DLA, recent benefits, part-time & going to self-employed?

Aneta Community member Posts: 12 Connected
Hello guys!

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for all the support I received from Scope in last spring, and have found the part-time job which I still love! As I am deaf, today my management agreed I can use Siri (from iPhone) for their daily briefings!

  • I am deaf and receving DLA since 2008, still DLA!! (middle & low)
  • living alone in council flat
  • part-time work - 16 hours/week 
  • benefits - full Housing Benefit and full Council Tax Support
and in November 2018 I started publishing my ebook, little and short ones for a start, using my own website. I plan to go to Amazon and other online stores with my biggers ebooks in the next months. There won't be much money, I am aware of that.

I know I have to go to register myself as self-employed very very soon!!

And I am scared of it all!!

I made research there, there and there. And questions:

  • Should I go to local Borough Council and let them know about my situation? Will they take care of me considering benefits, support for disabled future self-employments or show where I need to look for help & advice? I know I work and some kind of support won't be available for me anymore, I know that from last spring, they cut me off everything when I found a job!)
  • Should I let the PPI know I became a self-employed and wait for re-claim my "old" DLA? That issue scares me the most as I have huge finance relief from DLA...
  • An accountant - I have one in my eye, but I would like to know all by myself and getting know about potential risks in that case.
  • What I should know or do?
Many thanks, nice people!


  • MatthewD1985
    MatthewD1985 Community member Posts: 31 Connected
    edited January 2019
    As long as you are doing less16 hours or less you should be OK as it should be permitted work if you are on ESA. I didn't use an accountant as the tax returns should be straight forward if you keep a record of the amount you are having - I do this by just entering the amount I have into excel every invoice day so that it is all there when you come to do your return.
    DLA should remain unaffected unless your actual disability changes. If you do get ESA I would make sure that you are not in a universal credit area first though as any change will stop ESA and housing c/tax benefit immediately as happened to me just for doing an 56 hours over 3 weeks in december as a one off when I should only have been doing 48 in the same period - this is despire the fact I only worked 5 hours the last week of december. But DLA shouldnt be affected. 
  • Aneta
    Aneta Community member Posts: 12 Connected
    Thank You Matthew!

    I don't get ESA, I am not sure why, but I think I am not eligbled to.

    And my area is Universal Credit but I don't receive it as I got Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support.

    I know the DLA won't be affected but I have read I should let the DWP know about my change of type tax - employment?

  • MatthewD1985
    MatthewD1985 Community member Posts: 31 Connected
    Probably not what you want to hear I think you will still have to claim UC as it is meant to replace JSA, ESA, Income Support, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit and housing benefit. You may get 'new style ESA' depending on your NI contributions and if you work less than 16 hours weekly - select the last option on 0800 328 5644

  • Aneta
    Aneta Community member Posts: 12 Connected
    Thank you, I will go tomorrow to Borough council and make an appoitment. Not able to make a call as I am deaf.
  • Aneta
    Aneta Community member Posts: 12 Connected
    Eh... I went yesterday and was advised to go to local government support for more details of self-employment and to make a claim for UC. I did it online yesterday afternoon, but have time till 16/01 to make an appoitment. Luckily (??) I am deaf and wasn't able to make a call, needed to await to today and go to Job Centre personally... And your post with "not to do this". You are right - first ask others and UC is the eventually, the very last option - you are right, UC could wait! 
    Thank you! CAB in the Monday! And will ask the accountant as well.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Self employment and UC don't really match. If it's a new business then the first 12 months is fine, but after this the minimum income floor will apply.

  • Aneta
    Aneta Community member Posts: 12 Connected
    Eh, now I am really confused... I have still time and UC really could wait until 16/01. I will ask in Citizen Advice and accountant. Maybe they will help me to look into this situation from other point of view. 

    Okay, so now I know what to do! That link helped me a lot! Just need to find a good accountant to take care of.

    Thank you!