PIP Review
My pip award finishes in September 2025. Three years after it was awarded. Today I received a text saying pip review paperwork had been sent. I was expecting it so nothing unusual there. A couple of questions which I expect a lot of people already ask. I have no changes and a couple of additions, should I write no change…
PIP decision 5 weeks still waiting
Hello, I had my pip assessment 10th December I got my assessment copy back quickly after asking and realised I’d only had 6 points. I called the case manager as I felt things were missed so I sent in some extra details. I called last week as it had been 4w since then and asked for an update I was told it was with a DM and…
not sure if I should appeal
hi I’ve been turned down for pip had face to face 17 December not sure if I should appeal only scored 4 points
PIP. Profoundly deaf
Hi, I've been awarded PIP standard on both - daily living and mobility. However, I'm not happy with the points. Got 8 points for communication and 0 for mixing with other people. This is wrong. And both those questions are very similar. Can I appeal on just this question alone? Will it affect my PIP payments? Thank you.
Any suggestions to get me motivated starting my PIP form today?
I am going to start my PIP form today not looking forward to this, any suggestions to get me motivated would be great! Thanks in advance
Can I email the DWP instead of phoning?
Hi i have difficulty with my speech and need to ask if the DWP have received my PIP Appeal decision award letter. My friend and son usually help with things but are both working and can’t call for me today. is there an email address I can use to ask the question. Thanks Susan
Pip Review
Hi, My pip is due for a review next February 2026. When would I likely to sent the review forms. It's a while off but just wondering when it's likely Thanks in advance
New PIP success help - with UC issue
Hi All! Total newbie here. I got my confirmation of award text on Friday morning (24/01/25) and am fairly anxious in knowing the next steps and what to expect. I would like to know when to expect my back payment and a little clarity ahead of my award letter as it has been a lot to take in. On a side note - I also have UC…
Is it possible to send *too much* evidence?
My husband had his PIP review and scored zero points. My first thought was how could they not even give him 2 points for eating/drinking when the medical records I sent them contain at least 6 quotes from various health professionals saying that there is a concern about his risk of choking (he has seizures when he eats)?!…
PIP review paperwork arrived
Sorry this isn't my usual type of post and I don't know why I'm freaking out so bad about this PIP review but I really really am. It's due back on 26th December, so already I'm worried about when exactly to send it as December post is awful, I think by 18th to be on the safe side but that gives me less than 2 weeks??? My…
Pip award ends soon what should I do
hi everyone I need some help with my pip I went to tribunal a few years ago and they awarded it up to this year and in a few months it will end What should I do? I haven’t been contacted about extending it? Will they end my award if I don’t try to contact them? What should I do ? Please help me my head is all over the…
Pip assessment
hi I need some advice my partner has stage 4 copd it really is a awful time for him atm current awaiting lung reduction surgery his gets Lower rate mobility he’s been getting this for around 2 years now last November I reported to pip that things have gotten worse with his health as his ability to carry out tasks they sent…
When does PIP Award start?
If you get awarded pip for 18 months, dwp add another 12 months. When does the official PIP date start from, is it the date you apply for pip and receive back payment from or the date you received your pip award letter through post? Any advice appreciated.
help with PIP question
hello there everyone I’m Steve from Northern Ireland 😊
Letter doesn't mention backpay?
Hi I rang up pip line yesterday to ask about backpay as I received a call from pip advisor on Wednesday asking about finance problems that I have, the advisor told me he has approved my claim.. The letter was posted out to me yesterday but no backpay was sent I'm confused. Can someone please explain
ADHD pip refused
Hi everyone and Happy new year. Just got the letter we've been waiting for this morning regarding my husbands ADHD Pip application. This was declined which we kind of expected tbh as this seems to be the way it goes for most people however to have scored zero on every point is just staggering. Their decision seemed to…
PIP changes
A friend has just told me that, as a 68 year old (With a rare neuro condition) my PIP and mobility payments will be axed in April.I can see that the Government is intent on cutting the benefits bill but nothing that directly says this is true. Am I missing something ?
PIP back pay advice
Hi, I applied for PIP last year some time and was granted standard mobility. I went to tribunal due to lots of things the assessor wrote that was inaccurate. The tribunal granted me enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility from the 22nd August 2022 til November 2026. This was on the 9th August 2023. I have had nothing…
Review in ADP
I'm due my review in adult disability payment,( in Scotland) I was on pip and moved over to this in February, how has others found the review process compared to the pip review. Getting pip was horrendous, I had to go to tribunal after having lies being told in my assessors reports. I don't have any further evidence since…
DWP /Procedural Rules re: Retroactivity of PIP awards
My question relates to PIP rules for Back Payment after delays in claim reassessment. Last November 2024, I was reassessed for PIP and was given an award for full PIP Mobility and Medical. As my Reassessment Period fell in November 2023 and it took 11 months for Reassessment, I was under the impression that Back Payment…