for contestants!
Music lovers up and down the country have been obsessed with music trivia quiz PopMaster for 25 years! The new televised PopMaster, hosted by Ken Bruce, will honour the much loved music quiz with a few surprises thrown in. We are looking for people with the best music knowledge in the country to take part, and as someone…
Academy for Disabled Journalists Launches new course
Less than 1 week to go before applications close for the next cohort of the Certificate in Foundation Journalism in partnership with the NCTJ and funded by the National Lottery. please check out our academy page for further details:https://abilitytoday.com/academy-for-disabled-journalists/
Selective Mutism Study
Hi, I currently experience Selective Mutism so when I had the opportunity to complete a research study as part of my degree in Psychology I wanted to investigate how other adults experiences of Selective Mutism could help raise awareness of support needed for the condition. The research study includes a 45 minute teams…
Hi, I am doing a video series and need you help!
Hello everyone! I am a Media student and I am currently working on a video series about the 9 protected characteristics. I will be interviewing people with autism, pots, epilepsy, deafness, hemiparesis and cerebral palsy. Right now, I would love to have opinions of people with the same, similar or any disability. I want to…