Hi, my name is claire87! Sick note and MR

claire87 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited November 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

hi I applied for pip and was denied, I did a mandatory appeal over the phone and have been asked to write down my problems as the lady on the phone said the box to type in won’t fit everything in saying, since the call I have been given a sick note by my dr for 3 months and this will probably be an ongoing thing as I am now unable to work, would pip take this into account on my mandatory reconsideration?
Tia for anybody who replies 🙂


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    edited November 2024

    Hi @claire87 - & welcome to the community. It's better to do a Mandatory Reconsideration (MR) in writing yourself anyway; a letter is fine. Sorry, a fit note won't really be all that helpful, as you can claim PIP whether working or not.

    Remember PIP is not about any diagnosis, but rather how your disability affects certain activities of daily living &/mobility the majority of the time. Have a look again at the activities/descriptors that are looked at in the link below

    With your MR you should say where you think you should have got points, & why, giving a couple of recent, detailed examples as to the difficulty you face for each applicable descriptor, i.e. when did it happen,where, what happened, did anyone see this, & were there any consequences to attempting/doing an activity? This should relate to the time you had your assessment, or before.

    Say if you can't do an activity 'reliably,' i.e. safely, to an acceptable standard, repeat as often as one would reasonably expect, or if it takes you much longer than someone without a disability. See this mentioned at the end of the link.

    Put your name & National Insurance number on each page. Keep a copy, & get a free Certificate of Posting from your Post Office when sending it off.
