Partially sighted

alexis Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi  im  new  to  scope  ive  got  a  big  problem  and  its  driving  me  mad  its  getting  so  bad  that  ive  cried  myself  to  sleep  I stay  in  a tenement  bottom  floor  flat  theres  2 houses  above  me  and  I can  hear  the  people in  the   top  flat  as  well  as  the  neighbours  above  me  its  as  if  theyre  in  the  same  house  I cant  get  peace  and  quiet  I dont  know  if  other  partially  sighted  people  have  the  same  problem with  their  sight  being  bad  and  their  hearing  being  acute  my  housing cant  help  I am  in  a gha  housing  association.  Thanks 


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,635 Championing
    Hi @alexis welcome to the community. Do you think the neighbours are excessively noisy or that your hearing is acute and therefore normal noise levels feel elevated?

    If they are being very noisy it would be worth speaking to the council about nuisance noise levels.

    If it is your hearing, have you ever tried ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones?
  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Community member Posts: 596 Empowering
    It's a myth that our hearing is better if we're partially sighted. We use our hearing more than people without sight problems.

    In my case, I do have sensitive hearing; but that's a separate issue.
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,635 Championing
    How are you doing @alexis ?
  • Andy_Scope
    Andy_Scope Scope Posts: 47 Contributor
    I have tinnitus that causes a permanent noise in my hearing, its a bit like having noisy neighbours in your head that you cant get rid of. Have you thought about using white noise to mask the noise of your neighbours, it can be very effective especially when trying to get to sleep. You can download free Apps for smart phones that have limited functions but might be worth a try before spending out on something.