Could Access to Work help to cover childcare costs?
Hi! I've recently discovered 'Access to Work' after being partially sighted for the past 9 years. I'm unable to drive to this, I am a single mum of 2 children and my ex is not in the picture due to DV. I may have a job offer for a position that's 9 minutes drive by car or 26 minutes by bus. The issue is that the bus…
My manager said that I looked better without my walking stick. What are your thoughts on this?
Hi I have had lots of health issues over the past few years. But in Oct 2020 I had extensive surgery. So I had 7 months off work. When I went back i was using a walking stick. For when I had bad days. But after I had more surgery in Sept 2021 for gallbladder removal I went back into work with out my stick. My manager said…
Arthritis in both knees. Only have 23 days sick leave left. Does Equality Act apply?
Hi I was due knee replacement unfortunately covid happened which postponed this. I worked longer day through covid which has put strain on my knees. I'm in my 3rd year full time employment and have found I've used 70days of my sick pay due to knee condition and have 23 days left. I've finally had surgery but the company…
Is it typical for employer to make OH appointment & not ask how I'm coping? Waiting for adjustments
hiya, I asked work for adjustments. they have arranged occ health appointment in a month. So I have self-certified for a week and spoke to GP to say fit to work if xyz in place. Asked for paid leave for these adjustments-told I need to be assessed for any adjustment. Reminded them- nothing in the Equality Act says I do. My…
Hi, my name is emmafinerty! I'm looking for work
im looking for work i have app to lost of jobs and when i get a email and a no from im geting no were with a job i have a learning disabilities
Hi, my name is HHB! I'm struggling to get interviews for the right kind of work
Hi i have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I walk small distances with a stick but use an electric wheelchair for more than pottering . I’ve worked full time in senior admin roles for over 20 years . I was bullied out of my last role and gave up Woking full time for a while . I’ve applied for cashier roles in all the…
Hi, my name is Rosie14! feeling a little lost having lost my job
I am new on here and feeling a little lost having lost my job through ill health and having difficulty finding what to do. I have suffered with my mental health since 2018 and have osteoarthritis which is painful and fills my days just tired and in pain.
Did you know you could get discounts on travel if you're looking for work?
The Rail Delivery Group are currently working on promoting their Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card. It's worth looking into if you're seeking employment! You can read the full news release on their website. Have you ever heard of the Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card? Do you think it's a good idea? Do you think it's…
Medical retirement
Hi everyone. I've been with my current employer (local Government) for 10 year's. I'm on my third long term sickness at the moment with various issues, I've been diagnosed with ADHD , MADD I also suffer Dyslexia. About 4 months ago I suffered my 4th heart attack. My question is HR has recommended medical retirement on my…
Job advice
Hello all I have been at my current work place for a long time working part-time. Now please don't get me wrong I'm very grateful that I have a job and understand it is difficult to obtain one especially with a disability. However my current work place I have been trying to leave for 6 and a half years with no joy. They…
being judged for my disability and not being able to work
As many know i'm disabled, my work place was very judgemental due to not me being able to do much but I would try to complete everything as I was there to work and not to sit around. The only person who would be understanding my disability was my amazing manager who stood by me until I couldn't work anymore and now I work…
Career advice
*I'm not writing this myself, I've got someone else to write it for me* Hi all, I have been diagnosed with sporadic hemiplegic migraines and my triggers are light, noise and postural based so I can't use digital screens, power tools and can't bend my neck otherwise I have an attack. No medications have worked so I'm…
Working 3 hours on ESA support and PIP
Hi, I'm on ESA support and full care PIP. I've been offered the opportunity to work in an office for just 3 hours a week. Does anyone know if this will screw things up for me ... thanks
Hi, my name is Visagefaces! Registering self-employed, I receive LCWRA
Hi can anyone help me to Registar self employed & change universal credit to working currently receive lcwra
Diagnosed with long covid 19 advised to take 3 months unpaid leave public sector
looking for some help l work for the council now for over 35 years. last year I caught covid I had a peek flow reading and the doctor prescribed 2 inhalers for asthma I also suffer from chronic fatigue and brain fog I was diagnosed with high blood pressure 30 years ago along with high cholesterol I have recently been…
Can they pay me just for hours worked, rather than contracted hours?
If reasonably adjusted at work due to disability, can they pay me just for hours worked rather than contracted hours?
trying to get into employment
Hi everyone, I just saw a job advert for an employment coach with Catch 22 and it's something that I would really like to try. I've applied for these kinds of roles before and I really would like help in building confidence to retry. The surge in confidence came from successfully helping my sister prepare for work and she…
Starting freelancing/benefits situation
Hello all. I'm here to get insights and advice about starting work. I'm on ESA and PIP for mental health reasons and hate being dependent on a government which hates me, and could decide to stop helping vulnerable people at any moment. I'm on a course right now to learn some skills which I hope to be able to use to earn a…
Reasonable Adjustments being reviewed every 6 months. I'm worried this'll put me at a disadvantage
Good morning I was wondering about the above as I appear to have reached an impasse with my employer since my reasonable adjustment was ‘formally’ (albeit ‘temporarily’) put in place. I have a long term and incurable functional bowel disorder and mental health issues and have been confirmed as recognised as disabled under…
Never had a job because no one will give me a chance...
I have Spastic Diplegia CP and a Stammer. I've applied to numerous of jobs I'm either unsuccessful or I don't hear anything back.. anyone else had a similar experience? any advise?