Finding a job
hi I have learning difficulties I am struggling to find a job any help would be appreciated thank you
Moving to a new office - access issues
My workplace are moving us to a new office. I have mobility issues which make walking distances painful, getting up and down stairs takes a lot of effort and causes alot of pain. It's obvious to watch me that I'm having trouble and it's embarrassing. The office I work from now has a lift, and disabled parking very close…
Advice please
Trigger warning; mentions of self-harm and sui!cide. Hi everyone, i’m puzzleheaded 26 year old diagnosed autistic female. I have on going mental health issues, generalised anxiety and depression. At the beginning of summer my mental health declined severely that I made two attempts of overdose. After that I was referred to…
Move based on friendships and favouritism?
Hi, so I am a TL who moved to my current department over a year ago. I became friends with my manager and the other TLs who happened to be her friends and 1 was her roommate. We had another TL move over a few months ago and 2 months later there was a business demand to move a TL she obvs didn’t want her friends moved and…
Reasonable adjustments
I’ve worked for my employer for more than 20 years in an office based role. For many years I’ve had chronic pain - ulna neuropathy of shoulder, shoulder bursitis, CRPS shoulder, hyper mobility, carpal tunnel syndrome & now tennis elbow! Over the years I’ve had various treatments but am now reliant on medication though am…
Reasonable adjustments (Epilepsy)
Hey, I have epilepsy and it was pretty much under control with meds until just under a year ago due to work stress (I work as a hca for the NHS) I had a few months off and then after seeing occupational health I went back to work and they implemented the reasonable adjustments and a seizure plan the main things were no…
I'll health retirement - civil service employer - 2 ques
I cannot work in a 'pressure' job ever again, but might do part time or simple. Scheme retirement age is months rather than years away. Would any restriction 'expire' after scheme age? Would a compensation claim for workplace stress be dealt with automatically as part of IHR (part of the cause of IHR), or should I start…
Promotion being delayed due to reasonable adjustments.
I'm a civil servant, and despite my ADHD and Autism have progressed very well in my career. February 16 I was made a provisional offer of a role following an interview. The new role is at a higher grade, and a different area of my department and so I expected the things to progress quickly. Once I passed the right to work…
Asking for a friend- redundancy
Hi all, My friend handed in her notice in and told had to work 8 weeks notice period. She has a new job. A week after handing in her notice her work have told her that the building will cease trading in 2 weeks. She has been told she doesn't qualify for redundancy. Anyone know if this is true.
Hi, my name is johno70! Work threatening to fire me if I dont give a return to work date.
Hi everyone just looking for a bit of advice in December I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and although my treatment has reduced the symptoms I'm not yet at the level I need to be at, I'm an hgv driver and dvla have revoked my license now my work have put me on a stage 3 and if I don't give them a return to work date…
Help with work issue
hi all. I am diagnosed autistic- I am fairly high masking and people usually forget I’m autistic or just presume I’m ‘odd’ TLDR: I was ‘autistic’ in a conversation and now being frozen out and getting official emails making me fear for my job. I’ve been in the workplace a year, had a great relationship with my boss…
Hi, my name is tattylashes! Currently in the midst of a disability discrimination complaint with ET
Hi guys! Currently in the midst of a disability discrimination complaint with ET. So Hello!! Thought I'd share some great sources. You can search party cases Google ET Case Law. Disability Advice service has a great guidebook for the law. Loom for Tamara, Lewis guide you disability discrimination. Valla looks great for…
What job can I have?
I'm a disabled person that can only use one arm and I need someone to assist me all day. This also involves hoisting me when I go to the bathroom. Does anybody know any jobs where I could be assisted for my needs or any at home jobs?
Access to work. Has anyone used AtW for taxis to new job? Have you had any other support?
Hi there Has anyone used access to work for taxis to new job etc Have you had any other support starting a new job? Thanks in advance
Sickness & Reclaiming Benefits
Can I reclaim any of the following ESA, Housing Benefit, Council Tax reduction, because as of the 16th June I am on sick leave with sick notes. My wife is still working but I cant afford my bills anymore?
Dismissal From Work Following Sickness
I've been dismissed from work following a shoulder injury. I'm epileptic and a Aquired brain Injury epilepsy man (albeit controlled). I declared my health conditions at interview time and was hired anyway. i'm on a zero hours contract. Today after my sick note ran out i received this. [Pictures removed by moderator -…
my volunteering at my local hospital is finally getting somewhere
*POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING AS MY POST IS ABOUT HOSPITALS, BLOOD TESTS AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND MMR VACCINE* Hi, everyone, earlier this year (around March or April) I applied to become a volunteer at my local hospital, but by June I was feeling like they'd forgotten about or were ignoring me, so I emailed the volunteer…
How to get back into work after 2 months of unemployment?
Hello I'm currently unemployed, it's really making me depressed because I've been looking for over 2 months and I have been securing interviews but not the actual jobs, though I've always asked for feedback afterwards and have taken it on board at interviews. I was wondering if anyone had any advice for how to get back…
Access to Work Mental Health Support Service REFERRALS end on 19th August 2024 !!!
Mental Health Support Services 1.17. The last referral date for the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service will be 19 August 2024. You will be required to continue providing services under the Contract for 10 months and 28 working days after the end of the referral period. Department for Work & Pensions Statutory…
No win, No fee employment/personal injury Solicitors
Hello, does anyone have any good recommendations for no win no fee solicitors? Disability specialists would be preferred.