DWP confirms it is increasing the automatic extension period of existing PIP awards awaiting review
The DWP has confirmed that with effect from 6 September 2022 it is increasing the automatic extension period of existing PIP awards awaiting review from 3 months to up to 12 months and will do this 35 days before their end date. It is said that the longer extension period will "provide greater certainty for claimants" and…
DWP PIP videos
These may help some (4 videos) Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - An overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0zNOyxtF94&list=PLeysxjNpEPy8Y73-Ywm7OeAGjFc1Xc-It&index=1&pp=iAQB Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - How you can claim PIP…
DLA Information for Parents and Carers
This information only applies to England and Wales. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) helps with the extra costs of raising a disabled child. You can claim DLA for each disabled child under 16 who.. • has difficulty with mobility • needs more care than a non-disabled child of the same age Your child does not need a formal…
Read me: How do I claim PIP and where can I get help filling the form in?
How do
I claim PIP? The initial claim is made by calling 0800 917
2222. You need your National Insurance Number, your bank details, and your GP
and other medical professionals’ contact details to hand. Someone can call on
your behalf, but you need to be with them when they call. A claim form is then sent out to you, and…
Read me: What is Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and who is eligible?
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit
designed to help with the extra costs resulting from disability or long-term
ill health. PIP rates range from £21.80 to £139.75 per week, depending on how
your condition affects you. To quote from the official government website, “you
must have a long-term condition or…
Hi I've been on pip for 8 or 9 years now an ESA support group what happens next am I approaching a review or anything
Won PIP Tribunal - How Long?
Hi, Last month I had my PIP tribunal, I was awarded enhanced daily living, and standard mobility, the daily living part was up from my last award, the court gave it for five years. It has been five weeks since then, I did get a call from the DWP last week, but missed it, rang back and answered questions, but not heard…
DLA to PIP stick or twist
I have an indefinite DLA award of high care/low mobility for a lifetime condition (epilepsy). My concern is that if I wait until the proposed measures happen before claiming PIP (assuming they do), then I may not qualify due to the 4 point rule. If I do qualify then maybe my current LCWRA award would also be cut under the…
Pip and Driving licence
Hello I have pip assessment next week If they ask me about driving shell I tell them that I have driving licence? I don't want car from them I just want pip Let me know thanks
Pip assessment
Morning everyone.Ive just finished my phone pip assessment lasted 25 minutes.The lady on other end of phone was lovely.Nearer the end of the call she asked me if there was anything I wanted to say.I said I can't go through what I did 4 years ago, getting zero points and going to tribunal to win my case.She answered by…
Personal independence payment
I started my claim back on the 15th of jan this year, I got a call on the 22nd March asking if I can handle a lump sum or if I would want it spread out over the months, I said I was fine with a lump sum of back payment. He said I would receive a letter within 10 working days (2 weeks) letting me know of the decision of my…
How long does it take for a PIP decision to be made?
This discussion was created from comments split from: Pip and Driving licence .
I can't believe this!
I have set up an alternative format with the DWP which means I now communicate with them via email re my PIP form. I asked for an extension and they granted it until the 10 May. Last Monday (17 March!) I got an email saying my PIP is being stopped because I didn't get my form in on time! I rang them and they apologised for…
hi I'm poppydoll and have recently had a total knee replacement, my pip is under review (runs out in June ) I know I have to inform pip of recent surgery but an so scared I loose my pip any advice please
enhanced mobility mental health
hi hope someone can help. i get pip mobility standard rate but think i am entitled to enhanced. i have a dissociative disorder and have periods of time where i have no memory of whats happened, hours can go by with no memory. i have come to harm in these situations and got lost. i do not go out alone only attend mental…
Pip award letter
Hi I don't know when I started recieving pip think it was 2016or 2017is there a way to find also I haven't received this years award letter either I was placed in the high rate for care an it was a indefinite award but I carbt find the paperwork is there a way to find out or do I just wait
Hi, my name is Roseh13! i put a change of circumstances on the 10th Feb, now im unemployed...
Hi, i put a change of circumstances on the 10th Feb, now im unemployed, but still now not had any appointments to go to Job Centre, I thought once youve put a change of circumstances in then youve got an appointment like a week later, ive still got nothing through. Ive wrote things on my journal and no one is replying…
My iPhone missed pip review
Hi I have a new iPhone and I checked last night and everything was turned off on it to receive calls! This morning for my review I waited by the phone patiently and 4 calls were silent and went straight to voicemail and 1 rang once and then rang off. I know it’s my fault with the iPhone but I have just tried everything and…
How to apply for no phone calls with ADP?
Anyone know how I get them to let me communicate exclusively by email for ADP (Scottish version of PIP?). I have just been diagnosed with multiple speech disorders. Do I have to get points awarded for my speech disorders first? I got rejected with my first application and have been too stressed about the whole thing to…
Recording pip phone assessment
Hi just received my pip assessment conclusion letter. I am going to request they reconsider their decision. It states I am on no medication even though I stated on form and in phone assessment that I am. It states I need no help with washing and bathing even though I stated on form and in phone call that I do. States I can…
is this being affected as well if I’m already on it? Will I need to score 4 points in one category like on pip?
Hi, my name is gramps2023! Can anybody give me advice I have had a pip appeal and won my case but...
hi can anybody give me advice I have had a pip appeal and won my case but now still waiting for my award letter to be corrected by the judge at hmcts it’s now gone on for four months and all I get from them is it’s with the judge I’m at the end of my tether with these people with the same answer can any body who is going…
Pip Changes
Hi i wonder if anyone can help me i was granted a 10 year pip award 3 years ago which runs to 2032, with the changes due for nov 2026 does that mean i have to to got through a new claim Thanks in advance Paddy
Pip backpay change of circumstances
hi bit of a weird question I was receiving standard mobility but my condition worsened drastically. It worsened in around April/may 2024 and then again in September 2024. I submitted change of circumstances call on the 8th October and was sent forms etc. then I had my assessment in December and decision 20 Jan for enhanced…
Pip change law
Had a letter about change in law how it may affect you with social support to mix with other people face to face . When I had assessment I was awarded 0 points for mixing with other people. Which I no wasent right but didn't challenge it because to stressful so was awarded lowest rate daily living. That was in 2019. Then…