When can I request a copy of my pip assessment report

niknoo Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
edited September 2018 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
hi all, I had my f2f this morning which was actually a lot easier than what I thought it was going to be. 
My assessor was very nice and very knowledgable about all my conditions. 
Im on high rate care and mobility at the moment, he said he’s going to suggest im
reviewed in a couple of years just incase things get worse? Which is making me wonder if he knows I’ve not scored enough for high mobility on pip? Or am I being paranoid? Also how and when can I obtain a copy of his report. 
Thank you all xx


  • niknoo
    niknoo Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Also I should add this is my transition from DLA 
  • on33y3dbob
    on33y3dbob Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Hi niKnoo. I am sure that once u get your award notice, which hopefully will be in your favour, all the info will be on your letter. I had an esa wca which was sxxt so good luck, let me know how it goes. 
  • niknoo
    niknoo Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    I was told you can request a copy of the report and get a indication of what you’ll be awarded. 
    I’m fairly confident that I will be awarded as he was so helpful, and even helped me word things so the CM would have a better understanding of my difficulties. 
    I have to say, my experience does not reflect the horror stories you read and I’m also not worried that my report will be anything other than what we discussed, as I said he was very nice and even told me not to believe all the horror stories I’ve heard :) 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Since you had your acessment today I would wait to middle or end of next week to request your report which takes about two week to arrive once requested. Good luck and keep posting.
  • niknoo
    niknoo Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Thanks @wilko I will do x
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    I phoned PIP the day after my assessment and report arrived 10 days later but might take longer now because of increased volume.  They send them out in request order so the sooner you phone the sooner you'll get report.
  • niknoo
    niknoo Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Ah thank you. I shall try tomorrow :) xx
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    They won't send the report out until they receive both copies back from the health assessment providers.
  • niknoo
    niknoo Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Ah conflicting advice. I was told he would send it off electronically today? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    niknoo said:
    Ah conflicting advice. I was told he would send it off electronically today? 
    There's 2 copies, a digital one which is sent electronically and a paper one which can't be sent this way. The digital copy isn't always sent the same day, even if they do tell you this. Sometimes there's a delay in sending it but most are sent within 2-3 days unless it's chosen for audit.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing

    There's 2 copies, a digital one which is sent electronically and a paper one which can't be sent this way. The digital copy isn't always sent the same day, even if they do tell you this. Sometimes there's a delay in sending it but most are sent within 2-3 days unless it's chosen for audit.
    I can't find any reference to that on any of the welfare advice sites. How did you find that out? I only ask as when I telephoned the DWP back in 2013 after my first assessment they said that it was all done via the post and that the report will only be sent out to me with the decision letter.
    Hence I never asked for it for any of the three assessments and waited for it when the decision notice was received.
  • MSAndy
    MSAndy Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    I have just last month gone through the PIP fiasco. My original reply during the tume of George Smith (IDS real name) was in October 2013.
    A full five (5) years later and two new computer systems  and lost databases the DWP waited until my Motability car had been MOT'd and the lease had expired did they cancel my DLA and require the PIP assessment. 
    At no time was an electronic version available, the whole torturous process took place by mail. 
    Just a complete disgrace even by the pitiful Manky May government  

  • Saracen
    Saracen Online Community Member Posts: 66 Empowering
    Hi niknoo
    Read my post I was extremly lucky rang for mine and had following morning rang friday at 4.00pm had saturday at 11am .
    Best wishes and hope ur are successful mate.
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Sending PIP reports electronically must be quite new.  I'm very impressed that the DWP can be efficient when they try.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    DWP don't send them electronically to the claimant, 2nd class post is always used. I have no idea how a report was received 19 hours after requesting it.
  • dignifieddoll
    dignifieddoll Online Community Member Posts: 52 Connected
    Can i still request my assessment report as i recieved my letter concerning my award on thursday i didnt realise i could ask do i just ring number on top of letter please ?
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    DWP don't send them electronically to the claimant, 2nd class post is always used. I have no idea how a report was received 19 hours after requesting it.
    No but from what they told me ALL reports that are sent to the DWP went via the post. There was no such thing as an electronic version, much the same as picking and choosing what questions were to be asked when you had to make the first telephone call to claim - conveniently forgetting to ask if the claimant wanted the DLA file to be used along with the evidence within it.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Yes you can still request a copy of it, it's PIP you need to ring.
  • dignifieddoll
    dignifieddoll Online Community Member Posts: 52 Connected
    Thank you poppy 
  • niknoo
    niknoo Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Saracen said:
    Hi niknoo
    Read my post I was extremly lucky rang for mine and had following morning rang friday at 4.00pm had saturday at 11am .
    Best wishes and hope ur are successful mate.
    I’m going to ring tomorrow. Will keep you updated. Thanks :) xx