Would you rather...
oh wow that's a tough one... I think maybe no potatoes.
Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef?
0 -
As good a reason as ever
I think weekly would be better.Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?
1 -
I'm not religious, but I'd say Jesus.
Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night?
0 -
be famous of be a millionaire?0 -
A millionaire, I would not wish to be famous.
Would you rather have an unlimited supply of petrol or an unlimited supply of batteries?0 -
Ooh that's a tricky one I was going to say batteries because I loved to play with them when I was younger but with petrol it makes us more independent.
Be able to go out but be confined to a wheelchair or be able to walk but be housebound?0 -
out and wheelchair.
Would you rather always have B.O. and not know it or always smell B.O. on everyone else?0 -
Would you rather communicate only in emoji or never be able to text at all ever again?
0 -
That's a really difficult one. I tried to think how I'd reply to it in emoji but couldn't.
I suppose it is better to have an option rather than never be able to do anything, so only in emoji.
Would you rather wear a hat all year round, or wear gloves all year round?0 -
Definitely hat
wear a hat or be bald?0 -
Wear a hat.
Would you rather never be able to use salt or everything was just a little bit too salty?0 -
Never use salt
Would you rather live in your dream house or own your dream car?0 -
dream house
would you rather be on holiday all year round, or never be able to go on holiday?0 -
tough one that.. I love my meat, but if that's all I could eat, I might get bored of it. Whereas if I could eat only plants, there's a ton of variety.. hmmm...
would you rather always have to eat a cooked meal or only ever be able to eat cold food?0 -
Would you rather, have to always watch something new or always watch something made ten years prior?0 -
new i think
would you rather live 500 years ago or 500 years into the future?0 -
on here
would you rather live in a place where they have complete darkness all year round, or a place where it never gets dark?0 -
Live in the city or the coast0 -
Would you rather sleep all day and be awake all night, or only be able to sleep in 1 hour bursts?0 -
Sleep all day, pretty much my routine atm.
Would you rather it be sunny all day every day but too hot, or rain every day but be just the right temperature?0