The Cost of Cuts



  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering

    Will the changes to LCWRA affect those who already receive it, I can't afford to have mine cut, it goes a long way towards my rent? Will it be what the tories proposed with most changes to U.C only affecting new claimants who will be on a different rate for LCWRA in the future, unless looking for work? It's all very worrying and stressful not knowing or understanding properly what's happening and being proposed. Again the media last night revelled in the leaked announcements making already ill and disabled people even worse, it nearly causes me a mental breakdown worrying about all this, if I lose anymore money, especially from my LCWRA I'll end up homeless and destitute.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 814 Championing
    edited March 8

    There is a chance it will only apply to new claimants, we need to wait and see. But my guess would be it will apply from a specific date to everyone as its a payment adjustment, like e.g. the annual uprate freeze typically applies to everyone. I also could be wrong on the total amount being lower, it is possible they might cut to match the base increase which would keep the net amount the same, but the way I have interpreted the statement, makes me think it will be a net cut. But I dont think these exact details have been released yet. Probably will be by the end of March. I kind of dont want to post, because I dont want to be causing people stress. I think its a wait and see to know exactly what is going on.

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 25 Empowering

    I am worried if they cut LCWRA which I was awarded 2 months ago it reduced my transitional protection by £416 per month that they won't then reimplement my transitional protection by the amount they reduce LCWRA to. I only migrated over to UC four months ago so I will lose out in a big way if they cut LCWRA and then refuse to give me back my transitional protection. My daughter is battling acute leukaemia atm and I am already at my wits end being disabled myself and worrying for her life and now this extra stress on top of it. It just feels as if the straw that broke the camels back for me.

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering

    I really hope someone like Ellen Clifford takes them back to court over these cuts, why are we being singled out as the ones who are the problem? How does cutting sick/disabled peoples income help them in any way, either, mentally, physically, financially , or help them into work if they can or wish to? It's obvious by the language this government is using they don't like the sick, vulnerable, and disabled and see us as a burden on society and an easy target just to get finances straight, which we had nothing to do with in the first place!! I thought there was some kind of law in the ECHR stating you can't make disabled people poorer than than already are that would impact their health in a detrimental way, which these cuts would do. I'm sure other people on here are better equipt to comment on the whole human rights thing, it's just something previously mentioned a while ago on here I read when the tories were in power with their evil plans too.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 814 Championing
    edited March 8

    I think this is a good point, my original assumption was that TP would be increased to compensate for already migrated people, but now thinking it over again, I think the amount of TP is set during the first statement period only and can only erode after that point, not increase (unless an error is fixed) so would only be higher for new migrations after the change. This potentially hurts people who migrated earlier more than later migrations as I think the cut will only apply to UC not legacy ESA.

  • FeistyPigeon
    FeistyPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 291 Empowering

    I don't think I for one could be mistaken as misty-eyed over Labour Michael, I'm well aware they're carrying on with the tory agenda (as I've said before).

  • FeistyPigeon
    FeistyPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 291 Empowering

    Just doing a short strut with beak held proudly + freshly preened feathers ; )))

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,498 Championing
  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering
  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,372 Championing

    II'm So sorry for all your going through this is so not on my thoughts are they cannot just cut like that I wish you all the best

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering

    There are people posting things on other threads on here which really are not helping with peoples anxiety and mental health issues. I'm not talking about the helpful advice some give about these changes, but some that post unhelpful links from YouTube, Financial Times, Birmingham Live, and now Itv/Peston. I know these people posting such comments are trying to help but such media channels don't have our best interests at heart, and are prone to scaremongering and clickbait for profit when you click on their links.

    I'm only posting this after seeing one such post on another thread(not this one) but one set up by Scope this morning after the original was stopped due to inaccurate posts on it, Scope even put a post saying what they know so far about the proposed cuts, to try put peoples minds at ease as much as possible. One such post absolutely terrified me with a link to ITV/Peston with a screenshot of what they think could be happening with LCWRA elements and how it could be scored differently to make it harder to claim.

    It showed examples of asking if you can turn the page of a book, or press a key on a phone or keyboard, if you could read where a fire exit was etc to make it more unlikely you would be eligible for LCWRA. Why is posting such nonsense helpful to people on here wanting correct information, genuine help, or just reassurance, especially when nobody actually knows exactly what these new proposals will be until the green paper is published in a couple of weeks(or earlier)? I get that everyone is stressed out and wants answers right now, but the truth is, we don't know, neither do the media, it's all just this could happen, or so and so said this on tv, or I heard this today!!

    I'm not telling anyone how to post on here, just please be a bit more mindful of certain links which unintentionally cause distress, there are people (like myself) who are more prone to stress, self harm, and other personal issues, and it makes us worse seeing such speculative 'news' .

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,498 Championing
    edited March 11


    If these posts trigger you its best to avoid them because some members will inevitably post


    I don't think they intend to cause distress to anyone.

    They are trying to be helpful and clutching at any piece of information they find albeit true or false.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey @charlie72 I understand that it's quite a turbulent and stressful time right now, so please look after yourself. Sometimes taking a step back from social media for a few days can be a great thing to do. we're trying to contain all the speculation posts about the possible changes to one main discussion, so as not to cause undue stress to anyone wanting to avoid it.
    It sounds like we may not get any official news until next week now, but once official news is out, Scope will of course be giving a statement.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 806 Trailblazing

    Anyone watching pmq one labour mp,and Ed davey have said it's wrong , he just saying they inherited a mess under the tories

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,498 Championing
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 814 Championing

    It will be forever 22 billion of missing money and blame the past government.

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 282 Empowering

    Yes, Starmer twice refused to answer "will some disabled people currently on disability benefits who cannot work have their benefits cut?" Just rabbitted on about principles and protection for people who really need it.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 806 Trailblazing

    The transport secretary on BBC 2 refused to say if our money would be cut. Just said about young people and those who want to work . Its Rachel from accounts fault raising ni , that business go bust. My cat can do the sums better

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    In my personal opinion, I think it's right that they don't say if the money's being cut or not until everything is ready to be put on the table in front of us, otherwise it'll just lead to more panic.

    Honestly, I don't think anything should have been said until the time was right, and all the potential leaks have done is terrify people more. It even seems like the government are panicking a bit now and that's when mistakes happen.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 814 Championing
    edited March 12

    On the other hand with no leak, the government would not be adding this safe guard that the pressure has forced them to do. The Labour MP meeting would never have happened with no leak, the back benchers only knew about it because of the leak.