Too young for Bungalow

Diana50 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited September 2018 in Housing and independent living
Hi I have severe emphysema . I have frequent escerbation due to damp. OT has said I need adapted living and to be rehoused. They wont move to 2 bed house as they say its unsuitable so a flat. yet many flats arent suitable either. I have a 12 yr old complex needs boy too. only adapted I can see to bid on they say im too young. Ive been awarded silver medium medical priority yet my consultant said I should be high priority as i need the aids . any advice on this age thing plz ? I cant carry on living life like this my disease quickly progressing ill be dead in less than 2 yrs and quite frankly scares me to death.


  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Hi, sorry I have no expertise to offer,  but couldnt read your post without replying as you sound like it's such a hard time. 

    I clicked as we're thinking about bungalow....  Stairs are evil. We wondered about age issue. 

    Have you called the scope helpline as they helped me with stuff I didn't know about. They were really lovely and number is free.  

  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    @DebbieVoakes can you offer any advice?

  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hello @Diana50,

    It's sometimes possible to get the housing provider to exercise discretion and allow people who are younger to bid for properties which are only available for people over the age of 55/60. This can vary considerably though and I suspect that this option will not apply to you because you have a dependent child living with you.

    I would be happy to look into this a little bit more with you but I need some more information from you. If you don't feel comfortable sharing information in public, feel free to contact me at the helpline. I can gather some further information from you and carry out some research on your behalf. If you're not in the right priority group it can be a much longer wait for suitable accommodation. We could explore if you are in the right priority group and if not, you can ask to be reassessed; or if the decision was quite recent, you might be able to challenge that decision. It's quite complicated and each local authority has the power to make housing allocations based on local supply and demand. 

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    Best wishes
  • Jondaw
    Jondaw Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Don't know if it's of any help but have you tried HomeSwapper ? it's the national home swap and house exchange service for social housing tenants.
  • Diana50
    Diana50 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi Debbie I will contact helpline tomorrow. Johndaw my flat is extremely damp no one would wish to exchange for it lol 
  • connie
    connie Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    hi im 51 as the lady earlier im often too young for a bungalow i get to bid on about 5 out of rather a lot i begin at front of queue and end up last form was filled in while ago so i imagine docs got a form from them too, i was put on band c which aint great but better than some i suppose i really need a bungalow in the area im in now as my daughter is my carer and she has a baby to look after so going further away she couldnt manage ( she is only 17)  i have quite a few things wrong with me  diabetes arthritis fibromyalgia  nd a few others ( need putting down i think) neuropathy in hands and feet tho hands are the worst struggle to do most things nowadays because of them including holding my grandaughter (gutted) i get lots of dizzy spells i have fallen downstairs 3 times in just over a year only went docs about the first time as i had badly hurt my foot other times i had to get my daughters b/f to pick me up (embarrassing) my left hip also likes to give way on me and is painful to walk on i also have knee trouble tbh i dont know which caused me to fall if it was thu going dizzy or something giving way,  i have a mobility scooter to get around on to local shops or to my sons both close by me and the only other time i go out is for appointments at hospitals . I live in my bedroom at home as i find it difficult and im a little scared of a fall that is going to put me in hospital, i suffer with depression off and on good days and bad days most of the time  i just need to move so i can at least have my life back a place where i can move to all of the rooms with no fear they say a downstairs flat is ok but i couldnt take the noise as noise makes my head feel like it is gonna explode i came downstairs on xmas day as my son and his family visited and within a minute i was back to my room because of all the chatting they were doin just too much i felt awful i sobbed my heart out tbh and if was a relief when they went home and even bigger relief was when my daughter and her b/f and baby went to his mothers  i hate myself for how my illness has effected me but between the painand everything else i am really at the end of my tether oh and my docs are no help at all sorry for rant guys .. oh and on the bungalows i can get if someone over 60 wants it they come first and a lot of over 60s are in better health than me sometimes disabilites should come before age shouldnt it or is that just wishful thinking on my part 
  • joannegilbert42
    joannegilbert42 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi I'm 42 and I am currently living in my ex husbands house the father of my 18year old daughter. As my daughter has now turned 18 he wishes us to move from the house. I am now remarried and we have been on the council list since 2016. They are only sending us flats to bid on on second floor level which is a nightmare as I have 5 cats and have MS. I don't understand why they won't let me bid on bungalows as my health is deteoriating. Also I suffer with anxiety and depression and moving into a flat is really worrying me as I hate being closed in. Sorry to moan ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Hi I'm 42 and I am currently living in my ex husbands house the father of my 18year old daughter. As my daughter has now turned 18 he wishes us to move from the house. I am now remarried and we have been on the council list since 2016. They are only sending us flats to bid on on second floor level which is a nightmare as I have 5 cats and have MS. I don't understand why they won't let me bid on bungalows as my health is deteoriating. Also I suffer with anxiety and depression and moving into a flat is really worrying me as I hate being closed in. Sorry to moan ?

    The reason you can't have a bungalow will be your age, unfortunately. Ground floor flats can sometimes be quite large and have their own gardens, especially if it's a converted house.
  • Ashley6f
    Ashley6f Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    I have a 2 bed house and as others have stated live a lot of the time up stairs I fell quite badly last October and was shipped off to hospital from that the doctor the hospital occ Thearpy and the councils own advisor have stated that I need to be rehoused in a bungalow a year on I have priority 2 for waiting in bungalow but it is very rare they come up for people under 55 my partner is 57 but they said that is not good enough we both have to be 55 I’m only 52. My housing came to see me about a bungalow the other day joy was short lived it was in an old people’s complex and you have to ask permission to decorate and allow wardens to come in my home even if I am not there I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall have been told that I am near the top of the list now but I can go 6 weeks at a time without being able to bid on a property because of my age it is a disgrace in this day and age that this should be happening. They have said on tv that social housing is getting a lump of money to build more social  housing but my housing said that what they do not say is that them money is going into housing that you buy 50% and pay rent on the other half of the house and not for rented properties what is the use of that how is that meant to help the disabled? Something needs to be done like the last lady said that bungalows should be given to them in need not aged related