P.i.p review
Does anyone know how long it's roughly taking to get your p.i.p reviewed and get a decision back from them
Hi back in 2018 I applied for pip for my mental health issues which are Depression Anxiety mostly social Anxiety. Which after the review I failed with a score of 2 for daily living mixing with others and 4 mobility planning and following a journey. But after doing a MR and appeal at court I still lost. So this if the 1st…
awaiting reply
I filled in a change of circumstance form & all my recent and ongoing hospital appointments way back in November/December 2024 & still have not had a reply. Should I call them, or wait?
Will PIP contact my carer?
Hi my mum cares for me and iv put her down on my p.i.p review as one of my cares contacts. Will d.w.p contact her to ask about my condition. I ask this because my mum has a hard time hearing and I'm worried she won't be able to hear what the p.i.p asseser are saying and if im not ther when thay phone she won't be able to…
I am trying to renew my Blue Badge The first thing I did was get in touch with W and P. for a statement . So now onto filling in the online form One of the first things on the list ask me to select which relevant benefits I receive.Now the problem …. The statement I have been sent is a DLA statement. I migrated to PIP when…
Daughter moving from DLA to PIP
Hi I am a mum of two girls. both my girls have special needs
Pip decision changes?
Hi after all of my pip application/ assessment etc they have finally advised on the phone this morning the letter has been sent. They are advising they are not allowed to reveal this information on the phone following 2 chats with 2 different agents. Is this a new rule or are they not allowed to tell me because the answer…
Spending Pip
hi everyone I get high rate pip for both and I need to use it to do something that’ll help my MH . I want to learn how to draw and paint art , I think it might help calm my mind and anxiety. I found a private art teacher who charges £40ph and I’d like to go twice a week so would cost me £80 a week , do you think this would…
Paper based assessment pip
Hoping someone can advise please after some confusion at the start of my claim for my son DWP have now confirmed they have my sons assessment and it’s now awaiting a decision of them, he’s had a paper based assessment he attends a Sen provision school evidence I sent it was echp which proves his needs socially etc and a…
Change in circumstances
hi I was awarded pip in March last year standered care and high mobility after a fractured skull and brain injury , I have no sense of smell or taste and mild to moderate hearing loss in left ear and mild in right I had no prove of there’s conditions at the time which the decision maker said in my report as been under ent…
Pip reward review
Hi, I recently had my pip review (assessment) I was originally awarded the standard daily living component in 2020. 9 days after my review (assessment) I received 2 small payments that shows up as DWP RFD. I haven't had any communication from the DWP since my review. I was wondering if anybody knows or has experienced…
What happens to my mobility car during appeal?
I currently get full pip after spending 2 years appealing and finally winning a tribunal…. It’s time for a review but they seemed to be being very picky and difficult, they guy who done my interview was clearly just reading a script and had no idea what I was saying for my answers asking me to explain things that I…
Good evening, I was awarded pip about a year ago now, when I was awarded my forms come back and I didn’t agree with some of the stuff on it, I believe I should of been awarded a higher rate but after the long exhausting process I didn’t have it in me to challenge it. I suffer with a few mental health issues and I have been…
Refused PIP Mobility Component YET AGAIN!
I have received my recent review award from PIP I have the highest rate for the daily living component but yet again been refused all the mobility component element. I have spinal problems with nurology constant pain with 10yr ongoing conditions of Chronic Sciatica / Morton Neuroma/Crushing of C3 C4 C5 C6 & L4 L5 S1 along…
Odd pip text...
Hi Im new here applied for pip over a year ago got turned down. Did a MR got turned down for that. The original capita assessment went on for 2.5 hours I mean...Really! So after being evicted "Non fault RHW16" I put in for an appeal. Called them a couple of weeks ago and was told I was looking at the end of do march 2025.…
PIP Re-Assessment
This morning I received my award letter following my re-assessment, I use to receive standard rate of both Daily Living & Mobility. The original date of the re-assessment was April 24, however this was extended to July 25, I actually had a telephone assessment 23/01/25. I have now been awarded standard living and enhanced…
pip pregnant
hi can women who not disabled get pip? say she pregnant and getting stitch be hard for her to do things around household like getting dress or making food etc if your women you understand what I mean so I have to look after all time so can they get pip and I get carer allowance??
Hi, my name is spursfan!
I'm a new member here...and felt compelled to comment on the PiP procedure when being a pensioner…
PIP called to verify address but I'm homeless
I receive pip. I was staying with my friend for a while but moved on I’m homeless. She returned a letter to pip unbeknown to me. Pip called and said they had a letter returned could I verify my address I gave her address. What can I do and/or what will happen Any advice gratefully received Thank you
Pip renewal
Can I ask for advice I have received assessors report for pip renewal I have fibromyalgia, dislocation shoulder injury left me with limited movement in right arm and bad mental health I was on enhanced for both parts after tribunal jump forward and now assessment report says advised standard on both I don't agree with the…