Scope is recruiting for a Co-Producer for Impact Frameworks

Community_Scope Posts: 1,269 Empowering


Over the last 18 months we have established our new strategy at Scope, ‘An Equal Future’ which can be read here: An Equal Future. This strategy will run for the next ten years and has involved co-production of our goals. We are now in the next stage to establish and develop our impact frameworks for this.

We previously had a co-produced Strategy Steering Group that shaped our goals and work that we will do. In this next step, the group will work with us to develop the ways we measure our impact and progress to our goals.

We have a new co-production vacancy to join us in this, and we want to make sure we have a representative group as our co-producers in this work.

We are looking for a Disabled person who is currently employed or has previous experience of being employed in the UK.

We would be especially interested in hearing from Disabled Black men currently employed or with experience of employment in the UK. This is because this demographic is underrepresented in the existing group.

Aim of the role:

Working with the strategy and Impact team to establish impact frameworks in the new ten year strategy for Scope (as set out here: An Equal Future – which can be read here: An Equal Future)

Work we will do together:

  • Review existing impact measures
  • Review desk research that is relevant to developing measures for our existing or new activity in our strategy
  • Meetings and workshops with the Strategy and Impact team at Scope to oversee development and review of measures towards the impact that Scope has to our longer term goals

Outcome of our work together:

Deciding what would be effective to measure Scope’s activity and progress in achieving the outcomes that lead to our end goals.

Who we need to work with us to make this happen:

  • Someone who is or identifies as a Disabled person by the social model of disability
  • Someone who is currently employed or has been employed in any UK setting
  • Ideally someone with experience in evaluation (this is not essential)
  • We are keen to involve a previous customer of Scope who may have used our employment services before (but are not currently receiving employment support from a Scope service).

What this will involve:

  • Kick-off: understanding impact frameworks and planned work needed
  • Review of key information and Scope’s objectives
  • Best practice reviews and decisions
  • Decisions with the team to what and how our outcomes can be measured effectively.


  • We remunerate our co-producers £25 per hour
  • A co-producer cannot be part of another project at Scope at the same time
  • A co-producer is responsible to declare their remuneration where needed, for example to their benefits advisor

Time and Expectations of the project:

  • We want to start this work as soon as possible.
  • We estimate that co-producers may be needed up to around 3 hours per month working with us through 4-5 months (so an approximate total of 15 hours but this may be subject to change or extension)
  • We will primarily work using Microsoft Teams for online video meetings and workshops.

How to put yourself forward:

Please email Cara Pears, Strategy and Impact Manager at

Please tell us why you are interested in being part of this work, and anything about your background and experience that would be something you could bring to the work we are planning. This can be short - a couple of paragraphs to tell us about this would be great.

As we are trying to start this work as soon as possible, and this is a new opportunity to fill the existing group, we would like to hear from people by 18th August.


  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 806 Empowering

    I would like to be considered for the post since I already do similar work. The ability to measure results, comes from going back to the start to check and refine the project goals. If the project is new then an expected outcome date and goals would have already been set. What I am finding is that people with mental issues are being asked to fill out long forms, and are being left when assessed by the NHS, to have an assessment from PIP as to what they can do, by assessment providers that do not understand the interaction of Medication, and the reports they write are being used to assess claimants for access to benefits, without the proper protocols being followed. Even when errors are being reported to the DWP the reaction time is over 20 weeks, when it could have been resolved with a face-to-face interview at U C or at a job center when the initial paperwork was filled out.

    UC are not talking to PIP and Capita and other assessment providers are not being held accountable for information that is already on the central computer for ALL government departments to see.

    If you want to make a difference then allow support for claimants that need someone to help look at their benefits and when a report is found to be of poor quality, which we all know are, then the assessment provider is looked at to see if this is a one off, or whether its the script they are being given by the DWP give more power to those reports than should be given. and are implemented before a copy discussed with the claimant as to the content of the decision makers report, then requiring another MR and another 20 weeks, as found out today at a UC meeting in Cardiff. UC already knew that the reports were of poor quality and not a one off but said they cannot do anything as it was a different department. (IN THE SAME BUILDING) AND COULD NOT ALTER THE OUTCOME, yet this same report from Capita made this person Homeless had to change her surgery as she is no longer in the area, was removed from the appointees care for suisidal tendancies, 3 this year, and being sectioned in Cardiff, and has to have the 7 year old son re-schooled also because he is in the homeless hostel, all before waiting for a stent to be fitted to stop permanent blindness, and a Brain surgeon to fit a stent into the spinal column into the stomach to keep the fluid level pressure lower. Capita's report stated that the "eye test" did not support the need for the rate she was getting and now pay Standard Rate Care Component and will reposes the mobility vehicle that took 2 1/2 years to realign the benefits rates, already tried 3 times within two months.

    You need to look at the system of assessment and the powers being given to government departments under the New Social Care Act, already being abused by the DWP and PIP.

  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 806 Empowering

    I had left a comment before but again on reflection, I do not see how 3 hours a month over 3/4 months will fix the system. If this was the case why with the expertise you already have, haven't you already fixed it? It's be there is no accountability and no voice in the sennedd.

    We already know the faults but what do we do to correct them so they don't happen again? We write programs, fill out forms, change legislation and Laws, and then DO NOT POLICE THE SYSTEM, to make sure that these errors are after a few months being made again.

    The White and Green papers are produced for a reason, but how many times has anyone actually looked at the implementation of the changes in say a week and again in a month or 3 months? NO ONE, because it's not about finding holes in the system to say I told you it would not work, but as a team removing the little glitches, and comparing them with the intended results.

    Because a "new system" is in place does not make it "viable" Who looks at the costings of the change, the manpower and IT costs to change, is there a way to "break "into the system to alter "bottlenecks" should they occur by asking someone to complete an extra task at the start to save time later, for instance, "everything on a central computer," We already have this but I have found that each department will not use the information provided by the claimant and want to do their own assessment.

    By Assessment I mean ask the same questions of the claimant that has already been placed on the system by Support letters, Surgical Results, pending and already completed, and prescription lists and treatment plans, its all their but not used.