Cooking, or not. How do you eat?

whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

Although PIP gave me 2 points as I cannot use a cooker. I still said that you do not need a cooker anyway.

A meal might have been considered to be meat and two veg. But it's 2024, you can buy and choose to eat healthy or not without cooking the meat on the cooker.

The majority of food these days is capable of going in the microwave. I am having Pilau rice tonight and I haven't tried this one before, so it might be yuk.

You can get takeaways, but that is the most expensive way of doing it. Wiltshire Farm Foods isn't too bad actually, they do have a cheap £2.99 range.

You can buy a chicken already cooked, which I still think is likely cheaper than fresh/frozen and the cost of coming out yourself.

But the frozen meals these days from the supermarket are very competitive and a lot better than years gone by!



  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,184 Trailblazing

    Slow cookers and air fryers are very good.

    Also sandwich toasters.

    You can use frozen veg which is actually quite economical because its already prepared and you can minimise waste.

    I find instant mash a good thing to keep as its so quick and easy and you only mix up what you need.

  • JennieWren
    JennieWren Online Community Member Posts: 31 Empowering

    my husband cooks for me. I can’t lift, bend or stand up for periods of time. If he’s not here it’s cereal, toast, etc on better days I can part fill the kettle plastic cup by plastic cup and the electric tin opener is fab so I can do hot dogs, soup etc. TBH I don’t know what I’d do without him. How he manages the house, garden, me, a full time job and several part time ones is beyond me.

  • Freesia123
    Freesia123 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor

    As luvpink said above air fryers are good. Much cheaper than putting an electric oven on. I buy a tray of chicken thighs for £2.80 Aldi and I can get 3 meals out of that for myself. (As there was about 10 thighs in my last tray)

    I also use the microwave for heating up soups or beans etc.

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,435 Championing

    They always say go with your worst so I would say what you struggle with the most when you are cooking. So for me it would be chopping vegetables, tiredness and not being able to take stuff out the oven.

    In terms of appliances I would recommend a slow cooker because it's better for the environment and it saves you some money because you will be using less energy.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    I can go all day without eating drinking also I have to do everything before I eat that might be doing noting but I'm still thinking of doing something or could be all day house cleaning throwing everything out and at end of day will grab something easy noodles bread I don't like alot of foods I order all nice I call it normal food but I throw out I never eat it just quick and easy baige food my daughter always has a go at me

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,746 Championing

    I love the slow cooker it's good for tough meats, cooks itself.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,184 Trailblazing

    I have an electric tin opener and a jar opener.

    Both gadgets make life easier for me.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing
    edited November 2024

    My large slow cooker is my favourite appliance - it roasts, steams, cooks anything but must be hand-washed and is heavy. Exceptionally cheap, pennies to roast a whole chicken for example. Doesn't need constant attention and minimises smells and steam in the kitchen. The little one is used for puddings.

    These meals keep me fed for days!

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    The tin opener is a godsend. The factory puts the lid on. I don't think they give a thought to removing at the other end!

  • ocean
    ocean Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor


    I have never used an electric tin opener for thoughtI might give that a go one day

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 887 Trailblazing

    I'm solo & only eat one meal a day, plus I low carb, so always cook from fresh. Oven style air fryers are brilliant & the only oven I have. To cut down on cleaning & washing up, I line recycled foil trays with non stick foil whether cooking meat or a bit of veg, season & let it do its thing. I also have two free standing induction plates, very quick to bring anything to a boil, so no needless, painful standing around.

    I also have a slow cooker, a small one meal size that will be coming out to play as the weather chills, which will be soon. I have an electric tin opener as well, but have never got on with it, thankfully, now, I only eat tinned fish & they have ring pulls, I have a little plastic hook & pull thing for them. Gadgets or necessities, gotta be the latter!

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    I am not old so would feel/do feel embarrassed that I cannot use the cooker safely.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 754 Empowering

    avocado & beer & icecream👍️


  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    I think if you have an unseen condition people are judgemental. I did have an accident resulting in my conditions, but for the most part I look "fine"

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,184 Trailblazing

    I think you are right because I have unseen conditions and even my friends don't understand why I get unwell so much.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    Me to I always do hair makeup but that's a mask cannot be seen without it in relationships I try to act propley but then I have meltdowns vlow hot cold finish with them then want them back get jealous makes me ill I constantly worry more in relationships also friendships give everything then hold it all in amd when they don't seem to care I have meltdowns also when working I cant stand the fakeness I can really dislike people and if I don't want to do something I find it impossible to do so was always calling in sick at work I used to be up all night vomiting shaking with fear

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Me and my partner have been trying to batch cook a lot more. We've both been struggling a bit lately, so we were too often ending our work day and being too tired to properly cook. So now we both take one day where we are both off to cook a large italian bolognese, chilli, or curry and split them into meal sizes then freeze them. So if we are having one of those days where we feel too fatigued or tired to cook we can just heat one of those up

  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 762 Trailblazing

    @paddy1 I thought your post was terrific - it would be really good if most people shared and cared. I used to feed an elderly lady. She didn't pay me as such but always gave me a few glasses of wine and a few spondoolies when I went on holiday so I could have a drink on the plane plus I got a little spoilt at Xmas. But it was the social aspect that was the most important thing. She was very lonely.

    For myself, I have always batched cook ever since I was young and energetic. These days I have to batch cook. I have to sit and cook, and I find it is better to cook a large amount of something and freeze it in portions. I rely heavily on my microwave that is quite advanced and my mini oven air fryer. I have an electric steamer and a large slow cooker although I don't really like slow cooked food - the veg loses all its taste and is mushy and meat tends to dry out and be stringy. I cook meat by the sous vide method, and I find it excellent. Old fashioned cooking using ovens and hobs is really out of the equation for me. I do however buy a lot of ready meals provided they can be micro-waved!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    II'm The same I won't eat all day until I've done things I need to do ie house clean or sit in trance all day I won't eat for hours and also I eat same food all time I waste money buying food I think I'd like to eat but end up letting them go by sale date so throw out or I just don't want to eat on the day the amount of food I've given my neighbour is unreal I always have salad but it has to have pineapple melon croutons if I forget to buy croutons I have meltdown also red onion hazelnuts beetroot pomegranate pizza hut cesar sauce I used to drink lattes until I read every satchet has 300 calories I was having 4 a day ?? So now I'm addicted to milky tea also ribera and I used to love milkshakes gave then up I like drinks more than food not alcohol anymore I have ice cube machine and everyday I have drinks with ice cubes no matter the weather I eat alot of beige food when go shopping with daughter she's all healthy food and mines all beige or snacky food I'm a terrible food shopper