Feeling Nervous..

Wilsonwinehouse Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
Morning guys..

Feeling a bit nervous and apprehensive at the moment.

This is my last week in my job I have done for 10 years and it feels odd to be finishing. I was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy 5 years ago and since then I have had 2 operations, 2 sets of injections and 4 laser treatments, my eyes have got worse and worse and I was registered severely sight impaired in November. 

My eyes are now.so.blurry that I cannot read and use.acfessibility options on my phone for everything. I can't read any text at all even with a magnifier. 

I finish on Friday and I know I will have to claim UC, I know I will have to get a fit note from the Dr as well until I have the work assessment.

Feeling nervous that I won't be given a fit note, should I apply for UC the day after my last day at work or wait to the following week? 



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    You should wait until after you received your last earnings from your employer before claiming UC.

    Have you also looked at claiming New style ESA? It’s a contributions based benefit which can be claimed if you have the correct NI contributions in the previous 2 tax years. It’s not means tested so other income, savings/capital and pensions of up to £85/week.

    It will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement so there’s no financial gain. However it maybe useful in the future. You will also receive class 1 NI credits, where as UC only pays class 2.

    New style ESA can be backdated for a maximum of 3 months, provided you weren’t claiming SSP during that time. 
    See link https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-style-employment-and-support-allowance
    You will need a fit note and your SSP1 form (if you claimed it) you will only need 1 work capability assessment for both benefits. 
  • Wilsonwinehouse
    Wilsonwinehouse Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
    Thanks guys.. 

    Poppy, i have not looked into that, no. I have just had it in my head that i need to claim UC to be fair.

    I have just been awarded enhanced PIP for both daily care and mobility so that will help, 

    I have worked for the last 10 yers with no breaks so NI would be fine, are you saying i could apply for ESA and then have the capability assessment for that and LCWRA or am i misunderstanding?

    Is the ESA and LCWRA the same money as UC
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    edited April 2023
    New style ESA is £84.80/week but it’s paid fortnightly. If placed into the Support Group you will receive extra money from the 14th week of your claim. (£129.50/week) It’s not part of UC and is a separate benefit.

    Were you claiming SSP from your employer? If so when did that end please? 

    LCWRA  is part of UC. UC standard allowance over 25 is £368.74/month and LCWRA is £390.06/month (if awarded eventually)

    PIP has no relevance to either UC or ESA. 

    If you claim both ESA and UC the ESA is deducted in full but it’s worth claiming ESA for the reasons advised here. 
    It’s not means tested so other income, savings/capital and pensions of up to £85/week are ignored. 

  • Wilsonwinehouse
    Wilsonwinehouse Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
    Thanks for getting back to me..

    No i have not claimed SSP, so just been working and paying full NI for the last 10 years. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Then you can claim New style ESA and backdate your claim for a maximum of 3 months (providing you weren't earning more than £152/week and working less than 16 hours at that time). I'd advise you to do this ASAP but please make sure you have a fit note when you claim. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-style-employment-and-support-allowance#how-to-apply

    Once you've received your final earnings into your bank i'd advise you to claim UC the following day.

  • Wilsonwinehouse
    Wilsonwinehouse Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
    Thanks, just so i get it right in my head..

    Finish work Friday, get a fit note from the Dr, then claim for ESA, and then claim for UC once i have been paid from work the final time. Regarding payment, if put in the support group, thats £129 per week i total, but UC and LCWRA if you get that is more? 

    To be fair, im happy with whatever i get awarded, its just getting it all straight so i know what im doing.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Yes claim New style ESA first, then UC the day after you receive your final pay from work. Otherwise your earnings will reduce your UC in the first month.

    For ESA until you've been assessed and a decision is made on your work capability assessment you'll receive £84.80/week.

    For UC until a decision is made on the work capability assessment standard allowance as a single person (over 25) is £368.74/month.

    The ESA will be deducted in full from your UC and the deduction is £367.46/month.. this is because ESA is a weekly benefit and UC is monthly. To work out the monthly deduction you need to work out the monthly amount.. £84.80 x 52 divided by 12 = £367.46.

    If you don't claim for help with any rent then your total UC will be £1.27/month + £84.80/ ESA (£169.60/fortnightly)
    Although your UC will only be a very small amount for now providing you have no earnings you'll be entitled to free NHS treatment such as dental, Prescriptions (if living in England) and eye tests.