Complaint Against Capita Assessors Report - Conclusion



  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Online Community Member Posts: 230 Empowering
    When I originally applied for PIP I really did not understand the process at all ( I certainly don't claim to be an expert about it now) and I failed with my application. The DWP decision letter I received explaining why I had so few points also said I could apply for Mandatory Reconsideration. Again, not fully understanding the process, I applied and failed. The whole thing took months and months! It really was a draining process and bitterly disappointing.
     It took me over a year to try and apply for PIP again. This time I tried to understand it more which for me personally took hours and hours on the internet and pages of notes, highlight pens and sticky notes as well as waking up in the middle of the night with lightbulb moments. It became all consuming and sent me a little crazy.
    But this time when applying, I had learned that I could ask for a copy of the assessment report after my phone assessment and before it went to the DWP Decision Maker. 
    By the time the assessment report reached me, DWP had already received their copy and made a decision. I was successfully awarded PIP,  but again, there seemed to be a big difference between my statements and the DWP decision/award letter. 
    Because this time I had  the assessment report, I was able to pick it apart, highlight information not included and point out  discrepancies and contradictions.
    I applied for a Mandatory Reconsideration not knowing if i would be awarded additional points or loose my award entirely. This again all took months and was very stressful. Thankfully I was successful with the MR.
    I'm waffling on, but from my experience, I wasn't even aware I could get a copy of the assessment report soon after my assessment and before it went to the DWP Decision Maker, until finding that out on the internet. And that assessment report was quite shocking!!
    At the time, I did not think to make a complaint about the assessor. I was more relieved the process was over and totally drained. 
    On reflection, I should have complained, simply because of the impact that one assessor can have on numerous people in writing inadequate and incorrect reports.
    I personally think the whole process of applying for PIP is designed to wear you down, be unclear and to put people under enormous stress.