Hi, my name is nada!

nada Community member Posts: 2 Listener
Hello, my name is Nadya I have child going to year 5 next September  he is 8years old.
the senco give me call telling me they will change my child TA ,the probleme is my child work very well with this TA plus he has to be ready for secondary . Her reason is my child need to be with different TA.
I need advice how to challenger her to keep his TA .
Thank you.


  • nada
    nada Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    nada said:
    Hello, my name is Hiba I have child going to year 5 next September  he is 8years old.
    the senco give me call telling me they will change my child TA ,the probleme is my child work very well with this TA plus he has to be ready for secondary . Her reason is my child need to be with different TA.
    I need advice how to challenger her to keep his TA .
    Thank you.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,511 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @nada and welcome to the community, it's great to have you hear. 
    How long has your son had his current TA? Could they be changing his TA in preparation for secondary school? 

    It's understandable that you have concerns, especially if your child has been working well with the current TA, I think I'd feel the same way.  

    I'm not sure you can pick which TA works with your son but it does sound like you need to discuss this with the SENCO.
    Could you arrange a meeting with them? I'd highlight the positive progress your son has made with his current TA and explain your concerns about him working with another. I think you also need to ask her if she could explain why she is changing your son's TA and how she believes this would be of benefit to your son. It could be because of the demands of the school and other students needing support, but it could also be because she thinks it would be beneficial to your son.
    If they stick to their decision, you could also ask her what sort of transition they're planning for your son to help him adjust to a new TA.  

    Good luck, and I hope you find a solution that works for your child!