Are You A Carer?

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,718 Cerebral Palsy Network

Do you care for someone with a disability they were born with or developed in their childhood?

Is the person you care for at least 40 years old and of Black or Black Mixed Heritage?

We would love to interview you and hear about your experience of caring for a Black person with a lifelong disability and ageing well.


Interviews should take no longer than 90 mins

Your views shared during the interview will help us better understand what it is like caring for a Black adult with a lifelong disability as they get older.

This project has been reviewed by the University of Surrey ref:  FHMS 22-23 214 EGA

If you wish to participate, you will be given a £30 Amazon voucher on completion of the study as a thank you for your time.

For further information, questions and participation please contact Emily Oputa at