Hi, my name is line43! Does anybody now current Time for pip review?
Does anybody now current Time for pip review had a text for the first time since February to say they are looking at my claim and are trying to deal with it as quick as possible my condition has worsened I’ve sent medical evidence
My pip timeline
Hello, just thought I would post my timeline, and just one question…,, 18/1/24 called to apply for pip 19/1/24 txt from DWP we’ve sent your form 7/2/24 txt from DWP we’ve not received your form 13/2/24 txt from DWP thanks for sending form 14/3/24 txt from DWP a health prof is looking at your form 01/04/24 txt from…
PIP assessment call rebooked for tomorrow.
This discussion was created from comments split from: Poppy could you help please.
Pip tribunal video call
Hi I’ve been given my appeal date this month via video link I’m so nervous this whole process has really made me a lot worse I’m so worried about it. I have my partner and sister who I heavily rely on can they join the video call ? Do I need to have all my paper work in order as I have adhd and it’s stressing me out…
Your PIP Review is Complete
Hi everyone Wondering if anyone can advise? I have been on the highest element of Daily Living and Mobility for the last 10 years. I returned my review 1 year ago and have received the usual "We still have your PIP form and will be progressing your review as soon as we can." ..... However, this morning I received a text…
Need some reassurance please
I completed my PIP review form last November and now I'm really worried I missed out or didn't give enough information on all my struggles. I know that everyone will probably have these thoughts... 'I should have put that or this'. I have had PIP for ten years for bipolar but recently ive been diagnosed with CRPS in my…
PIP backpay update
Hi guys just an update with regards to my pip award and back pay. So Thursday I was told my award was £594p/m and also yesterday a grand total of just over £11k had been paid into my account. So it's been a long hard fight for 2 years but now reaping the rewards of NOT GIVING UP
Pip appeal
Hello I appealed a decision from pip from July last year as they stopped my payments for not returning a form I did fill the form in and send it and they didn’t received it. I asked for a new form witch they never send out I have had a change in health for the worst… I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in October I was…
"Sick Note Culture" - Surely not?
Nobody sane would pass this, I've read reports about people calling this a full-on assault on disabled people and I just think, this is just the next battle in a long war waged on disabled people. But no sane government would allow this, surely? This... token system instead of money, it opens the door to fraudsters and…
PIP appeal or Change of Circumstances.
I gained PIP high mob in January with 12+ points, but scored only 6 on Daily. I have severe Peripheral Neuropathy in both Upper and lower limbs, but at the time only diagnosed lower limb by the Diabetic foot clinic I attended for 8 years. I did specify on the original form things I could and couldn't do on a daily basis…
Pip waiting time for assesment apointment?
Hi, I know there is no set answer to this but wondered if there is a rough idea when you usually hear when your assesment is for a new claim (as paper based rare I believe). How many months after waiting would you chase with Capita? Thanks for any advice
Hi, my name is rebeccd89! What have I been awarded for PIP?
Hi its Rebecca [removed by moderator - personal information] I have applied for pip I've had a text message saying I'm being awarded pip on the automated number it says I'm being paid 405.40 do you know if that is for higher rate for both.
PIP Evidence for Review
Good Morning, I'm Steven, and I have been on PIP for 5 years for ASD and Anxiety/ Depression. Last week I had the text message from DWP stating my review forms are in the post. I have been preparing, and thinking what to send. I have a 2 page Patient Boarding Card that was produced last year from initial screening, as I am…
Hi, my name is Cuppaandcake! Report has been received but wasn't invited for an assessment?
Hi - New here :) I recently applied for PIP on behalf of my daughter (16) and I received a message that her report has been received but she wasn't invited for an assessment. Is this a bad sign? We didn't ever apply for DLA, even though we were encouraged to because I found the forms too difficult (emotionally) to complete…
Got a message from DfC Saying "A Health Professional is looking at your PIP claim"
Got a message form DfC Saying "A Health Professional is looking at your PIP claim. They will contact you with an appointment if they need to. You only need to contact us if your circumstances change" but I have already done my phone assessment any idea what this means?.
Hi, my name is shell1970! Received a text to say my review is complete, does this mean no award?
good morning, i put in for a renewal of pip last June, had my assessment over the phone about 4 weeks ago, just received a text saying my pip review is complete & i will receive my letter in 2 weeks, as this doesn't say i have been awarded it, does it mean i havent???
PIP review impact on ESA
Hi, I’ve tried to look around in this website but I don’t think this question has been asked before. I’m going through a PIP review it’s just been extended for one year. This is because they Have a backlog of cases and they haven’t gotten to mine yet. My question is do I need to tell employment and support allowance that…
Hi, my name is jackieskyla!
hello my name is jackie
Pip Appeal
Hallo , could anyone please help ? Im new to the benefit system and have tried to do it all myself but think i may have mucked up. (only just found this site ). I am waiting for an appeal date for pip , but have recieved calls from dwp which i missed. After a few days i rang dwp back as it was playing on my mind about what…
PIP rates monthly amount
PIP rates 2024/25 Daily living standard rate £72.65 Daily living enhanced rate £108.55 Mobility standard rate £28.70 Mobility enhanced rate £75.75 ————————————————————— Hi, I get both the enhanced rates for daily living and mobility. I’m confused on how it is worked out as on my bank statement it say the amount I got for…