Mental health

iain57 Community member Posts: 17 Connected
Hi how do you tell eny one how you feel i talked to meny that i no feel down an diprest were you carnt be bothered to do enything i have told people i feel like i dont wont to be here an my mind  dont help  i take  medication which dose help in a small way but my feelings still make me think why am i here 


  • Rachel10876
    Rachel10876 Scope Member Posts: 79 Contributor
    Hey Iain,
    Im not just saying this but I actually do know how you feel .
    the only thing keeping me on this planet is my son I absolutely adore him very much and I definitely don’t want him to go through death quite so soon because I don’t think he would cope very well.
    depression is a really bad thing to have I hate it with a passion not being able to get up in the morning and not being able to do anything throughout the day or night.
    no energy.
    Fatigued all the time.
    dont want to speak to no one around you.
    closed yourself off from the world around you.
    Am I getting warmer to how you are feeling.
    How long have you been on the same mental health medication Iain ?
    have you got any family ?
    Rachel x

  • iain57
    iain57 Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    I have my kids they are brilliant also my antie i do love the help an support they give but it dosent help my feelings i also have a mental health worker  i no this sounds silly but i tryed to get a dnr on my records but they wouldent do it but as you say lonlyness dosent help 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello there @iain57 how are you doing today? Well done for reaching out here and talking about how you're feeling, it's not always an easy thing to do. 

    I'm really sorry to hear that you feel like you don't want to be here, but I want you to know you're not alone, and that we're here to support you. You've mentioned your medication is helping, but do you feel supported enough at the moment? Perhaps you can speak to your GP about how things are going, or friends or family you're close to?

    Hi @Rachel10876 thanks so much for sharing your own experience with Iain, even just talking with someone going through something similar is a big help. I'd just like to say again that we can offer additional support for you if you feel like it would help with how you are feeling. It's clear to see that you love your son very much. Perhaps one of the best ways to work through depression is to have something or someone you love to hold on to. Do you feel like you're receiving enough support at the moment?

    I'd like to share some helpful places with you both for some extra support:

    Mind is a really great organisation, they have lots of information on understanding suicidal feelings, and how you can get help when you need to, so please do take a look when you can. 

    You can also contact Samaritans by calling 116 123 to speak to someone today. Remember, if you feel that you may be an immediate danger to yourself, please call 999 or go to your local hospital right away.

    I'm going to be sending you both an email just to check in later on today, so look out for that, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need to, anytime.


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi again @iain57, it's good to hear you've got family around you and a mental health worker too.

    I wonder do you have any interests or hobbies that you enjoy? Maybe a social group might help in feeling a little less lonely? You could always talk about it here on the community as well.
  • iain57
    iain57 Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    Yes i have hobbies but i dont realy do them i love cars an landrovers i used to love doing spanner work an welding but i dont no more  just carnt put my mind focast yet 
  • Rachel10876
    Rachel10876 Scope Member Posts: 79 Contributor
    hey Iain57,
    it really is mad that you love cars my husband is a self taught mechanic he hasn’t long rebuilt my son’s old car for the second time this time we upgraded everything to the max like big bore’s and aluminium values and it’s back on the road a lot faster now it’s mad. I also love my performance cars . Used to have a ex works rally car being a Subaru Impreza WRX STI type RA. 
    My son is also a qualified welder too and also follows in the footsteps of his dad loving cars which are modified and fast. 
    Have you ever had a CBT course ?
    that mean’s Cognitive behavioural therapy. If you didn’t know.
    scope group member.

  • iain57
    iain57 Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    Hi yes i am self taught too i can weld an do most enything with a car  i have  code readers at 400.00  my soninlaw has a codereader which i can use is was over a 1000.00 an that dose every thing i do get the odd person ask me to do bits  some days i do but most i dont what is cbt  iain
  • iain57
    iain57 Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    Ok thankyou i look into it as i do struddle  but thanks
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    You can speak to your GP about being referred for some cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) @iain57, if it's something you might be interested in :) If you live in England, you could also try referring yourself for talking therapy through the IAPT service (NHS website).

    Feeling as though you don't enjoy the activities you used to enjoy and having concentration difficulties are both really common symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, so you're not alone in feeling that way.
  • Rachel10876
    Rachel10876 Scope Member Posts: 79 Contributor
    Hi Iain ,
    Same my husband has the machines too I bought it as a Christmas gift.
    They are really handy to have .
    The cbt course is all about positive thinking but that hard to do coz of the depression is always taking up everything your thoughts etc.
    Got any other hobbies you like doing.
    Or was thinking of doing ?
  • AlisonNetty
    AlisonNetty Community member Posts: 192 Empowering
    edited February 2022
    I'm sorry you're feeling like this, I do understand as I often have this feeling, it's hard to get rid of as well. I have Fibromyalgia and depression, I'm in pain 24/7 the painkillers doesn't help and I have fatigue...
     Have you thought of talking to a friend or a family member, telling them how you feel?  Someone is always about in this site to talk to... Take care. 

  • iain57
    iain57 Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    Hi alison  yes a have good kids they do alsorts for me an they keep there own family goin too