DLA stopping

charlene Community member Posts: 555 Empowering
hello, I was wondering if someone can help me. The letter informing me my D LA was stopping, gave no date of when this will be. anyone know when this is unlikely to stop.

I am waiting for the result of my pip assessment and hope to hear soon.  If I am awarded pip but not the award I think should be awarded, and I go to tribunal, will this lower award be paid into my bank account in the meanwhile. 


  • duckett123
    duckett123 Community member Posts: 81 Contributor
    if you change from dla to pip which all of us have to if you disagree you will have to do MR first , there should always be a date when you dla moves to pip if there is no date you must call them so your not caught out and get no money mine gave me 4wks for swop over but in mean time could give you f2f first them give you same money but different name or lower your money so you have to fight them,but phone dwp to get end date some times it just moves over with out no probs you may be ok good look
  • charlene
    charlene Community member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Thanks I will double check the letter but am sure there is no date.

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,197 Championing
    Hi charlene

    As long as you have begun the PIP process your DLA will continue until a decision is made.
    If you receive an award this will be put into payment and remain in payment until a new decision is made even if you challenge the decision at MR and Appeal.

  • charlene
    charlene Community member Posts: 555 Empowering
    Thanks Cockny Rebel.  I have bills as everyone else have and needed to know so if I had to start cutting down drastically , it would come as no surprise.