DLA Information for Parents and Carers

Mary_Scope Posts: 988 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

This information only applies to England and Wales.

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) helps with the extra costs of raising a disabled child.

You can claim DLA for each disabled child under 16 who..
• has difficulty with mobility
• needs more care than a non-disabled child of the same age

Your child does not need a formal diagnosis to apply as DLA is based on the support your child needs - not their condition or impairment.

How Do I Claim?
You can either..
Call the DLA Helpline and request the DLA forms but you are timebound to 6 weeks to fill in the forms and post to DWP. Most people choose this way because if the claim is successful, you will get money for those 6 weeks.
You can download the DLA Form at home and fill it without being time bound but your claim will only start from when the DWP receives your form.

Is My Child Eligible for DLA?
The DLA form asks for descriptions of how your child’s condition affects daily life so you have to give examples to show your child is eligible. This can be a challenging experience for parents so be kind to yourself and take breaks if needed.

What Are The DLA Components?
DLA has care and mobility components.

Your child may be eligible for one or both. Each component has different rates of payment. The DWP decides the amount you receive based on your child’s needs.

Care Component
If your child needs..
• 1 hour’s extra care during the day or night, they will get the lowest payment.
• frequent help of 20 minutes or more during the day and night or extra supervision during the day and at night, they will get the middle payment.
• regular help day and night or if they are terminally ill, they will get the highest payment.

Mobility Component.
If your child..
• is aged 5 or above and can walk but needs help outdoors or when somewhere new - they will get the lowest payment.
• is aged 3 or above and cannot walk, can only walk a short distance, could become very ill trying to walk or has a severe sight impairment - they will get the highest payment.
• shows extreme and disruptive behaviour that requires regular supervision or physical restraint - they will get the highest payment.

Children under 3 are not eligible for the mobility component.

How Do I Complete the DLA form?
Give yourself plenty of time to complete the form. It can help to gather evidence first so that you have ideas of what to write.

You could also other people who know your child well such as family, friends and professionals for ideas on describing their needs.

It’s okay to mistakes, cross it out and carry on. You can also ring the DWP helpline and request another form if needed.

If you need more space than the form has, you can include extra information on separate sheets of paper.

Where Can I Get Help To Fill In My DLA Form?
You can ask someone to help such as a support worker, teacher, health professional or a friend/family.

You can also get support from Scope HelplineCitizens Advice and Contact Helpline

Do you have any questions about applying for DLA for your child?

What are some tips you would like to share to other parents in the community when applying for DLA?