advice please - messy family situation after mum's death
Hi This is my first time posting. I'm honestly not sure what section to post to because it combines family, money and benefits, if it doesn't belong here I apologise and will remove it. Also apologies for the length in advance. It's a messy situation I'm in, mostly financial but I'm putting a bit of backstory (sorry).…
EHCP & Home Education
Hi there, I'm just curious to see if anyone has any experience getting an EHCP for a home-educated child? My son has ADHD and high-functioning ASD, no matter who I ask or what Google searches I do, I can't find any guidance on what to expect from an EHCP in this circumstance. Thank you.
Rationale for specialist school preference
Hi all, we have to submit our school preference to our local authority and my son's case worker has suggested we add the rationale for choosing a specialist school. Has anyone done this before and got the school they wanted? If you did, what did you say in your rationale? Many thanks, Ana.
Second School appeal + education
Hi, I need a bit of advice over appeal. I did in year application transfer for my son to another secondary school. There were not places available at the time of application. My son was added to waiting list. I wanted to apply under medical and social reasons but my son was on a waiting list to psychologist for so I didn’t…
Parent with hearing loss
Hi all I have moderate hearing loss and when I take my hearing aids out at night I can't hear if my 3 year old daughter is crying I felt awful one night as she'd been screaming and fell asleep near her gate my neighbour heard her this was about 3am I had a monitor that vibrated but because I had to have it plugged in all…
Turning 18 parental rights & social services
My child is currently under children’s disability social care and is moving onto adult social care. They called me today to say that when she turns 18 I lose parental rights. As she is very high needs (3 to 1 care) and unable to communicate they may wish to place her in a residential care home as they can’t find agency…
Hi, my name is Maylavinia! Needing help regarding a legal struggle.
Who looks after or represents a person who is SEN with regards to finance? My brother died and left a will as me as executor. Majority was left to his younger son who has Downs Syndrome. My brother’s ex wife produced a will, which was made just a few days before his death. My brother had brain cancer and couldn’t even…
Hitting issues
Hello my girlfriends son has a chromosome deletion. He is 7 he can walk but is non verbal. He can communicate by doing certain signs and is very active! He can be quite a handful some days and it is very difficult.I have two kids off my own what come and stay with us every weekend. One boy who is 3 and one girl who is 5.…
Hi, my name is MarieE2020! Possible ASD child wont sleep. Any advice please?
Hi there my daughter is currently being assessed as she has a speech delay and has so many signs of ASD. I am having difficulties getting her to sleep, she keeps running up and down crying, I am not sure what seems to trigger her, I do not really understand the senosry overload. She also wakes up crying like she is…
Just tired and needed to let off steam. Adult son (19) has epilepsy. It's getting worse - he's had to leave university as can't live away and wasn't in local one. Is back home but seizures getting worse - now 2am and I've just dealt with another one as he's usually has then when sleeping. he wears a wrist alert but must…
Hi, my name is TJH_Fields69! Daughter transitioning to adult services
Hello there. I'm not sure how much I will use this resource but thought I should sign up, I am naturally quite private but there comes a time when everyone needs to vent. My daughter, currently transitioning to adult services, has been under S-CAMHS for a number of years. She was prescribed fluoxetine aged 14 and that…
Son with autism, adhd, pediatric anxiety, pica, sensory processing disorders
Single mom age 43, son with autism level 2, non verbal, adhd non attentive, pediatric anxiety, pica, sensory processing disorders very large in size age 9. Main concern for me is he never leaves the house, We need to live not just exist. In our area of Northern Nevada we have limited community resources, no friends and…
Need some advice
My partners daughter who is 7 has cerebral palsy and recently has had a growth spurt making her leg muscles very stiff and painful. We are waiting for physiotherapy but is there anything else we can do to help her.
NHS in 2023
My Dad - aged 91 has spent the last 5 days in hospital after a major bowel operationHe was moved to a normal ward, yesterday after spending the first 4 days in High dependancyHere is the ward that he was in last night - a corridor - along with another 4 beds A total lack of privacy and decency..as well as lack of toilet…
Looking into applying to be a Deputy for my son under Court of Protection. Are there disadvantages?
I'm looking into applying to be a Deputy for my son, under the Court of Protection process. My son is 50. And I'd be pleased to hear about the experience of other parents who have gone down this route. I can see the advantage of being legally seen as a decision maker but (along with the rather hefty fees, upfront and…
My son has autism and I can't get him to leave t he house anymore. It's affecting all of us
Hi looking for some advice please have a 7 year boy with high functioning autism i cant get him to leave the house anymore its the school holidays now so my other children are seriously missing out there all just trapped in the house all the time i have no help desperately needing advice im a single parent with no support…
Hi, my name is DeafBlindMom! I was reading about the child who is ripping her clothes
Hey Everyone, I'm new here. I was reading about the child who is ripping her clothes. My child does a similar thing. She is 18, DeafBlind, and has CHARGE Syndrome. She is very autistic like in most of her behaviors and functions at about a kindergarten level. She is nonverbal. She communciates behaviorally and with basic…
Discover the work of the National Bobath Cerebral Palsy Centre
Did you know Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the leading physical disability of childhood? Here at The National Bobath Cerebral Palsy Centre, we are proud to be at the forefront of CP treatment and training in the UK, with over 65 years of knowledge and experience. Learning more about the condition means you’ll be better able to…
Are You A Carer?
Do you
care for someone with a disability they were born with or developed in their
childhood? Is the person you care for at least 40 years old
and of Black or Black Mixed Heritage? We
would love to interview you and hear about your experience of caring for a
Black person with a lifelong disability and ageing well.…
Shoes that fit orthotics ? Help!!
My son got his Foot Orthotics today, I haven’t a clue how he will ever be able to wear shoes?! There so big and bulky? What do you buy for your children? He is only 2.5 years old so small feet x